Title: Classical Electrodynamics
1Classical Electrodynamics
- Jingbo Zhang
- Harbin Institute of Technology
2Chapter 3Electromagnetic Potentials
Section 1 Electrodynamic Potentials
- Electromagnetic Field Equations
However, we often express the theory in terms
of potentials.
41 Electrostatic Scalar Potential
- Electrostatic Field Equations
For electrostatic irrotational, we can express E
in term of the gradient of a scalar field.
Such a scalar field is called electrostatic
scalar potential.
5- Electrostatic Potential Equation
Coulombs solution
62 Magnetostatic Vector Potential
- Magnetostatic Field Equations
For no divergence of magnetic field, we can
express B in term of the coul of a vector field.
Such a vector field is called magnetostatic
vector potential.
7 - Magnetostatic Potential Equation
Coulombs solution
8 93 Electromagnetic Potentials
- Electromagnetic vector and scalar potentials
- Electromagnetic Potentials Equations
10Homework 3.1
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