Title: Root Cause Analysis: Next Steps
1Root Cause Analysis Next Steps
Betsy Jeppesen Vice President, Program Integrity
Stratis Health
Sue Ann Guildermann Director of Education Empira
- Diane Rydrych
- Assistant Director, Division of Health
- Policy, Minnesota Department of Health
Linda Shell Corporate Director,
Education Volunteers of America
2Where do we go from here?
- We understand what RCA is and how to facilitate
an RCA..now what? - Planning for implementation
- Buy-in
- Decisions
- Education/training
3Getting buy-in
- Need commitment from your organization
- Who makes the decisions?
- What do they need to know/understand?
- When how will they decide?
- What do you need them to commit resources,
time, moral support? - Who is going to be responsible for making sure
that corrective actions happen that you are
following through?
4Decisions to make
- When will you use RCA?
- Difficult issues youre struggling with?
- Highest risk for injury or death?
- Frequency?
- What criteria should you use?
- What are the ramifications?
- Resource needs
- Education/training
- Frequency of RCA
5Staff Education
- Facilitator training
- Just in time training for staff
- Role of medical director, pharmacy, hospice,
others who may be involved - Orientation
- Reporting forms
- Tools/visuals for timelines or root cause
diagrams - Training forms for staff
7The hard part
- Doing the RCA is not the most difficult part
- The challenge comes from committing to your staff
that youre going to do things in a different way
truly examine root causes. - You are asking for their trust. Are you going to
follow through?
- Sue Ann Guildermann
- Director of Education
- Empira
- 952-259-4477
- sguilder_at_empira.org
- www.empira.org
- Diane Rydrych
- Assistant Director
- Division of Health Policy
- Minnesota Department of Health
- 651-201-3564
- Diane.rydrych_at_state.mn.us
- www.health.state.mn.us/patientsafety
- Betsy Jeppesen
- Vice President, Program Integrity
- Stratis Health
- 952-853-8510 or 877-787-2847
- bjeppesen_at_stratishealth.org
- www.stratishealth.org
- Linda Shell
- Corporate Director,
- Education and Learning
- Volunteers of America
- 651-503-8885
- lshell_at_voa.org
9Protecting, maintaining, and improving the health
of all Minnesotans.
Stratis Health is a nonprofit organization that
leads collaboration and innovation in health
care quality and safety, and serves as a trusted
expert in facilitating improvement for people
and communities.