Title: Auto-grouping Emails for Faster eDiscovery
1Auto-grouping Emails for Faster eDiscovery
- Sachindra Joshi, Danish Contractor, Kenney Ng,
Prasad M Deshpande, and Thomas Hampp - IBM Research India IBM Software Group
2Outline of the Talk
- eDiscovery Process
- A new way of eDiscovery Review Group Level
Review - Creating Syntactic Groups
- Creating Semantic Groups
- Experiments and Conclusion
3eDiscovery Process
- Discovery Process in pre-trial phase
- Produce relevant information
- eDiscovery FRCP 2006 amendment
- Produce relevant Electronically Stored
Information (ESI) - Emails, chats, word docs, presentations etc.
- Huge volumes of ESI - Process is expensive
- 60 of cases warrant some form of eDisovery
- 4.8 billion dollars industry in 2011
4eDiscovery Process
- High cost due to review stage
- Lawsuit between Clinton administration and
tobacco companies (U.S. Vs. Philip Morris)
Apply Text Mining Techniques to reduce high costs
involved in eDiscovery Process
5Architecture of eDiscovery Review Systems
6Group Level Review
- Review groups of documents that are related
instead of individual documents - Mark whole group as responsive/unresponsive or
privileged - Efficient and consistent
- Syntactically Similar Documents
- Automated messages, Near and exact duplicates
- Semantically Similar Documents
- Threads, semantic categories
7Detecting Syntactic Groups Automated Messages
8Detecting Near Duplicates
- S1 I am away from 17/2/2011 to 19/2/2011. Please
mail xyz_at_in.ibm.com in case of any need - S2 I am away from 26/7/2011 to 31/7/2011. Please
mail abc_at_us.ibm.com in case of any need - Notion of Similarity Resemblance
- Use fingerprinting (Rabin) instead of actual
9Efficient Detection of Near Duplicates
- For a document of length n words there would be
- n-K1 chunks with a window size of K
- It suffices to keep for each document a
relatively small fixed size signature - Let Sn be the set of permutations of n
- And let P be chosen uniformly at random over Sn
10Signature Annotator
- In practice choosing the permutations randomly is
hard - Use a set of n one-to-one functions fi and keep
only the smallest value for each fi - Keep only j lowest significant bits for each
11Discovering Automated Messages
- Generating groups of near duplicate Index Based
Clustering - For each document d in index I do
- If d is not covered
- Let S S1, S2, , Sn be the signature of
document d - D Query(I, atleast(S,k))
- For each document d in D
- d is covered
- Discovering Groups of Automated Messages
- Automated Messages, Group of bulk emails, Group
of forward emails - Use MD5 to detect bulk emails. Emails with one
segment are automated messages
12Detecting Semantic Groups Email Threads
- A tree like structure
- A link denotes that the child node was written as
a reply to the parent node. - Capture the context in which an email was written
13Detecting Email Threads
- Meta data based methods
- Headers are not consistently used
- Content of old mail remains in the new mail
- A segment contains text of only one communication
- An email ei contains ej iff ei approximately
contains all the segment of ej
14Method for Thread Detection
- Email Segment Generator (ESG)
- Creates segments of it where each segment
contains content of only one email. - Segment Signature Generator (SSG)
- Generates a signature for a segment
- Use near duplicate signatures
- For practical implementation, we limit on the
number of segment signatures (N) that can be
associated with an email, e.g. 20 segments.
15Method Processing at Indexing Time
16Method Processing at Query Time
Use Signature Of First Segment
Generating Candidate Thread Set
17Detecting Email Threads
- Given a Candidate Thread Set
- Identify the email with only root segment
- An email ec is child of an email ep if ec
minimally contains ep
18Creating Semantic Categories
- Focus Categories
- Documents that are likely to be responsive
- Legal Content, Financial Communication,
Intellectual Property - High recall
- Filter Categories
- Documents that are likely to be unresponsive
- Bulk emails, Private communication, Jokes
- High precision
19Creating Semantic Categories
- Email Segmentation
- Pattern based annotation Use System T based
method - Consolidation
- Each concept is independent
- Apply additional constraints over concepts
20Experiments Near Duplicate Detection
- Enron Corpus
- 517K emails from 150 users
- Measuring precision
- Manually evaluated near duplicate set for 500
queries - With more bits precision is 100 even with 40
similarity threshold - Only 33.3 emails are unique
21Experiments Email Thread Detection
- No ground truth for threads
- Subject approximation Method Based on Re,
Fw etc in subject - Manually verified the results of thread for our
method and subject approximation method - The union of correct emails in thread for both
approaches is treated as ground truth.
22Experiments Semantic Group
- Ground truth Sampled 2200 emails using generic
keywords and then manually labeled
- We developed a framework that allow group level
review of documents - We developed methods for finding syntactic groups
such as automated messages for creating groups - We developed methods for finding email threads
and semantic groups - We showed significant reduction in the review
time by using the group level review and
integrated the proposed techniques with IBM
Infosphere eDiscovery Analyzer product