Title: Reaching Students
1Reaching Students Early Career Engineers
- Mandy Cowgill
- Wright State University
- Programs Activities Board MAL
- Past SSC rep, past ECLIPSE Intern
- Eduardo Barrientos
- Pennsylvania State University
- Programs Activities Board Training Committee
Chair - Affinity Communities Operating Board
- Past SSC rep
3Session Objectives
- Establish the importance of relating to students,
faculty early career engineers - Explain the benefits to the section/division and
the students and early career engineers - How why to contact faculty students
- Programs for early career engineers
- Discuss planning successful programs w/students
early career engineers
4Session Outline
- Introduction
- Identifying the students ECEs
- Benefits from relating to young members
- Making contact with faculty, students ECEs
- Programs involving students ECEs
- Early Career Forums
- ME Today newsletter
- Group activity
5Who are the Young Members?
- Students ECEs up to 10 years of professional
experience - Core values of Young Members
- Optimism
- Confidence
- Achievement
- Civic duty
- Technology Savvy
- Inclusivity
- Work to Live rather than Live to Work
6Who are the Young Members?
- Expectations of young members
- Personal attention
- Positive feedback
- Dislike ambiguity
- Looking for leadership
- To be asked for input
7Why Did they Join ASME?
- Learn about professionalism
- Network and meet other engineers and students
- Access to engineering education activities
- Keep up-to-date
- Help with their careers
- Projects and activities
- Conferences and competitions
- Recognition
- Peer Influence
8Why is it Important to Know About Students?
- Allows you to create a comfortable encounter
- Increases your understanding of what the students
need and appreciate - Suggests some relevant activities for the section
- Creates a pool of potential leaders
9Student Section Organization
- Officers of the Student Section
- Student Section Advisor
- ME Department Head
- Student District Operating Board (SDOB)
- Student Sections Committee (SSC)
- Global Communities (KC sector)
10Student Section Calendar
- Organization recruitment in September
- Programs September-November
- Student Leadership Seminar (SLS) - Sept/Oct
- Programs February May
- SPDC - March/April
- Officer Election - April
- Reports due in May and June
11(No Transcript)
12Messages You Can Deliver About ASME
- ASME activities can be meaningful rewarding
- Show interest and offer support
- ASME is a relaxed place to be
- Be relaxed yourself
- Take the initiative Reach out to the students
and early career engineers
13Messages You Can Deliver About Careers
- Personal goals can be met
- Ideas are evaluated on merit
- Ethics are important
- Professionalism is a pathway to success
- A professional career will be challenging and
rewarding - Expect the unexpected
14Benefits to You, Your Section ASME
- Interacting with young members is exhilarating,
rewarding and fun! - Influencing young careers is rewarding
- Young members ensure your sections continued
vitality and success - Provide you with section programs
- Increased interest and participation in ASME will
ensure the professions and ASMEs continued
success - Development of future leaders
- You may find your next new grad student or intern
to hire
15Contacting Students
- You must work with the faculty as well as the
students - Who to contact
- The Student Section Advisor
- The Student Leaders
- The ME department head
- The Dean of Engineering
- Other faculty
- Preparation
- Do research about the school and the department
- Learn about the Student Section
16Making The Visit
- Explain your role in ASME and how ASME influenced
your personal/professional life - Discuss ASME programs
- Offer support for student organizations
- Relate the activities in which the students can
be involved - Emphasize the importance of the Student Section
Advisor as a contact point between your
section/division and the student section
17Successful Student Programs
18Dremel _at_ Milwaukee School Of Engineering
- 3-4 hour derby build and race event
- Materials, instructions, tracks, race management
provided by Dremel - Dremel tools provided for use in construction of
19(No Transcript)
20Dremel _at_ Milwaukee School Of Engineering
- 8 Dremel staff came to MSOE
- Modified the race to fit the existing CO2 car
race - 30 teams competed in the race
- Over 80 people were involved in this event
21Dremel _at_ MSOE
22Dremel _at_ MSOE
23Other Program Ideas
- District SPDC
- Faculty Recognition Honors
- Speakers on technical issues, professional
development and career opportunities - Review of senior design projects
- Engineers Week Program
- Early Career Forum
- Article submission to ME Today
- Early Career Technical Conference
- Networking and social events / Technical Tours
24Early Career Forum
- An Early Career Forum is a series of
Presentations and/or Panel Discussions that
provide Practical Career Planning and Development
25ECF Resources for Planning
- ECF Planning Best Practices Guide
- What funding is available?
- ASME Old Guard Early Career Forum Grants
- 2,000 (max) grants to section/division
organizers - Selection via Committee on Early Career
Development (CECD)/Old Guard Committee
collaboration - Applications available at
- http//volunteer.asme.org/unit/Unit_Forms_Instruct
26ME TodayElectronic Publication Media
BiMonthly, Multi-media 90,000 Early Career
Engineers Engineering Students
27Other Grants Awards
Early Career Technical Conference Grants 3,000
(max) grants to section/District organizers Old
Guard funded Selection via Early Career
Development Committee/Old Guard Committee
collaboration Applications available at
Early Career Award 5,000 and Prepaid Life
Membership (3,000) ASME Foundation endowment
from the Old Guard 1 award per year to Early
Career Engineer www.asme.org/Governance/Honors/So
28Networking Social Events
29Summary of Key Points
- ASME success Engaged young members
- What students and ECEs want from us
- Information
- Encouragement
- Interacting with young members is rewarding and
enjoyable - The universities and their faculty appreciate
your interest and support - Opportunities for interesting programs
30Contact Information
- Contact Information on Notes Page
- This presentation will be posted on the 2011 LTC
Web Site, at - http//events.asme.org/ltc11/
31Group Exercise
- Each group will be given one of three scenarios
- Discuss possible solutions
- Select a solution
- Outline the activities involved to implement the
solution - Determine success measures
- Report on your action plan
32Scenario 1
- There is an Engineering school in your section
that has a student section that has been
inactive for several years. You would like to
reactivate the section.
33Scenario 2
- There is an active student section that has not
had any contact with your section and has not
responded to your invitations to attend your
section meetings. You would like to establish a
closer relationship.
34Scenario 3
- There are many early career engineers in you
section area but few of them are involved with
your section/division. You would like to attract
these young people to your section.