Title: ??????? Infectious Disease Epidemiology
1??????? Infectious Disease Epidemiology
?????????????? Department of epidemiology
,Harbin Medical University
2? ? ? ? Teaching Content
- ????????
- ???????
- ???????????
- ???
- ???
- ?????????
- study importance
- epidemic trends
- basic principles and
- methods
- infectious focus
- prevention control
3????????Study Importance
- ????
- ????,????
- ????
- ?????????
- ????????
- Seriously burden of diseases
- Neglect of prevention ,the
- consequences of heavy
- The resurgence of relapse
- The new emerging infectious
- diseases
- Threat of bioterrorism
4 1998???????
5- ???????(emerging infections or emerging
infectious diseases,EID)??????????????????????????
????????? - --- David Heymann 1997
- emerging infections refers to newly identified
and previously unknown infectious diseases which
cause public health problems,either locally or
6- ????????(re-emerging infectious
?????????????? - Re-emerging infectious diseases are infections
that have been known about for some time but had
fallen to such low levels that they were no
longer considered a public health problem?They
often reappear in epidemic proportions.
7 ?????????????? ??????? The characteristic
of EID
- ????
- Silent beginning
- ?????
- Globalization
- ?????
- Jump of infectious agent across the species
barrier from animal to human being - ?????????????????/????
- More virulent and/or epidemic
8EID?????The cause of EID
- ???????????
- The change of population and people's behavior
- ?????????????
- Technological progress and industrialization
9EID?????The cause of EID
- ??????????????
- Economic development and land-use patterns
change - ???????????????????????
- The development of International travel, and
commerce, and population movement
10EID?????The cause of EID
- ?????????
- Pathogens variation
- ??????,???????????????????,???????,???????????????
??,???? - Lack of health resources
11 ???EID??????? Other causes of EID
- ????????,???????????????,????????????,????????????
????????????????????????? - The global climate continues to warm
- ???????????
- Bioterrorism
The epidemic trends of Infectious disease
Major achievements of infectious diseases
prevention and control till 1970s
- Total morbidity decreased
- Total mortality decreased
- Fatality rate of the majority
- decreased
- Modes of Transmission changed
- Large scale epidemics decreased
- ???????
- ???????
- ???????????
- ????????????
- ???????
15Global burden of disease(DALY)(2000)
DALY Disability adjusted life-year
Non communicable
communicable Malnutrition Etc.
E-S Asia
West Pacific
Reporting data of legal infectious disease in
China (1950-2003)
Leading infectious killers
Distribution of Tuberculosis Worldwide(2000)
100-250/per 100 000
Distribution of C Hepatitis Worldwide(2000)
20????????? (2005)
The HIV epidemic in the Worldwide (2005)
The Morbidity of Main Infectious Diseases in China
The Reported STD Cases in China
The Morbidity of Lupomania in China
The basic principles and methods of infectious
disease epidemiology
25(?)???Source of Infection
- ??
- ?????????????????????????
- ??
- ?? cases
- ????? carriers
- ?????? animals
26- 1??? (cases)
- ?????????
- In vivo existence massive pathogen
- ??????????????
- Clinical symptoms are advantageous for the
pathogen discharges
27- ???(Incubation period)
- ??????????????????????
- The time interval between invasion by an
infectious agent and appearance of the first
signor symptom of the disease in question
28- ??????
- Significance of Incubation Period
- ?????????
- To Determine The Infected Time
- ?????
- Tracing Sources Of Infection
- ??????
- To Identified The Route Of Transmission
- ??????????????????
- To Determine The Quarantine And Medical
Observation Period
29- ??????
- Significance of Incubation Period
- ????????
- To Determine The Time Of Immunization
- ????????
- Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Preventive
Measures - ????????????? Can Affect The Epidemic
30(No Transcript)
31- 2??????(carrier)
- ????????????????????
- A person or animal that harbors a specific
infectious agent in the absence of discernible
clinical disease and serves as a potential source
of infection
32- 3???????(infectious animal)
- ???????(natural focal disease)
- ??????????????,????????????????????????????
- ??????????????
- ??????? ????
33- ?????????????????????????,???????????????????????
???????? -
- Transmission of infectious agent from animal to
- human called ZOONOSES
34 ?? crow
??? puma
Animals can transmit West Nile fever
35 ?----???
36(?)???? Route of Transmission
- ??????????,?????????,??????????????
- The whole process that the pathogens experienced
in the outer environment when they passed from
an infected individual or group to a previously
uninfected individual or group.
Modes of Infectious Disease Transmission
- Air-borne transmission
- Water-borne transmission
- Food-borne transmission
- Contact-transmitted diseases
- Vector-borne diseases
- Soil-transmitted diseases
- Nosocomial infection
- Vertical transmission
- ?????
- ????
- ?????
- ????
- ????
- ?????
- ?????
- ????
38- 1????????(Air-borne diseases)
- ???????,?????
- Transmission easy to comply, easy to outbreak
- ?????
- Mostly occurs in winter and spring
- ??????
- Mostly occurs in Children
- ????????????
- A cycle period in non-immunity population
- ?????????????
- Overcrowded live conditions and high population
39- 2-1??????(Drinking Water Pollution)
- ???????????
- Distribution Of Cases Consistent With The
Water Supply Coverage - ??????,????????
- Except To Lactated Infants, All Population Can
40- 2-1??????(Drinking Water Pollution)
- ??????,??????????
- If Often Contaminated, Can Be Expressed As
Chronic Epidemic - ????????,???????
- A Serious Pollution Can Cause An Outbreak
- ????????,????????
- Stop Drink Or Purified Water, Can Quell The
Outbreak Or Epidemic
41- 2-2????? (Exposure to infected water)
- ?????
- History of exposure to infected water
- ????????????
- There are regional, seasonal and occupational
characteristics - ???????????
- More common in people who contact with
infected water - ??????????????
- A large number of susceptible who contact
with infected water easy occur outbreaks - ????????????
- Taken against measures can be controlled
43- 3??????(Food-borne Diseases)
- ????????,??????
- Involved Are Limited To Those Who Eat
Contaminated Food - ???????,?????
- A Large Number Of Contamination, The Outbreak
Can Be Occur - ????????,??????
- To Stop Supplying The Contaminated Food , The
Outbreak Can Be Stop - ?????
- The Incubation Period Is Shorter
45- 4??????
- Contact-transmitted diseases
- ??
- ???? Direct contact   Â
- ?????????,????????????
- ???? Indirect contact
- ??????????????????????????????
46(No Transcript)
47(No Transcript)
48- 5???????? (Vector-borne diseases)
- ??
- ??? Regional ????
- ??? Occupational ????
- ??? Seasonal ??
- ????? More Young adults ???????
??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?
???? ?????
?????? ????? ???
50 ????????
51- 6??????(Nosocomial infection)
- ????????,????????????????????????
Nosocomial infections (pronounced,
nos-uh-KOH-mee-uhl), are infections which are a
result of treatment in a hospital or a healthcare
service unit.
52- 7??????(Vertical transmisssion)
- ??
- ???????????????,????????????
- ??
- ????? By placenta
- ????? By genital
- ????? By labour
53HIV????? ?? 15--25 ?????? 30 HIV???????(??)
????? 6.8 ?????????? 1.6
54(?)????? Herd Susceptibility
- ??????????????????
- The susceptibility degree of population, as a
whole, to infectious diseases
55- ????? (The Increase Factors)
- ?????
- Increased Neonatal
- ??????
- Susceptible Population Move In
- ???????????
- Mmuno-population Immunity To Natural Healing
- ??????
- Immuno-population Has Been Dead
56- ????? (Reduction Factor)
- ???? EPI
- ????? Epidemics
- ???? Subclinical infection
57(?)??? Infectious focus
- 1??? (concept)
- ??????,????????????????????
The range that the sources of infection
spread pathogens around can reach to under
certain conditions.
58- 2?????
- (the formation conditions)
- ?????
- The source of infection exists
- ?????????
- Pathogens can continue to spread
59- 3????? (eliminate conditions)
- ??????????????
- The source of infection has been removed or
eliminate the carrier state - ???????
- Carried out terminal disinfection
- ???????,????????????
- After the longest incubation period, no new
infections occur among susceptible
60(?)?????????The factors that affect the epidemic
- 1?????(Natural factors)
- ?? (Climate)
- ???? (Geography)
- ?????????????????
- (Vector insects and host)
61- 2?????(Social factors)
- ??????????
- The rapid development of global travel
- ?????????????
- Ecological deterioration caused by
environmental pollution and destruction
62- 2?????(Social factors)
- ??????????
- The abuse of antibiotics and pesticides
- ????????
- Urbanization and population explosion
- ????????????
- War, riots, refugee flows and famine
63?????????Prevention and control of infectious
64Public Health Measures for Control of Epidemics
Involves strategies which break the "chain of
- Immunization of people
- boosters frequently required
- 100 immunization is not necessary (herd
immunity) - Blocking vehicle-mediated transmission
- water purification
- effective cooking
- prevention of food contamination with infectious
65- Quarantine
- limiting freedom of movement of individuals
carrying infectious agents - minimum time required for a quarantine period is
equal to longest period of communicability
(transmissibility) of the disease - Elimination of animal reservoirs
- immunization of animals that act as reservoirs of
diseases such as bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis
(highly effective when monitored properly) - eradication of animals that act as reservoirs of
diseases such as tularemia, plague, Lyme disease
(sometimes effective, difficult to monitor
66Prevention, Intervention, Control, and
Eradication of Diseases
- Prevention
- implies the planning for and taking action to
prevent or forestall the occurrence of an
undesirable event and is therefore more desirable
than . . . - Intervention
- which is defined as taking of action during an
event - Control
- general term used in the containment of disease
- Eradication
- total elimination of the disease
67Control of Infectious diseases
HUMAN 1. Change behavior 2. Health education 3.
Vaccination ENVIRONMENT 1. Habitat
improvement 2. Water (or soil) treatment 3.
Revise agriculture pattern
68Control of Infectious diseases
RESERVOIRS 1. Treatment 2. Vaccination 3.
Eradication VECTORS 1. Chemical control 2.
Non-chemical control
69- ???????
- Communicable disease surveillance
- ?????
- Report infectious diseases
70- ????????
- The control measures for the source of infection
- (1)?? Cases
- ??? Early detection
- ??? Early diagnosis
- ??? Early reporting
- ??? Early isolation
- ??? Early treatment
71- ????? Carriers
- ?? Measures
- ?? Registration
- ?? Management
- ?? Follow up
- ?? Time limit
72- ??? Contacts
- ?? Quarantine
- ??(????) Isolated observation
- ???? Medical observation
73(No Transcript)
74- ????? Animal
- ????
- Wipe
- ????????
- Killing, burning or deep
- ????
- Isolation and treatment
- ???????
- Vaccination and quarantine
75- ????????
- measures for route of transmission
- ?? Disinfection
- ??
- ????? Preventive disinfection        Â
- ????? Foci disinfection
76- ???? Disinfection at any time   Â
- ???? Terminal disinfection
77- ????????
- Measures for the susceptible
- ???? Immunization
- ???? Drug prevention
- ???? Personal Protection
78? ?