Math 3121 Abstract Algebra I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Math 3121 Abstract Algebra I


Math 3121 Abstract Algebra I Lecture 14 Sections 15-16 Section 15: Factor Groups Examples of factor groups n m/ G1 G2/i1 (G1) and G1 G2/i2 (G2) 4 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Math 3121 Abstract Algebra I

Math 3121Abstract Algebra I
  • Lecture 14
  • Sections 15-16

Section 15 Factor Groups
  • Examples of factor groups
  • ZnZm/lt(0,1)gt
  • G1G2/i1 (G1) and G1G2/i2 (G2)
  • Z4Z6/lt(2,3)gt
  • Th Factor group of a cyclic group is cyclic
  • Th Factor group of a finitely generated group is
    finitely generated.
  • Def Simple groups
  • Alternating group An, for 5 n, is simple
    (exercise 39)
  • Preservation of normality via homomorphisms
  • Def Maximal normal subgroup
  • Th M is a maximal normal subgroup of G iff G/M
    is simple
  • Def Center
  • Def Commutator subgroup

  • This is isomorphic to Zn
  • Note that lt(0,1)gt injects Zm into ZnZm

Factoring by factors
  • Theorem G1G2/i2 (G2) is isomorphic to G1
  • Proof Let H i2 (G2) (e, y) y in G2.
    Then (x, e)H (x, y) y in G2. Let p1(x, y)
    x. This is a homomorphism with kernel H and
    image G1. By the Fundamental Theorem of
    Homomorphisms, G1/H is isomorphic to G1.
  • Theorem G1G2/i1 (G1) is isomorphic to G2
  • More generally?

Z4Z6/lt(2, 3)gt
  • In class
  • Order of lt(2, 3)gt
  • Order of Z4Z6/lt(2, 3)gt

A Factor group of a cyclic group is cyclic
  • Theorem A Factor group of a cyclic group is
  • Proof The image of a generator generates the

A Factor group of a finitely generated group is
finitely generated.
  • Theorem A Factor group of a finitely generated
    group is finitely generated.
  • Proof The image of a generator set generates the

Simple groups
  • Definition A group is simple if it is nontrivial
    and has no nontrivial normal subgroups.

Alternating group An, for 5 n, is simple
  • Theorem The alternating group An, for 5 n, is
  • Proof exercise 39

Preservation of normality via homomorphisms
  • Theorem Let h G ? G be a group homomorphism.
    If N is a normal subgroup of G then hH is
    normal in hG. If N is a normal subgroup of
    hG, then h-1N is a normal subgroup of G.
  • Proof exercises 35 and 36

Maximal normal subgroup
  • Definition A Maximal normal subgroup M of a
    group G is a normal subgroup is a proper normal
    subgroup such that no proper normal subgroup of G
    contains M.

The Factor group by a maximal normal subgroup is
  • Theorem M is a maximal normal subgroup of G iff
    G/M is simple
  • Proof Use the previous theorem

Center of a Group
  • Definition The center of a group G is the set
    c in G c g g c, for all g in G.

  • Theorem The center of a group is an abelian
  • Proof Exercise 52, section 5

Commutator subgroup
  • Definition The commutator subgroup of a group is
    the subgroup generated by all elements of the
    form a b a-1 b-1.

Commutator subgroup
  • Theorem The commutator subgroup C of a group G
    is a normal subgroup of G. If N is a normal
    subgroup of G, then G/N is abelian iff N ? C.
  • Proof in book

  • Hand in Nov 25
  • Pages 151 4, 6, 8, 14, 35, 36
  • Dont hand in
  • Pages 151- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 39

Section 16 Group Actions
  • Notion of Group Action
  • Isotropy Subgroups
  • Orbits under a group action

Group Action
  • Definition Let X be a set and G be a group. An
    action of G on X is a map G X ?X such that
    (using infix notation with juxtaposition)
  • 1) e x x for all x in X
  • 2) (g1 g2)(x) g1 (g2 x) for all x in X and g1
    g2 in G.
  • Notation In the above we write (g, x) g x.
  • Definition A G-set is a set X together with an
    action of G on X.

  • Let X be any set, and let H be any subgroup of
    permutations on X. Define an action
  • G X ? X
  • by
  • (p, x) p(x)
  • or
  • p x p(x)
  • Then
  • 1) e x e(x) x
  • 2) (p1 p2)(x) p1(p2(x)) (composition)

Actions are Permutations
  • Theorem Let X be a G-set. For each g in G, the
    function sg X ? X defined by
  • sg(x) g x, for x in X
  • is a permutation of X.
  • Also the map s G ? SX defined by
  • f(g) sg, for g in G
  • is a homomorphism with the property that
  • f(g)(x) sg(x) g x
  • Proof in the book

Faithful and Transitive Actions
  • Definition Let X be a G-set. If e is the only
    member that fixes all x in X, then G acts
    faithfully on X.
  • Definition A group is transitive on a G-set X,
    if for each x1, x2 in X, there is a g in G such
  • g x1 x2.

More Examples
  • Every group G is itself is a G set with the
    action given by the binary group operation.
  • Left cosets of a subgroup.
  • Dihedral groups (look at D4)

Isotropy Group
  • Notation Let X be a G-set and define
  • Xg x in X g x x
  • Gx g in G g x x
  • Theorem Let X be a G-set. Then Gx is a group
    for all x in X.
  • Definition Gx is called the isotropy group of x.

  • Theorem Let X be a G-set. Define a relation on
    X by
  • x1 x2 ? g x1 x2 for some g in g
  • Then is an equivalence relation on X.
  • Proof (Outline)
  • 1) reflexive because e is in G
  • 2) symmetric because G is closed under inverses.
  • 3) transitive because G is closed under

  • The equivalence classes of this equivalence
    relation are called orbits under the action.

Lagrange Revisited
  • Theorem Let X be a G-set and let x be in X. The
    G x (G Gx ). If G is finite, then G
    x divides G.
  • Proof Define a map h from G x onto G/Gx, the
    collection of left cosets of Gx in G by
  • h(y) g Gx ? y g x
  • This is well-defined, 1-1, and onto.
  • Well-defined
  • y in G x ? y g x for some g in G
  • Suppose y g1 x and y g2 x.
  • Then g1 x g2 x ? g1-1g1 x g1-1g2 x
  • ? e x g1-1g2 x ? x g1-1g2 x ? g1-1g2 in
  • Thus g1 Gx g2 Gx.
  • 1-1 Suppose h (y1) h (y2), for y1 and y2 in
    G x. Then there are g1 and g2 such that
  • y1 g1 x and y2 g2 x. Since h (y1) h
    (y2), g1 Gx g2 Gx. And so on.(see book)
  • onto (see book)

HW Section 16
  • Dont hand in
  • Page 159- 1, 2, 3
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