Understanding spatial disorientation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding spatial disorientation


Title: Understanding spatial disorientation Subject: FSF Human Factors Tool Kit Author: D Gurney Last modified by: dave Created Date: 6/3/2004 2:10:08 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding spatial disorientation

Operators Guide to Human Factors in Aviation

Human Performance and Limitations
Managing Visual Somatogravic Illusions
Operators Guide to Human Factors in Aviation

Human Performance and Limitations
Managing Visual Somatogravic Illusions
1. Introduction to the vestibular system
2. Somatogyral illusions
3. Somatogravic illusions
4. Conclusion
To be used with Briefing Note Vestibular System
and Illusions
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
1. Introduction to the vestibular system
Visual input
Proprioceptive input
Orientation in space
Gaze stabilisation
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Location of the vestibular system
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Six degrees of freedom
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
The human inner ear
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Mechanism of rotation detection
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
  • The driving stimulus for the semicircular canal
    sensory cells is angular acceleration
  • The canal dynamics, however, have an integrating
    function and convert acceleration into angular
  • Under conditions of sustained rotation, the
    elastic properties of the cupula (the membrane
    with the detectors) drive it back to its zero
    position after 7 seconds
  • Despite the existence of a velocity storage
    mechanism in the brain, after 20 to 30 seconds
    there is no accurate detection of movement

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Transient rotations, typically for head
movements, are perfectly detected
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Sustained rotations are not appropriately detected
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Somatogyral illusion
  • A somatogyral illusion is
  • A false sensation of rotation or absence of
  • Any discrepancy between actual and perceived rate
    of self-rotation
  • It originates in the inability of the
    semicircular canals to register accurately
    prolonged rotation (gt 30 s), e.g. banking during
    a holding pattern
  • The operation window of the canals corresponds to
    physiological frequencies, i.e. 0.1 5 Hz

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Somatogyral illusion example the graveyard spin
  • Suppose the aircraft makes a sustained turn.
  • After 30s, the canals stop responding, and the
    brain has no sense of turning any more.
  • If the trajectory of the aircraft is now
    straightened, the brain senses a turn in the
    opposite direction due to the angular
  • The pilot perceives a turn in the opposite
  • He may erroneously correct for this illusory spin
    and re-enter the original turn to compensate, so
    that he perceives stable flight.
  • Additionally, his gaze may be disturbed by the
    nystagmus of his eyes, that disables clear
    reading of the solely reliable instruments.

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Solution to somatogyral illusions
  • Rely on the flight instruments never on your
    perception ( your internal instruments)
  • Make the instruments read right !
  • When nystagmus disturbs your vision fixate on a
    nearby fixed point on the instrument panel
  • Converging the eyes also diminishes nystagmus
  • Continuously remember that sustained rotations
    are, by definition, misperceived by the
    equilibrium system

Visual information is of a higher order than
vestibular information
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Is this right?
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Make the instruments read right
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Acceleration detectors
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Principle of otolith organ function
  • The otoliths consist of calcium carbonate
    stones embedded in a gelatinous substance.
    When the head moves, the inertia or weight of the
    stones bends the hair cells and thus activates
    nerve cells, sending a signal to the brain
    proportional to the amount of head movement.
  • Driving stimulus equals linear accelerations,
    change of orientation with respect to gravity

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
The otolith membrane in the inner ear
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Ambiguity of the otolithic membrane action
Backward Tilt
Forward acceleration

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Ambiguity of the otolithic membrane action
Forward Tilt

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Gravito-inertial acceleration
  • The gravito-inertial acceleration (GIA) is the
    vector sum of the vector of gravitational
    acceleration (upward) and all other linear
    accelerations acting on the head

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Somatogravic illusion
  • A somatogravic illusion is a false sensation of
    body tilt that results from perceiving as
    vertical the direction of non-vertical
    gravito-inertial acceleration or force

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Somatogravic illusion during takeoff
  • The somatogravic illusion of nose-up sensation
    after takeoff and the erroneous correction of the
    pilot to push the yoke forward has caused more
    than a dozen airline crashes
  • An aircraft accelerating from 170 to 200 knots
    over a period of 10 seconds just after takeoff,
    generates 0.16 G on the pilot
  • The GIA is only 1.01 G
  • The corresponding sensation is 9 degrees nose
  • When no visual cues are present and the
    instruments are ignored, an unwary pilot might
    push the nose down and crash

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Somatogravic illusion during final approach
  • An inexperienced pilot may perceive deceleration
    due to lowering the flaps as a steep nose-down
  • On the runway, before the nose wheel touches
    down, the deceleration may be perceived as a
    too-low vertical attitude.
  • An erroneous correction to bring the nose up may
    cause damage

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
  • 21 percent of approach-and-landing accidents
    involved disorientation or visual illusion
  • Flying in the simulator can provoke some of these
    illusions, but the GIA never exceeds 1 G and can
    not mimic the somatogravic illusion of false
    nose-up sensation due to acceleration or nose-
    down one due to deceleration

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
  • Would the best pilots be those who have no
    misleading vestibular organ?
  • No, because they would not be able to stabilize
    their gaze to read the instruments
  • However, being aware of the misleading
    information of the vestibular organ is crucial
    humans are not designed to fly
  • Debrief on your erroneous perceptions and realize
    that it is a perfectly human and normal sensation
    (we cant help it). But, it is not suitable for

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Conclusion cont.
  • Confidence, competence and currency in instrument
    flying greatly reduces the risk of
  • Prioritize the workload first fly the aircraft,
    then do everything else
  • Build up experience controlling the aircraft in
    an environment of conflicting orientation cues

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Conclusion cont.
  • Avoid disorientation by making frequent
    instrument cross-checks, even when the autopilot
    is on
  • Match the instrument readings with your internal
    mental representation of the flight path
  • Recover from disorientation by
  • Making the instruments read right, regardless of
    your sensation

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Conclusion cont.
  • Dont trust your built-in equilibrium organs,
    particularly in low-visibility conditions
  • In moments of stress, make decisions based on the
    instruments dont fall back on your instinct or
  • Garbage in leads to garbage out.
  • The human equilibrium system is designed to
    function on land, to chase animals not to fly

1.HP_11_ Vestibular Postural Control
Short calculation
  • 1 knot 0.514 m/s
  • Acceleration after takeoff
  • 30 kts/10s 1.54 m/s2
  • 1 G 9.81 m/s2
  • ? acceleration 0.16 G
  • GIA sqrt(12 0.162) 1.01 G
  • Inclination Arc Tan(0.16/1) 9 degrees
  • Nose-up impression of 9 degrees
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