Title: Graduate Online Course: Technology - Use
1Graduate Online Course Technology - Use
- Jim Flowers
- Department of Industry Technology
- Ball State University
- jcflowers1_at_bsu.edu
2Presentation Questions
- 1. What is this course?
- 2. How was it developed?
- 3. How was it implemented?
- 4. What does it look like?
- 5. What were some student projects?
- 6. What lessons were learned?
- 7. What does the future hold?
31. What is this course?
- ITEDU 510 Technology Use and Assessment
- An elective in Ball States masters in TE
- Based on newly developed undergraduate
face-to-face (F2F) course on Using and Assessing
- 100 online
- Asynchronous
- With weekly lessons and deadlines
- First offered Fall, 2000
- Next offered Fall, 2001
- 26/27 enrollees completed
5Instructional Technology
- Blackboards CourseInfo
- Can be accessed by any computer on the Internet
- Webpage creation
6Unique attributes
- Individual and collaborative learning
- Student-written objective
- Only formative quizzes
- No final exam
72. How was it developed?
- A championed idea
- Most content came from outside Tech Ed
- Tried out some content activities with
undergraduate F2F class first - Used survey results and research to inform
- Departmental support
- Unusually good University support
- 6 hrs assigned time for development
- I had to become an online student
- Attendance at all related workshops
- Instructional designer
- (Other support, as needed)
9Content Issues
- Based on Design, produce, use, assess
10ITEA Standard 13
- Students will develop the abilities to assess
the impact of products and systems.
11Not ITEA Standard 12
- Students will develop the abilities to use and
maintain technological products and systems. - Use hand tools correctly.
- Use computers to access and organize
12Levels of Using Technology
- Personal
- Corporate
- Cultural
- National
- Global
13Studying Using Technology
- Trends in use
- Problems with use
- Usability
- User-centered design
- Anthropometrics Ergonomics
- Universal Design
- User surveys
- Instructions for users
- Other
14Usability Research
- Usability testing
- User survey
- Other
15Levels of Technology Assessment
- Personal
- Corporate
- Cultural
- National
- Global
16Technology Assessment
- Analysis of TA reports from the US Office of
Technology Assessment, and others - Formal TA process
- Web-based group TA reports
17Individualized Objective
18Development Issues
- Providing for the personal touch
- Among students
- Between students and the instructor
- Blending didactic and constructivistic
- Including individualized and group learning
- Realistic, doable, fun, and meaningful
193. How was it implemented?
- To on-campus Tech Ed students
- At ITEA conference
- (Surreptitiously through a survey)
- An ad was placed in a TEI periodical
- Email was sent to all TE state supervisors
- Brochures were sent to all HS principals in
21Registration Enrollment
- Online
- Some delays, but no major problems
- Course divided into on-campus and off-campus
sections, and limit increased above 20 - 27 students enrolled, 26 completed
22Web-Based Instruction
- Modules, usually 1 per week
- Interaction
- File exchange
- Discussion boards
- 3 larger activities
- Individual usability research
- Team technology assessment
- Individual project
23Rigorous course assessment
- Standard promotion and tenure course assessment
was inadequate - Additional course assessment based on Quality on
the Line, Benchmarks for Success in
Internet-Based Education
244. What does it look like?
- The Blackboard CourseInfo Interface
- Separate Web pages
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575. What were some student projects?
58Student project usability test
59Student project usability test
60Student project usability test
61Student project usability test
62Student project usability test
63A teams tech. assessment
64A teams tech. Assessment
65Student project backpack use
66Student project backpack use
67Student project backpack use
686. What lessons were learned?
- Give online courses the 1 emphasis on a
departmental Web site. - Spend 10 on marketing
- Beg ITEA and CTTE to serve as clearinghouses
- Help prospective students learn of the offerings
- Check Web search engines and guides to online
courses - Market early and often, near and far
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- Keep it user-centered
- Verify materials
- Use reusable learning objects
- Include individual group activities
- Accommodate users
- Bandwidth
- Busy schedules
- Interests
73Develop DL to be Equivalent to F2F in
74Taking advantage of the Web
- Web resources
- Web-based communications
- Within class
- With those not in the class
- Web publishing
75Organizing communications
- Communications among students
- Threaded discussion organization
- Chat
- Etc.
76Organizing communications
- Communications with the Instructor
- Dates times
- File naming conventions
- Email organization
- Online office hours
- Curriculum development and testing
- Instruction
- Student support
- More time needed during initial implementation
- Institutional coordination needed
- Single password
- Easy registration
79For Students
- Provide meaningful personal contact
- Provide quality instruction
- Provide flexibility
807. What does the future hold?
81Next implementation
- Fall, 2001
- New and improved
- New Blackboard interface
82Fall 2001 Information
- http//www.bsu.edu/classes/flowers2/510intro.htm
83Fall 2001 Preview
- http//www.bsu.edu/educate/courses/itedu510s001y20
84Plans for an Online Masters in Technology
Education from Ball State University
- Hopefully implemented by Fall, 2002
- 30 online hours, no thesis
- Flexibility
85Please direct inquiries to
- Jim Flowers
- jcflowers1_at_bsu.edu
- (765) 285-2879
86Graduate Online Course Technology - Use
- Jim Flowers
- Department of Industry Technology
- Ball State University
- jcflowers1_at_bsu.edu