Brian Novak
Michael Cleaver
Danny Ohrn
Emily Ramage
- Strength
- Power
- Frequency
- Duration
3Al Gore says WHAT??????
4However, the actual hurricane data tells a
different story
Hurricane Intensity as a Function of Maximum Wind
5Chi-Squared Sum Statistic 203.394 Chance
Probability 0.0055
6Chi-Squared Sum Statistic 3.4198 Critical
Value for p0.01 32.00Chance Probability
7Slopes of Expected Value Regressions 1851-1899 -0.
0722 Knots/Year 1900-1949 0.707
Knots/Year 1950-2006 -0.219 Knots/Year
8Hurricane Intensity as a Function of Minimum
Central Pressure
9Chi-Squared Sum Statistic 25.8697 Chance
Probability 1.000
10 Chi-Squared Sum Statistic 0.48922 Critical
Value for p0.01 32.00 Chance Probability 0.9999
11Slopes of Expected Value Regressions 1851-1899 0.
1754 Millibars/Year 1900-1949 0.352
Millibars/Year 1950-2006 0.1513 Millibars/Year
12Slopes of Expected Value Regressions 1851-1899 0.
1754 Millibars/Year 1900-1949 0.352
Millibars/Year 1950-2006 0.1513 Millibars/Year
13Landfall A Measure of a Storms Power
14Hurricane Formation
- The Three Requirements for Hurricane Formation
- Over Land, Hurricanes Die
15(No Transcript)
16Our Data
- The Percentage of Measurable Storms that Reached
Land - The Number of Days on Land Per Land-bound Storm
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20- Standard Deviation was 0.20 days
- A Chi2 Test Determined X2 0.24 with 14 degrees
of freedom - Critical Value 10.83, The null hypothesis
cannot be rejected!
21Landfall Conclusions
- There is no linear correlation between time and
percentage of storms that reach land - The average number of days on land per land-bound
22Frequency of Damage
- Insurance Industry takes notice -Al Gore
- Swiss re sigma report
- More People in Hazard areas -IWTC report
23Frequency of Hurricanes
Chi squared value .125254642
24Major Hurricanes
Absolute s increasing
Chi squared Value .738022
25Category 45s have doubled in the Last Year1
-Al Gore Chi Squared Value 3.449001
- Increase in destructiveness not correlated
- Frequency of major hurricanes is increasing
- Shows some correlation to temperature
- Als short term scare
27Duration Categories
- Season Duration
- Storm
- All Storms
- In Hurricane Status
- Longest Yearly Storm
2810 Year Average Season Duration 1851-2006
Chi-squared 35.94 Critical value, 16 df, p
0.001 39.25
29Average Storm Duration vs. Temperature Deviation
Chi squared 191 Critical Value, 11 df, p
0.001 31.26
30Average Storm Duration as Hurricane vs.
Temperature Variation 1900-2006
31Longest Yearly Storm vs. Temperature Deviation
32Duration Conclusions
- Season duration shows a positive correlation over
time. - Data does not support a relationship between
storm duration and global temperature increase
since 1900.
- Data does not consistently support a pattern of
increased frequency and strength of hurricanes
over time. - Linear relationships remain linear despite
increasing temperature trends. - Discrepancies in measurement techniques?
- Intricate dynamics of hurricane formation?
- Single variable data modeling techniques?
- Raw hurricane data from Greg Bothuns link on
Blackboard.uoregon.edu - Atlantic Tropical Storm Tracking by Year
- http//weather.unisys.com/hurricane/atlantic/
- 1Lovgren , Stefan. "Al Gore's "Inconvenient
Truth" Movie Fact or Hype?. National Geographic
News. May 25, 2006. National Geographic. 24 Apr
2007 lthttp//news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006
/05/060524-global-warming.htmlgt. - IWTC Statement "Global Warming and Hurricanes."
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Dec. 7,
2007. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. 24 Apr 2007 lthttp//www.gfdl.gov/