Title: Data Warehousing
1Data Warehousing
Virtual University of Pakistan
- Lecture-29
- Brief Intro. to Data Mining
Ahsan Abdullah Assoc. Prof. Head Center for
Agro-Informatics Research www.nu.edu.pk/cairindex.
asp National University of Computers Emerging
Sciences, Islamabad Email ahsan101_at_yahoo.com
2What is Data Mining? Non technical view
- There are things that we know that we know
- there are things that we know that we dont
know - there are things that we dont know we dont
know. - Donald Rumsfield
- US Secretary of Defence
3What is Data Mining? Slightly formal
4What is Data Mining? Formal view
- Data mining digs out valuable non-trivial
information from large multidimensional
apparently unrelated data bases(sets).
5Why Data Mining? Huge volume
6Claude Shannon's info. theory
More volume means less information
7Value vs. Volume
Decision (Y/N) Decision Support
Knowledge Information
Indexed Data Raw Data
Value of Data
8Why Data Mining? Supply Demand
9(No Transcript)
10Data Mining is HOT!
- 10 Hottest Jobs of year 2025
- Time Magazine, 22 May, 2000
- 10 emerging areas of technology
- MITs Magazine of Technology Review, Jan/Feb,
11How Data Mining is different? Traditionally
- Knowledge Discovery (KDD)
- Data Mining (Knowledge-driven exploration)
- Data Warehouses (Data-driven exploration)
- Traditional Database (Transactions)
12Data Mining Vs Statistics
13Data Mining Vs. Statistics
14Knowledge extraction using statistics
Q What will be the stock increase when inflation
is 6? A Model non-linear relationship using a
line y mx c. Hence answer is 13
15 Failure of regression models
16Data Mining is
- Decision Trees
- Neural Networks
- Rule Induction
- Clustering
- Genetic Algorithms
17Data Mining is NOT ...
- Data warehousing
- Ad Hoc Query / Reporting
- Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
- Data Visualization
- Software Agents
18Data Mining Business Perspective
- knowledge is worth knowing if it can be used to
increase profit by lowering cost or it can be
used to increase profit by raising revenue. - Business questions
- Profiling/Segmentation
- Cross-Service
- Employee retention