Title: RAND PARK HIGH Annual General Meeting
1RAND PARK HIGHAnnual General Meeting
- Welcome and Apologies
- Previous Minutes and matters arising
- Chairmans Report
- Principals Report
- 2012 Audited Financials
- Overview of 2013
- Proposed 2014 Budget
- Resolutions
- General
3Chairmans Report
4Principals report
5Financial Reporting
6Overview of 2012 Audited Financials
Fees Income R 25 863 779
Other Income R 2 173 036
Expenses -R 24 853 380
Capital Expenditure -R 2 613 121
(Loss) / Profit R 570 315
72013 Year end Forecast
- Income R 29 164 712 Budget R 28 680 021
- Expenditure R 29 261 246
- Budget R 28 638 041
- Operating Loss (96 534)
- Profit Budget R 41 980
8Review of 2013 Income
- 2013 Forecasted Income R 29 164 712
- School Fees R 27 319 881
- GDE Funds R 757 500
- Squires Fund Raising R 554 414
- Other Income R 532 917
9Review of 2013 Expenses
- 2013 Forecasted Expenditure R29 261 246
10Capex Outlay 2013
- The Capex items were R1 928 630
- Buildings R 340 000
- Upgrading of Consumer Centers R 700 000
- Cricket Field upgrade R 350 000
- Hockey Field seating R 84 104
- Desks Chairs R 71 000
- IT Equipment R 325 000
- Fitness Equipment R 58 526
11Security Guard Hut
12Shade Covers at the Pool Area
14Roof mounted data projectors
15Consumer Centres
16Consumer Centres
17Security Cameras
18Learner Lockers
19Prefab maintenance
20Pavilion Ceilings
21Seating at Hockey Field
22Cricket Nets
23School Enrolment
- 2012 1510
- 2013 1500
- 2014 1500
24Staff summary
Principal 1 1
Deputy Principals 2 2 4
Heads of Department 8 6 14
Teachers 41 22 63
Administrative Staff 4 12 16
Support Staff 7 12 19
Total 63 54 117
252014 Budget
- The budget covers
- The cost of maintaining the level of education
offered to the learners by the school - All operational, security, maintenance, staff
remuneration and capex expenses - The Role of the School Governing body is to
review and support the budget setting - The Parent body approves the annual budget
262014 Budget setting
- To ensure Rand Park High remains a competitive
and sought-after public school, in all aspects. - The need to retain quality educators in the
school and ensure manageable class sizes - The need to improve and introduce the best
practice in the field of technology and
infrastructure - Compliance with the South African Schools Act
- Continued maintenance and upgrading of the school
272014 Budget Objectives
- Income must exceed expenditure
- Ensure the quality of education is maintained and
improved - Offer a balanced range of learning and other
activities - Maintain the best practice in the field of
technology and infrastructures - The need for expenditure to run the school
effectively - Maintain a secure, safe and clean environment
- Adequate equipment to meet the school operational
28Key factors for 2014 Budget setting
- Learner enrollment numbers
- Payment of fees exemption and bad debt ratios
- The lack of funding from the Government in
respect of exemptions and bad debts - Limited income from the Government
- Salary budget is critical to pupil/educator ratio
and distinguishes our school from many other
schools - School fees to cover all essential educational
and operational expenses - Expenditure is limited to funds collected
- Cutting fees will result in a reduction in
facilities, teaching staff, choice of subjects
and extra-murals
29Summary of Proposed 2014 Budget
- School Fee Income R 29 815 830
- Other Income R 1 884 880
- Total Income R 31 700 710
- Expenditure R 31 633 879
- Surplus R 66 831
30Expenditure summary
2013 Budget 2013 Forecast 2014 Budget
ADMIN EDAIDS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE - ROOF PR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SECURITY TECHNICAL SUPPORT R 1 025 685 R 553 960 R 1 993 923 - R 48 900 R 942 329 R 1 700 193 R 1 436 449 R 878 609 R 1 053 436 R 553 960 R 1 993 923 - R 80 400 R 942 329 R 1 700 193 R 1 436 449 R 879 912 R 1 102 792 R 599 852 R 2 165 263 R 160 000 R 103 000 R 997 296 R 1 812 497 R 1 504 680 R 940 838 cont
31Expenditure summary
2013 Budget 2013 Forecast 2014 Budget
CULTURAL SPORTS SPORTS - CAPEX TRANSPORT EVENT CO-ORDINATION SALARIES CAPEX CONTINGENCY R 209 150 R 481 240 - R 548 986 R 346 626 R 17 045 991 R 1 176 000 R 250 000 R 209 150 R 488 625 - R 548 986 R 349 262 R 16 845 991 R 1 928 630 R 250 000 R 166 450 R 568 980 R 336 050 R 579 639 R 369 120 R 18 607 422 R 1 370 000 R 250 000
TOTALS R 28 638 041 R 29 261 246 R 31 633 879
32 2014 Proposed Capex
- Main Items
- New Tractor
- Upgrading staff village ablution facilities
- Replacement of IT equipment
- Possible Fitness Centre
- Upgrade Labs to the latest Delphi version
33- Proposed 2014
- School Fees
34School Fees
- No school can operate successfully if
inadequately funded. The primary reason for
deteriorating standards in some schools is the
relatively low level of funding to these schools - Historically our fees have fallen into the same
general bracket as Northcliff, Bryanston,Fourways,
Hyde Park and Parktown Girls. - We are typically more expensive than schools like
Allen Glen, Ferndale and Roosevelt. - Our fees are significantly lower than private
schools like Trinityhouse, Aurora and St
Stithians. -
- .
35Local School Fees
2013 2014 Increase
Allen Glen Ferndale Roosevelt Fourways RAND PARK Parktown Girls Bryanston Northcliff Hyde Park Greenside Parktown Boys Trinity Aurora St Stithians 16 350 14 100 16 104 25 800 (Gr8) 24 800 (Gr9-12) 24 680 26 150 27 650(Gr8-9) 26 700 (Gr10-12) 28 000 (Gr8) 26 500 (Gr9-12) 28 500 (Gr8/New) - 26 000(Gr9-12) 25 000 30 900 64 900(Gr8-9) 68 500(Gr10-12) 58 488 97 206 18 000 (tablet excl) or 20 000 (tablet inc) 15 000 17 200 28 380 (Gr8) - 27 280 (Gr9-12) ????????????? 28 372 30 000(Gr8-9) 28 969 (Gr10-12) 30 240 (Gr8) 28 620 (Gr9-12) 30 922 (Gr8\New) 28 210 (Gr9 12) 26 250 33 526 64 336 106 926 1 650 / 3 650 900 1 096 2 580 / 2 480 2 222 2 350 / 1 996 2 240 / 2 120 2 422 1 250 2 626 5 848 9 720
36Proposed Fee Structure
- 2014 School fees proposed as
- Gr 8 R27 400
- Gr 9 12 R26 900
- New Learners R500 (additional)
- Incentives offered for early payment
- Debit order arrangement
37Local School Fees
2013 2014 Increase
Allen Glen Ferndale Roosevelt Fourways RAND PARK Parktown Girls Bryanston Northcliff Hyde Park Greenside Parktown Boys Trinity Aurora St Stithians 16 350 14 100 16 104 25 800 (Gr8) 24 800 (Gr9-12) 24 680 26 150 27 650(Gr8-9) 26 700 (Gr10-12) 28 000 (Gr8) 26 500 (Gr9-12) 28 500 (Gr8/New) - 26 000(Gr9-12) 25 000 30 900 64 900(Gr8-9) 68 500(Gr10-12) 58 488 97 206 18 000 (tablet excl) or 20 000 (tablet inc) 15 000 17 200 28 380 (Gr8) - 27 280 (Gr9-12) 27 400 (Gr8) 26 900 (Gr9-12) 28 372 30 000(Gr8-9) 28 969 (Gr10-12) 30 240 (Gr8) 28 620 (Gr9-12) 30 922 (Gr8\New) 28 210 (Gr9 12) 26 250 33 526 64 336 106 926 1 650 / 3 650 900 1 096 2 580 / 2 480 2 720 / 2 220 2 222 2 350 / 1 996 2 240 / 2 120 2 422 1 250 2 626 5 848 9 720
38Fees Policy
- Fees are levied in terms of The South African
Schools Act 84 of 1996 section 38 and 39. - In terms of Section 40 parents have a legal
obligation to pay school fees. The school do not
have to enter into a contract with parents to pay
school fees. - School fees is a statutory obligation, which a
learners parents must pay and the parents
(married, unmarried or divorced) are jointly and
severally liable unless and to the extent of them
being exempted. - The governing body may by process of law enforce
the payment of school fees by parents who are
liable to pay in terms of The South African
Schools Act 84 of 1996 section 40. - The governing body will follow Section 41 (5)
when initiating legal action to enforce the
payment of school fees.
39Exemption Policy
- Exemption from School Fees are available to
qualifying parents in terms of The South African
Schools Act 84 of 1996 section 39. - Exemptions are granted as stipulated in the
Exemption Regulation Gazette no. 29311 dated 13
October 2006. - Parents who wish to be exempted from the payment
of school fees must apply annually to the SGB. - The income of both parents irrespective of their
marital situation or the maintenance agreement
are used in the calculation of exemption. A
maintenance agreement cannot be enforced on a
third party being the school. - Exemptions are funded from school fees.
40Payment Methods
- 10 Discount for doing so
- Gr 8 Payment by 31 January 2014 R24 660
- Gr 9 to Gr 12 Payment by 31 January 2014 R24
210 - Alternative monthly payment plans (January 2014
to October 2014) - Gr 8 Debit orders of R2 740
- Gr 9 to Gr 12 Debit orders of R2 690
- Gr 8 Cash or direct deposit of R2 740
- Gr 9 to Gr 12 Cash or direct deposit of R2 690
41Payment Methodscontinued
- Should alternative payment commitments fail to
be met or adhered to at ANY stage - THE FULL SCHOOL FEE AMOUNT WILL BECOME DUE AND
42Tours Camps 2014
- Planned Tours Camps for 2014
- 1st Team to Kwazulu-Natal during September
Holidays. - U14 team to Durban during September Holidays.
- 1st Team Boys to Port Elizabeth during September
Holidays. - 1st Team Girls to Port Elizabeth during
September Holidays. - Â
- 1st Team to Margate during March Holidays.
- U16 to Durban during March Holidays.
- U15 and Y16 to Brits during March Holidays
43Tours Camps 2014continued
- 1st Team Tour to Cape Town during March
Holidays. - U15, U16 and U17 tour to Margate during March
Holidays. - HOCKEY
- 1st Team Boys to Kwazulu-Natal during March
Holidays. - 1st Team Girls to Kwazulu-Natal during March
Holidays. - LEADERS CAMP
- Leaders camp during September.
- St. Lucia during the September Holidays
- Â
44Approval of Budget
- Budget as tabled proposed by School Governing
Body - To be approved by this meeting
45- Resolutions of the Parent Body present at the AGM
46Resolution 1
- That Rand Park High will be a fee paying public
47Resolution 2
- Rand Park High will offer the following education
programmes. - Grade 8 9 will follow the General Education and
Training programme - Grade 10, 11 12 will follow the Further
Education and Training programme - These programmes include the following
- All relevant learning area information and core
notes - All relevant educational speakers with relevant
information to the academic core syllabi -
48Resolution 2 cont
- Educational trips where specified as a compulsory
element of the specific learning area - Transport for pupils selected to represent RPHS
for the extra-curricular programme - Excluded from the programme are the following
- Text books
- Stationery
- All tours offered by the school outside the
compulsory excursion as stipulated by the
curriculum - School uniform
- Sports equipment and sports uniform
49Resolution 3
- The annual school fees for Rand Park High for the
year 2014 shall be - R27 400 per Gr8 learner
- R26 900 per Gr9 to Gr12 learner
50Resolution 4
- That certain extended payment dispensations will
be allowed, as presented and approved by the
finance committee, subject to the clear
understanding that should extended term payment
commitments fail to be met, all school fees will
become immediately due and payable
51Resolution 5
- The criteria and procedures to be applied for the
total, partial or conditional exemption from the
requirement to pay school fees, will be governed
by - The South African Schools Act 84 of 1996
- Exemption Regulations 18 October 2006
- National Norms and Standards for school funding
31 August 2006 (Gazette no 29179)
52Resolution 6
- That the Financial Budget for 2014 be accepted as
53Resolution 7
- That M Kruger Auditing Incorporated be
re-appointed as the auditors for Rand Park High
School for 2014
54Resolution 8
- That the Governing Body be authorised to make
adjustments to planned expenditure of both an
operating and a capital nature in order to meet
the needs of the School as they may arise from
time to time without needing to refer such
adjustments back to the Parent Body of the School
for prior approval
55Resolution 9
- The SGB is empowered to pay additional
remuneration to state employees to attract and /
or retain the best educators and staff and this
amount is included in the Budget for 2014 and is
to be submitted for approval by the Department of
Education in terms of Section 38a of the South
African Schools Act.
56Resolution 10
- Payment of School fees is a statutory obligation.
In order to enforce this all monies received by
the school will be allocated to outstanding
school fees.
57 58