Motion in One Dimension - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Motion in One Dimension


Title: Chapter 2 Author: Elena Flitsiyan Last modified by: Lenny Shatkin Created Date: 8/25/2006 6:33:36 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Motion in One Dimension

Chapter 2
  • Motion in One Dimension

  • 2.1 position, Velocity, and Speed
  • 2.2 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed
  • 2.3 Acceleration
  • 2.4 Freely Falling Objects
  • 2.5 Kinematic Equations Derived from Calculus.

  • Kinematics describes motion while ignoring the
    agents that caused the motion
  • For now, we will consider motion in one dimension
  • Along a straight line
  • We will use the particle model
  • A particle is a point-like object, that has mass
    but infinitesimal size

  • Position is defined in terms of a frame of
  • For one dimension the motion is generally along
    the x- or y-axis
  • The objects position is its location with
    respect to the frame of reference

Position-Time Graph
  • The position-time graph shows the motion of the
    particle (car)
  • The smooth curve is a guess as to what happened
    between the data points

  • Displacement is defined as the change in position
    during some time interval
  • Represented as ?x
  • ?x xf - xi
  • SI units are meters (m), ?x can be positive or
  • Displacement is different than distance. Distance
    is the length of a path followed by a particle.

Vectors and Scalars
  • Vector quantities that need both -magnitude (size
    or numerical value) and direction to completely
    describe them
  • We will use and signs to indicate vector
  • Scalar quantities are completely described by
    magnitude only

Average Velocity
  • The average velocity is the rate at which the
    displacement occurs
  • The dimensions are length / time L/T
  • The SI units are m/s
  • Is also the slope of the line in the position
    time graph

Average Speed
  • Speed is a scalar quantity
  • same units as velocity
  • total distance / total time
  • The average speed is not (necessarily) the
    magnitude of the average velocity

Instantaneous Velocity
  • Instantaneous velocity is the limit of the
    average velocity as the time interval becomes
    infinitesimally short, or as the time interval
    approaches zero
  • The instantaneous velocity indicates what is
    happening at every point of time

Instantaneous Velocity
  • The general equation for instantaneous velocity
  • The instantaneous velocity can be positive,
    negative, or zero

Instantaneous Velocity
  • The instantaneous velocity is the slope of the
    line tangent to the x vs t curve
  • This would be the green line
  • The blue lines show that as ?t gets smaller, they
    approach the green line

Instantaneous Speed
  • The instantaneous speed is the magnitude of the
    instantaneous velocity
  • Remember that the average speed is not the
    magnitude of the average velocity

Average Acceleration
  • Acceleration is the rate of change of the
  • Dimensions are L/T2
  • SI units are m/s²

Instantaneous Acceleration
  • The instantaneous acceleration is the limit of
    the average acceleration as ?t approaches 0

Instantaneous Acceleration
  • The slope of the velocity vs. time graph is the
  • The green line represents the instantaneous
  • The blue line is the average acceleration

Acceleration and Velocity
  • When an objects velocity and acceleration are in
    the same direction, the object is speeding up
  • When an objects velocity and acceleration are in
    the opposite direction, the object is slowing

Acceleration and Velocity
  • The car is moving with constant positive velocity
    (shown by red arrows maintaining the same size)
  • Acceleration equals zero

Acceleration and Velocity
  • Velocity and acceleration are in the same
  • Acceleration is uniform (blue arrows maintain the
    same length)
  • Velocity is increasing (red arrows are getting
  • This shows positive acceleration and positive

Acceleration and Velocity
  • Acceleration and velocity are in opposite
  • Acceleration is uniform (blue arrows maintain the
    same length)
  • Velocity is decreasing (red arrows are getting
  • Positive velocity and negative acceleration


1D motion with constant acceleration
tf ti t
1D motion with constant acceleration
  • In a similar manner we can rewrite equation for
    average velocity
  • and than solve it for xf
  • Rearranging, and assuming

1D motion with constant acceleration
  • Using
  • and than substituting into equation for final
    position yields

Equations (1) and (2) are the basic kinematics
1D motion with constant acceleration
  • These two equations can be combined to yield
    additional equations.
  • We can eliminate t to obtain
  • Second, we can eliminate the acceleration a to
    produce an equation in which acceleration does
    not appear

Kinematics with constant acceleration - Summary
Kinematic Equations - summary
Kinematic Equations
  • The kinematic equations may be used to solve any
    problem involving one-dimensional motion with a
    constant acceleration
  • You may need to use two of the equations to solve
    one problem
  • Many times there is more than one way to solve a

Kinematics - Example 1
  • How long does it take for a train to come to rest
    if it decelerates at 2.0m/s2 from an initial
    velocity of 60 km/h?

Kinematics - Example 1
  • How long does it take for a train to come to rest
    if it decelerates at 2.0m/s2 from an initial
    velocity of 60 km/h?
  • Using we rearrange to solve for t
  • Vf 0.0 km/h, vi60 km/h and a -2.0 m/s2.

  • A car is approaching a hill at 30.0 m/s when its
    engine suddenly fails just at the bottom of the
    hill. The car moves with a constant acceleration
    of 2.00 m/s2 while coasting up the hill. (a)
    Write equations for the position along the slope
    and for the velocity as functions of time, taking
    x 0 at the bottom of the hill, where vi
    30.0 m/s. (b) Determine the maximum distance
    the car rolls up the hill.

  • (a) Take at the bottom of the
    hill where xi0, vi30m/s, a-2m/s2. Use these
    values in the general equation

  • (a) Take at the bottom of the
    hill where xi0, vi30m/s, a-2m/s2. Use these
    values in the general equation


The distance of travel, xf,
becomes a maximum,
(turning point in the motion). Use the
expressions found in part (a) for
when t15sec.
Graphical Look at Motion displacement-time curve
  • The slope of the curve is the velocity
  • The curved line indicates the velocity is
  • Therefore, there is an acceleration

Graphical Look at Motion velocity-time
  • The slope gives the acceleration
  • The straight line indicates a constant

Graphical Look at Motion acceleration-time curve
  • The zero slope indicates a constant acceleration

Freely Falling Objects
  • A freely falling object is any object moving
    freely under the influence of gravity alone.
  • It does not depend upon the initial motion of the
  • Dropped released from rest
  • Thrown downward
  • Thrown upward

Acceleration of Freely Falling Object
  • The acceleration of an object in free fall is
    directed downward, regardless of the initial
  • The magnitude of free fall acceleration is
    g 9.80 m/s2
  • g decreases with increasing altitude
  • g varies with latitude
  • 9.80 m/s2 is the average at the Earths surface

Acceleration of Free Fall
  • We will neglect air resistance
  • Free fall motion is constantly accelerated motion
    in one dimension
  • Let upward be positive
  • Use the kinematic equations with
    ay g -9.80 m/s2

Free Fall Example
  • Initial velocity at A is upward () and
    acceleration is g (-9.8 m/s2)
  • At B, the velocity is 0 and the acceleration is g
    (-9.8 m/s2)
  • At C, the velocity has the same magnitude as at
    A, but is in the opposite direction

  • A student throws a set of keys vertically upward
    to her sorority sister, who is in a window 4.00 m
    above. The keys are caught 1.50 s later by the
    sister's outstretched hand. (a) With what initial
    velocity were the keys thrown? (b) What was the
    velocity of the keys just before they were caught?

  • A student throws a set of keys vertically upward
    to her sorority sister, who is in a window 4.00 m
    above. The keys are caught 1.50 s later by the
    sister's outstretched hand. (a) With what initial
    velocity were the keys thrown? (b) What was the
    velocity of the keys just before they were caught?

  • A student throws a set of keys vertically upward
    to her sorority sister, who is in a window 4.00 m
    above. The keys are caught 1.50 s later by the
    sister's outstretched hand. (a) With what initial
    velocity were the keys thrown? (b) What was the
    velocity of the keys just before they were caught?

  • A ball is dropped from rest from a height h
    above the ground. Another ball is thrown
    vertically upwards from the ground at the instant
    the first ball is released. Determine the speed
    of the second ball if the two balls are to meet
    at a height h/2 above the ground.

  • A ball is dropped from rest from a height h
    above the ground. Another ball is thrown
    vertically upwards from the ground at the instant
    the first ball is released. Determine the speed
    of the second ball if the two balls are to meet
    at a height h/2 above the ground.

1-st ball
2-nd ball
  • A freely falling object requires 1.50 s to
    travel the last 30.0 m before it hits the ground.
    From what height above the ground did it fall?

  • A freely falling object requires 1.50 s to
    travel the last 30.0 m before it hits the ground.
    From what height above the ground did it fall?

Consider the last 30 m of fall. We find its speed
30 m above the ground
  • A freely falling object requires 1.50 s to
    travel the last 30.0 m before it hits the ground.
    From what height above the ground did it fall?

Now consider the portion of its fall above the 30
m point. We assume it starts from rest
Its original height was then
Motion Equations from Calculus
  • Displacement equals the area under the velocity
    time curve
  • The limit of the sum is a definite integral

Kinematic Equations General Calculus Form
Kinematic Equations Calculus Form with Constant
  • The integration form of vf vi gives
  • The integration form of xf xi gives

  • The height of a helicopter above the ground is
    given by h 3.00t3, where h is in meters
    and t is in seconds. After 2.00 s, the
    helicopter releases a small mailbag. How long
    after its release does the mailbag reach the

  • The height of a helicopter above the ground is
    given by h 3.00t3, where h is in meters
    and t is in seconds. After 2.00 s, the
    helicopter releases a small mailbag. How long
    after its release does the mailbag reach the

  • The height of a helicopter above the ground is
    given by h 3.00t3, where h is in meters
    and t is in seconds. After 2.00 s, the
    helicopter releases a small mailbag. How long
    after its release does the mailbag reach the

The equation of motion of the mailbag is
  • Automotive engineers refer to the time rate of
    change of acceleration as the "jerk." If an
    object moves in one dimension such that its jerk
    J is constant, (a) determine expressions for its
    acceleration ax(t), velocity vx(t), and position
    x(t), given that its initial acceleration, speed,
    and position are axi , vxi, and xi ,
    respectively. (b) Show that

  • Automotive engineers refer to the time rate of
    change of acceleration as the "jerk." If an
    object moves in one dimension such that its jerk
    J is constant, (a) determine expressions for its
    acceleration ax(t), velocity vx(t), and position
    x(t), given that its initial acceleration, speed,
    and position are axi , vxi, and xi ,
    respectively. (b) Show that

  • Automotive engineers refer to the time rate of
    change of acceleration as the "jerk." If an
    object moves in one dimension such that its jerk
    J is constant, (a) determine expressions for its
    acceleration ax(t), velocity vx(t), and position
    x(t), given that its initial acceleration, speed,
    and position are axi , vxi, and xi ,
    respectively. (b) Show that

  • Automotive engineers refer to the time rate of
    change of acceleration as the "jerk." If an
    object moves in one dimension such that its jerk
    J is constant, (a) determine expressions for its
    acceleration ax(t), velocity vx(t), and position
    x(t), given that its initial acceleration, speed,
    and position are axi , vxi, and xi ,
    respectively. (b) Show that

Recall the expression for v
  • The acceleration of a marble in a certain fluid
    is proportional to the speed of the marble
    squared, and is given (in SI units) by a 3.00
    v2 for v gt 0. If the marble enters this fluid
    with a speed of 1.50 m/s, how long will it take
    before the marble's speed is reduced to half of
    its initial value?

  • The acceleration of a marble in a certain fluid
    is proportional to the speed of the marble
    squared, and is given (in SI units) by a 3.00
    v2 for v gt 0. If the marble enters this fluid
    with a speed of 1.50 m/s, how long will it take
    before the marble's speed is reduced to half of
    its initial value?

  • The acceleration of a marble in a certain fluid
    is proportional to the speed of the marble
    squared, and is given (in SI units) by a 3.00
    v2 for v gt 0. If the marble enters this fluid
    with a speed of 1.50 m/s, how long will it take
    before the marble's speed is reduced to half of
    its initial value?

  • A test rocket is fired vertically upward from a
    well. A catapult gives it initial velocity 80.0
    m/s at ground level. Its engines then fire and
    it accelerates upward at 4.00 m/s2 until it
    reaches an altitude of 1 000 m. At that point
    its engines fail and the rocket goes into free
    fall, with an acceleration of 9.80 m/s2. (a) How
    long is the rocket in motion above the ground?
    (b) What is its maximum altitude? (c) What is its
    velocity just before it collides with the Earth?

  • A test rocket is fired vertically upward from a
    well. A catapult gives it initial velocity 80.0
    m/s at ground level. Its engines then fire and
    it accelerates upward at 4.00 m/s2 until it
    reaches an altitude of 1 000 m. At that point
    its engines fail and the rocket goes into free
    fall, with an acceleration of 9.80 m/s2. (a) How
    long is the rocket in motion above the ground?
    (b) What is its maximum altitude? (c) What is its
    velocity just before it collides with the Earth?

Let point 0 be at ground level and point 1 be at
the end of the engine burn. Let point 2 be the
highest point the rocket reaches and point 3 be
just before impact. The data in the table are
found for each phase of the rockets motion.
(0 to 1)

  • A test rocket is fired vertically upward from a
    well. A catapult gives it initial velocity 80.0
    m/s at ground level. Its engines then fire and
    it accelerates upward at 4.00 m/s2 until it
    reaches an altitude of 1 000 m. At that point
    its engines fail and the rocket goes into free
    fall, with an acceleration of 9.80 m/s2. (a) How
    long is the rocket in motion above the ground?
    (b) What is its maximum altitude? (c) What is its
    velocity just before it collides with the Earth?

(1 to 2)
This is the time of maximum height of the rocket.
  • A test rocket is fired vertically upward from a
    well. A catapult gives it initial velocity 80.0
    m/s at ground level. Its engines then fire and
    it accelerates upward at 4.00 m/s2 until it
    reaches an altitude of 1 000 m. At that point
    its engines fail and the rocket goes into free
    fall, with an acceleration of 9.80 m/s2. (a) How
    long is the rocket in motion above the ground?
    (b) What is its maximum altitude? (c) What is its
    velocity just before it collides with the Earth?

(2 to 3)
t x v a
0 Launch 0.0 0 80 4.00
1 End Thrust 10.0 1 000 120 4.00
2 Rise Upwards 22.2 1 735 0 9.80
3 Fall to Earth 41.0 0 184 9.80
  • An inquisitive physics student and mountain
    climber climbs a 50.0-m cliff that overhangs a
    calm pool of water. He throws two stones
    vertically downward, 1.00 s apart, and observes
    that they cause a single splash. The first stone
    has an initial speed of 2.00 m/s. (a) How long
    after release of the first stone do the two
    stones hit the water? (b) What initial velocity
    must the second stone have if they are to hit
    simultaneously? (c) What is the speed of each
    stone at the instant the two hit the water?

(a) Only the positive root is
physically meaningful after the first stone
is thrown.
  • An inquisitive physics student and mountain
    climber climbs a 50.0-m cliff that overhangs a
    calm pool of water. He throws two stones
    vertically downward, 1.00 s apart, and observes
    that they cause a single splash. The first stone
    has an initial speed of 2.00 m/s. (a) How long
    after release of the first stone do the two
    stones hit the water? (b) What initial velocity
    must the second stone have if they are to hit
    simultaneously? (c) What is the speed of each
    stone at the instant the two hit the water?

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