Election Algorithms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Election Algorithms


Election Algorithms Topics Issues Detecting Failures Bully algorithm Ring algorithm Readings Van Steen and Tanenbaum: 5.4 Coulouris: 11.3 Election Algorithms Remember ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Election Algorithms

Election Algorithms
  • Issues
  • Detecting Failures
  • Bully algorithm
  • Ring algorithm

  • Van Steen and Tanenbaum 5.4
  • Coulouris 11.3

Election Algorithms
  • Remember using Lamport clocks for total order
  • Can you think of another way to do this?
  • It turns out that you can use a sequencer.
  • All operations go to a sequencer
  • The sequencer assigns numbers to each message
    before the message goes to each replica
  • What if the sequencer goes down?

Election Algorithms
  • Many distributed algorithms require a process to
    act as a coordinator.
  • The coordinator can be any process that organizes
    actions of other processes.
  • A coordinator may fail
  • How is a new coordinator chosen or elected?

Election Algorithms
  • Assumptions
  • Each process has a unique number to distinguish
  • One process per machine (which suggests that an
    IP address can be the unique identifier)
  • Processes know each others process number
  • Processes do not know which ones are currently up
    and which ones are down.
  • General Approach
  • Locate the process with the process with the
    highest process number and designate it as the
  • Election algorithms differ in how they do this.

Issues in Dealing with Coordinator Failure
  • Detecting Failure
  • Any node might detect failure first
  • Multiple processes might detect failure at once.
  • Election
  • Must run without coordination
  • Must deal with arbitrary process failures
  • All nodes must agree on when election is over and
    who the new coordinator is.

Detecting Failures
  • Timeouts are used to detect failures
  • T 2Ttrans Tprocess
  • Where Ttran is maximum transmission delay and
    Tprocess represents the maximum delay for
    processing a message.
  • If a process fails to respond to a message
    request within T seconds then an election is

Bully Algorithm
  • When a process, P, notices that the coordinator
    is no longer responding to requests, it initiates
    an election.
  • P sends an ELECTION message to all processes with
    higher numbers.
  • If no one responds, P wins the election and
    becomes a coordinator.
  • If one of the higher-ups answers, it takes over.
    Ps job is done.

Bully Algorithm
  • When a process gets an ELECTION message from one
    of its lower-numbered colleagues
  • Receiver sends an OK message back to the sender
    to indicate that he is alive and will take over.
  • Receiver holds an election, unless it is already
    holding one.
  • Eventually, all processes give up but one, and
    that one is the new coordinator.
  • The new coordinator announces its victory by
    sending all processes a message telling them that
    starting immediately it is the new coordinator.

Bully Algorithm
  • If a process that was previously down comes back
  • It holds an election.
  • If it happens to be the highest process currently
    running, it will win the election and take over
    the coordinators job.
  • Biggest guy always wins and hence the name
    bully algorithm.

The Bully Algorithm (Example)
  • The bully election algorithm
  • Process 4 holds an election
  • Process 5 and 6 respond, telling 4 to stop
  • Now 5 and 6 each hold an election

The Bully Algorithm (Example)
  1. Process 6 tells 5 to stop
  2. Process 6 wins and tells everyone

Bully AlgorithmAnalysis
  • Best case
  • The node with second highest identifier detects
  • Total messages N-2
  • One message for each of the other processes
    indicating the process with the second highest
    identifier is the new coordinator.
  • Worst case
  • The node with lowest identifier detects failure.
    This causes N-1 processes to initiate the
    election algorithm each sending messages to
    processes with higher identifiers.
  • Total messages O(N2)

Bully Algorithm Discussion
  • How many processes are used to detect a
    coordinator failure?
  • As many as you want. You could have all other
    processes check out the coordinator.
  • It is impossible for two processes to be elected
    at the same time.

Ring Algorithm
  • Use a ring (processes are physically or logically
    ordered, so that each process knows who its
    successor is).
  • Algorithm
  • When a process notices that coordinator is not
  • Builds an ELECTION message (containing its own
    process number)
  • Sends the message to its successor (if successor
    is down, sender skips over it and goes to the
    next member along the ring, or the one after
    that, until a running process is located).
  • At each step, sender adds its own process number
    to the list in the message.

Ring Algorithm
  • Algorithm (continued)
  • When the message gets back to the process that
    started it all
  • Process recognizes the message that contains its
    own process number
  • Changes message type to COORDINATOR
  • Circulates message once again to inform everyone
    else Who the new coordinator is (list member
    with highest number) Who the members of the new
    ring are.
  • When message has circulated once, it is removed.
  • Even if two ELECTIONS started at once, everyone
    will pick same leader since node with highest
    identifier is picked.

Ring Algorithm
Ring Algorithm
Ring Algorithm contd
Ring Algorithm Analysis
  • At best 2(N-1 ) messages are passed
  • One round for the ELECTION message
  • One round for the COORDINATOR
  • Assumes that only a single process starts an
  • Multiple elections cause an increase in messages
    but no real harm done.

  • Synchronization between processes often requires
    that one process acts as a coordinator.
  • The coordinator is not fixed.
  • Election algorithms determine the coordinator.
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