Data Mining: Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Mining: Introduction


Title: Steven F. Ashby Center for Applied Scientific Computing Month DD, 1997 Author: Computations Last modified by: Jieping Ye Created Date: 3/18/1998 1:44:31 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Data Mining: Introduction

Data Mining Introduction
  • Lecture Notes for Chapter 1
  • CSE572 Data Mining
  • Instructor Jieping Ye
  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Arizona State University

Course Information
  • Instructor Dr. Jieping Ye
  • Office BY 568
  • Phone 480-727-7451
  • Email
  • Web
  • Time T,Th 140pm--255pm
  • Location BYAC 240
  • Office hours T,Th 300pm--430pm
  • TA Liang Sun
  • Office BY584 AB
  • Email
  • Office hours T,Th 11am-12noon

Course Information (Contd)
  • Prerequisite Basics of algorithm design, data
    structure, and probability.
  • Course textbook Introduction to Data Mining
    (2005) by Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin
  • Objectives
  • teach the fundamental concepts of data mining
  • provide extensive hands-on experience in applying
    the concepts to real-world applications.
  • Topics classification, association analysis,
    clustering, anomaly detection, and
    semi-supervised clustering.

  • Homework (6) 30
  • Project (2) 20
  • Exam (2) 40
  • Quiz (2) 10
  • 90, 100 A, A
  • 80, 90) B, B, A-
  • 70, 80) C, C, B-
  • 60, 70) E, D, C-
  • 0, 60) F
  • Assignments and projects are due at the beginning
    of the lecture. Late assignments and projects
    will not be accepted. Attendance to lecture is

Why Mine Data? Commercial Viewpoint
  • Lots of data is being collected and warehoused
  • Web data, e-commerce
  • purchases at department/grocery stores
  • Bank/Credit Card transactions
  • Computers have become cheaper and more powerful
  • Competitive Pressure is Strong
  • Provide better, customized services for an edge
    (e.g. in Customer Relationship Management)

  • Given a set of records each of which contain some
    number of items from a given collection
  • Produce dependency rules which will predict
    occurrence of an item based on occurrences of
    other items.

Rules Discovered Milk --gt Coke
Diaper, Milk --gt Beer
Examples (Cond)
  • Marketing and Sales Promotion
  • Let the rule discovered be
  • Bagels, --gt Potato Chips
  • Potato Chips as consequent gt Can be used to
    determine what should be done to boost its sales.
  • Bagels in the antecedent gt Can be used to see
    which products would be affected if the store
    discontinues selling bagels.
  • Bagels in antecedent and Potato chips in
    consequent gt Can be used to see what products
    should be sold with Bagels to promote sale of
    Potato chips!

Examples (Contd)
  • Supermarket shelf management.
  • Goal To identify items that are bought together
    by sufficiently many customers.
  • Approach Process the point-of-sale data
    collected with barcode scanners to find
    dependencies among items.
  • A classic rule --
  • If a customer buys diaper and milk, then he is
    very likely to buy beer.
  • So, dont be surprised if you find six-packs
    stacked next to diapers!

Why Mine Data? Scientific Viewpoint
  • Data collected and stored at enormous speeds
  • remote sensors on a satellite
  • telescopes scanning the skies
  • microarrays generating gene expression data
  • scientific simulations generating terabytes of
  • Traditional techniques infeasible for raw data
  • Data mining may help scientists
  • in classifying and segmenting data
  • in Hypothesis Formation

Mining Large Data Sets - Motivation
  • There is often information hidden in the data
    that is not readily evident
  • Human analysts may take weeks to discover useful
  • Much of the data is never analyzed at all

The Data Gap
Total new disk (TB) since 1995
Number of analysts
What is Data Mining?
  • Many Definitions
  • Non-trivial extraction of implicit, previously
    unknown and potentially useful information from
  • Exploration analysis, by automatic or
    semi-automatic means, of large quantities of
    data in order to discover meaningful patterns

What is (not) Data Mining?
  • What is Data Mining?
  • Certain names are more prevalent in certain US
    locations (OBrien, ORurke, OReilly in Boston
  • Group together similar documents returned by
    search engine according to their context (e.g.
    Amazon rainforest,,)
  • What is not Data Mining?
  • Look up phone number in phone directory
  • Query a Web search engine for information about

  • 1. Discuss whether or not each of the following
    activities is a data mining task.
  • (a) Dividing the customers of a company according
    to their gender.
  • (b) Dividing the customers of a company according
    to their profitability.
  • (c) Predicting the future stock price of a
    company using historical records.

  • (a) Dividing the customers of a company according
    to their gender.
  • No. This is a simple database query.
  • (b) Dividing the customers of a company according
    to their profitability.
  • No. This is an accounting calculation, followed
    by the application of a threshold. However,
    predicting the profitability of a new customer
    would be data mining.
  • Predicting the future stock price of a company
    using historical records.
  • Yes. We would attempt to create a model that can
    predict the continuous value of the stock price.
    This is an example of the area of data mining
    known as predictive modelling. We could use
    regression for this modelling, although
    researchers in many fields have developed a wide
    variety of techniques for predicting time series.

Origins of Data Mining
  • Draws ideas from machine learning/AI, pattern
    recognition, statistics, and database systems
  • Traditional Techniquesmay be unsuitable due to
  • Enormity of data
  • High dimensionality of data
  • Heterogeneous, distributed nature of data

Machine Learning/ Pattern Recognition
Data Mining
Database systems
Data Mining Tasks
  • Prediction Methods
  • Use some variables to predict unknown or future
    values of other variables.
  • Description Methods
  • Find human-interpretable patterns that describe
    the data.

From Fayyad, Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, 1996
  • Future stock price prediction
  • Find association among different items from a
    given collection of transactions
  • Face recognition

Data Mining Tasks...
  • Classification Predictive
  • Clustering Descriptive
  • Association Rule Discovery Descriptive
  • Regression Predictive
  • Deviation Detection Predictive
  • Semi-supervised Learning
  • Semi-supervised Clustering
  • Semi-supervised Classification

Data Mining Tasks Cover in this Course
  • Classification Predictive
  • Association Rule Discovery Descriptive
  • Clustering Descriptive
  • Privacy preserving clustering Descriptive
  • Deviation Detection Predictive
  • Semi-supervised Learning
  • Semi-supervised Clustering
  • Semi-supervised Classification

Useful Links
  • http//
  • KDnuggets
  • http//
  • The Data Mine
  • http//
  • Major Conferences in Data Mining
  • ACM KDD, IEEE Data Mining, SIAM Data Mining

Classification Definition
  • Given a collection of records (training set )
  • Each record contains a set of attributes, one of
    the attributes is the class.
  • Find a model for class attribute as a function
    of the values of other attributes.
  • Goal previously unseen records should be
    assigned a class as accurately as possible.
  • A test set is used to determine the accuracy of
    the model. Usually, the given data set is divided
    into training and test sets, with training set
    used to build the model and test set used to
    validate it.

Classification Example
Learn Classifier
Training Set
Classification Application 1
  • Direct Marketing
  • Goal Reduce cost of mailing by targeting a set
    of consumers likely to buy a new cell-phone
  • Approach
  • Use the data for a similar product introduced
  • We know which customers decided to buy and which
    decided otherwise. This buy, dont buy decision
    forms the class attribute.
  • Collect various demographic, lifestyle, and
    company-interaction related information about all
    such customers.
  • Type of business, where they stay, how much they
    earn, etc.
  • Use this information as input attributes to learn
    a classifier model.

From Berry Linoff Data Mining Techniques, 1997
Classification Application 2
  • Fraud Detection
  • Goal Predict fraudulent cases in credit card
  • Approach
  • Use credit card transactions and the information
    on its account-holder as attributes.
  • When does a customer buy, what does he buy, how
    often he pays on time, etc
  • Label past transactions as fraud or fair
    transactions. This forms the class attribute.
  • Learn a model for the class of the transactions.
  • Use this model to detect fraud by observing
    credit card transactions on an account.

Classification Application 3
  • Customer Attrition/Churn
  • Goal To predict whether a customer is likely to
    be lost to a competitor.
  • Approach
  • Use detailed record of transactions with each of
    the past and present customers, to find
  • How often the customer calls, where he calls,
    what time-of-the day he calls most, his financial
    status, marital status, etc.
  • Label the customers as loyal or disloyal.
  • Find a model for loyalty.

From Berry Linoff Data Mining Techniques, 1997
Classification Application 4
  • Sky Survey Cataloging
  • Goal To predict class (star or galaxy) of sky
    objects, especially visually faint ones, based on
    the telescopic survey images (from Palomar
  • 3000 images with 23,040 x 23,040 pixels per
  • Approach
  • Segment the image.
  • Measure image attributes (features) - 40 of them
    per object.
  • Model the class based on these features.
  • Success Story Could find 16 new high red-shift
    quasars, some of the farthest objects that are
    difficult to find!

From Fayyad, Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, 1996
Classifying Galaxies
Courtesy http//
  • Attributes
  • Image features,
  • Characteristics of light waves received, etc.

  • Class
  • Stages of Formation

  • Data Size
  • 72 million stars, 20 million galaxies
  • Object Catalog 9 GB
  • Image Database 150 GB

Classification Application 5
  • Face recognition
  • Goal Predict the identity of a face image
  • Approach
  • Align all images to derive the features
  • Model the class (identity) based on these

Classification Application 6
  • Cancer Detection
  • Goal To predict class (cancer or normal) of a
    sample (person), based on the microarray gene
    expression data
  • Approach
  • Use expression levels of all genes as the
  • Label each example as cancer or normal
  • Learn a model for the class of all samples

Classification Application 7
  • Alzheimer's Disease Detection
  • Goal To predict class (AD or normal) of a sample
    (person), based on neuroimaging data such as MRI
    and PET
  • Approach
  • Extract features from neuroimages
  • Label each example as AD or normal
  • Learn a model for the class of all samples

Reduced gray matter volume (colored areas)
detected by MRI voxel-based morphometry in AD
patients compared to normal healthy controls.
Classification algorithms
  • K-Nearest-Neighbor classifiers
  • Decision Tree
  • Naïve Bayes classifier
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  • Logistic Regression
  • Neural Networks

Clustering Definition
  • Given a set of data points, each having a set of
    attributes, and a similarity measure among them,
    find clusters such that
  • Data points in one cluster are more similar to
    one another.
  • Data points in separate clusters are less similar
    to one another.
  • Similarity Measures
  • Euclidean Distance if attributes are continuous.
  • Other Problem-specific Measures.

Illustrating Clustering
  • Euclidean Distance Based Clustering in 3-D space.

Intracluster distances are minimized
Intercluster distances are maximized
Clustering Application 1
  • Market Segmentation
  • Goal subdivide a market into distinct subsets of
    customers where any subset may conceivably be
    selected as a market target to be reached with a
    distinct marketing mix.
  • Approach
  • Collect different attributes of customers based
    on their geographical and lifestyle related
  • Find clusters of similar customers.
  • Measure the clustering quality by observing
    buying patterns of customers in same cluster vs.
    those from different clusters.

Clustering Application 2
  • Document Clustering
  • Goal To find groups of documents that are
    similar to each other based on the important
    terms appearing in them.
  • Approach To identify frequently occurring terms
    in each document. Form a similarity measure based
    on the frequencies of different terms. Use it to
  • Gain Information Retrieval can utilize the
    clusters to relate a new document or search term
    to clustered documents.

Illustrating Document Clustering
  • Clustering Points 3204 Articles of Los Angeles
  • Similarity Measure How many words are common in
    these documents (after some word filtering).

Clustering of SP 500 Stock Data
  • Observe Stock Movements every day.
  • Clustering points Stock-UP/DOWN
  • Similarity Measure Two points are more similar
    if the events described by them frequently happen
    together on the same day.
  • We used association rules to quantify a
    similarity measure.

Clustering algorithms
  • K-Means
  • Hierarchical clustering
  • Graph based clustering (Spectral clustering)

Association Rule Discovery Definition
  • Given a set of records each of which contain some
    number of items from a given collection
  • Produce dependency rules which will predict
    occurrence of an item based on occurrences of
    other items.

Rules Discovered Milk --gt Coke
Diaper, Milk --gt Beer
Association Rule Discovery Application 1
  • Marketing and Sales Promotion
  • Let the rule discovered be
  • Bagels, --gt Potato Chips
  • Potato Chips as consequent gt Can be used to
    determine what should be done to boost its sales.
  • Bagels in the antecedent gt Can be used to see
    which products would be affected if the store
    discontinues selling bagels.
  • Bagels in antecedent and Potato chips in
    consequent gt Can be used to see what products
    should be sold with Bagels to promote sale of
    Potato chips!

Association Rule Discovery Application 2
  • Supermarket shelf management.
  • Goal To identify items that are bought together
    by sufficiently many customers.
  • Approach Process the point-of-sale data
    collected with barcode scanners to find
    dependencies among items.
  • A classic rule --
  • If a customer buys diaper and milk, then he is
    very likely to buy beer.
  • So, dont be surprised if you find six-packs
    stacked next to diapers!

Association Rule Discovery Application 3
  • Inventory Management
  • Goal A consumer appliance repair company wants
    to anticipate the nature of repairs on its
    consumer products and keep the service vehicles
    equipped with right parts to reduce on number of
    visits to consumer households.
  • Approach Process the data on tools and parts
    required in previous repairs at different
    consumer locations and discover the co-occurrence

  • Predict a value of a given continuous valued
    variable based on the values of other variables,
    assuming a linear or nonlinear model of
  • Greatly studied in statistics, neural network
  • Examples
  • Predicting sales amounts of new product based on
    advetising expenditure.
  • Predicting wind velocities as a function of
    temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc.
  • Time series prediction of stock market indices.

Deviation/Anomaly Detection
  • Detect significant deviations from normal
  • Applications
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection
  • Network Intrusion Detection

Typical network traffic at University
level may reach over 100 million connections per
Challenges of Data Mining
  • Scalability
  • Dimensionality
  • Complex and Heterogeneous Data
  • Data Quality
  • Data Ownership and Distribution
  • Privacy Preservation
  • Streaming Data

  • Why are you taking this course?
  • What would you like to gain from this course?
  • What topics are you most interested in learning
    about from this course?
  • Any other suggestions?
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