Title: Medical certification of death Training for Medical Practitioners
1Medical certification of deathTraining for
Medical Practitioners
2CEUs (Ethics) require that you
- Complete and sign attendance register
- HPCSA number
- Contact details (email)
- Complete and submit mock cause of death
certificate for Case scenarios 13 before the
training - Complete and submit mock cause of death
certificates for Case scenarios 46 immediately
after the training
3Importance of cause of death statistics
- What you write in the cause of death section of a
medical certificate of death is as important as
what you write in a patients medical folder - It forms part of a permanent legal record
- It produces statistics that are used for public
health practice - Indicates the overall health of a community
- Drives health policy decisions
- Determines funding for health interventions
- Health department uses this data to
- Identify needs
- Measure results
- Allocate resources
4Cause of death Death Statistics
- Mortality data are the most accessible and
frequently used statistics - It is a powerful source of information because it
is collected on ALL deaths in SA - It is derived from the words YOU write in the
cause of death section of the Notice of
5Source StatsSA
6Leading categories of deaths in SA
7Leading causes of death, Stats SA 2008
Cause of death Number of all deaths
1 Ill-defined and unknown causes 80 515 13.6
2 Tuberculosis 74 863 12.6
3 Influenza and pneumonia 45 602 7.7
4 Intestinal infectious diseases 39 351 6.6
5 Other external causes of accidental injury 33 983 5.7
6 Other forms of heart disease 26 190 4.4
7 Cerebrovascular disease 24 363 4.1
8 Diabetes mellitus 19 558 3.3
9 HIV 15 097 2.5
10 Certain disorders involving the immune system 14 639 2.5
- HIV accounted for 2.5 of all deaths and ranked
8Current Official Mortality System
Current Official Mortality System
9Legislative framework
- Legislative framework provided by the Births and
Deaths Registration Act, No. 51 of 1992 - Requires that all deaths be registered with the
Department of Home Affairs and to include a
medical certification of the cause of death
10The DHA-1663
- The death certificate
- The death notification form / Notice of death
- DHA-1663A with 3 pages (carbon-copied)
registration of death - DHA-1663B with 1 page (single page) cause of
death certification - Last page (DHA-1663B) SEALED
11A death certificate
12DHA-1663A Page 1 of 3
A. Particulars of deceased
2. Identification of deceased
3. Date of death
8. ID no
9. Age
11. Sex
10. Date of birth
15. Address
13DHA-1663A Page 1 of 3
18. Education
19. Occupation
20. Business / industry
21. Smoking history
14DHA-1663A Page 2 of 3
B Certificate by attending Medical Practitioner
Certificate by attending medical
practitioner NATURAL CAUSES ___ am not in the
position to certify that the deceased died
exclusively due to natural causes ___
15C Certificate by Forensic Pathologist
DHA-1663A Page 2 of 3
MP number
D Particulars of Informant
16DHA-1663A Page 3 of 3
E Particulars of Funeral undertaker
17DHA-1663B Page 1 of 1
18Cause-of-death cascade
- Immediate/Terminal cause of death
- A term used to describe the final disease that
led to the death of the person. - Underlying cause of death
- The (primary medical) cause of death is the
initial disease or injury that caused the person
to die, even if a few days or even months passed
before the actual demise. - Mechanism of death
- The physiological disturbance by which a cause
of death exerts its lethal effect (e.g. cardiac
arrest, metabolic acidosis) -
- Contributing conditions
- Causes which contributed to the death of the
person, but do not fit into the causal sequence
reported in Part 1. - It will always depend on the underlying cause of
death! - Example
- Chronic obstructive airways disease
(Brain tumour) -
21Underlying cause of death
- The disease that started the causal sequence
leading to death e.g. diabetes mellitus,
ischaemic heart disease, malaria etc. - Cancer / tumour
- NB! State primary site.
- Benign/malignant?
- Metastases?
- Type of cancer?
- Infection
- Site
- Organism
- Septicaemia
- Mechanism!
- NB! Site of origin
Example Metastases to lungsdue to Squamous
cell carcinoma of the esophagus
Example Septicaemia due to S. Pneumoniae
otitis media
22DHA-1663B Page 1 of 1
- A child that had at least 26 weeks of
intra-uterine life (or 28 weeks gestation since
last menstrual period) but showed no signs of
life after complete birth - WHO equates 28 weeks gestation with 1000g
Perinatal Cause of death (Stillbirth and death
within one week of birth)
Main disease or condition in foetus or infant
Other diseases or conditions in foetus or infant
Main maternal disease or condition affecting foetus or infant
Other maternal diseases or conditions affecting foetus or infant
Other relevant circumstances
Perinatal Cause of death (Stillbirth and death
within one week of birth)
Main disease or condition in foetus or infant Hyaline membrane disease
Other diseases or conditions in foetus or infant Down syndrome
Main maternal disease or condition affecting foetus or infant Abruptio Placentae
Other maternal diseases or conditions affecting foetus or infant Pre-ecclampsia
Other relevant circumstances Old primigravida
Classification Manner of death Manner of death
Unnatural deaths INTENTIONAL Homicide Suicide Legal intervention and War
Unnatural deaths UNINTENTIONAL Accidental Road traffic Medical /surgical Natural disasters Other accidents
Unnatural deaths Undetermined intent Undetermined intent
Natural deaths Natural diseases
Unknown Unknown / Could not be determined
- Manner of death
- This gives an indication of the circumstances
surrounding the death of the person. It can be
classified as homicide, suicide, accidental,
natural and (sometimes) undetermined.
27Classification of unnatural deaths
- Physical/chemical influences on the body
- Physical effects gunshot wounds, stab wounds,
etc. - Chemical effects poisons, drugs
- Effects of nature on the body lightning, dog
bite, anaphylaxis due to bee-sting - Complications of trauma, e.g. bronchopneumonia,
tetanus, gangrene
28Classification of unnatural deaths
- Physical/chemical influences on the body
- Sudden unexpected deaths
- Previously healthy adults, no obvious cause of
death - Cot deaths Sudden infant death syndrome
29Classification of unnatural deaths
- Physical/chemical influences on the body
- Sudden unexpected deaths
- Omission or Co-mission
- Action or neglect by a healthcare practitioner,
relative or other person may have led to death - May otherwise seem to be a natural death
30Classification of unnatural deaths
- Physical/chemical influences on the body
- Sudden unexpected deaths
- Omission or Co-mission
- Procedure-related death The Health Professions
Act, 56 of 1974, Section 48
31Procedure related death
- Any procedure diagnostic, therapeutic or
palliative - Death during the procedure
- Death as a result of the procedure
- Where any aspect of the procedure played a
contributory role in causing death
32Terminology to avoid
- Ill-defined / non-specific conditions
- Old age
- Headache
- Natural causes
- Mechanisms of death
- Heart failure
- Kidney failure
- Dehydration
- Hypoxia
- Sepsis
A mechanism may be written on the very first
line, IF it is followed by a proper disease as
underlying cause of death. But try to avoid it!
33Terminology to avoid
- Abbreviations
- MI
- MS
- Stories
- The patient presented three days ago with severe
abdominal pain, but the family says its been
going on for a long time. At surgery, extensive
peritoneal sepsis of unknown cause was found.
- Acceptable abbreviations
34Write legibly for data coders and capturers
Examples of COD from WC local mortality
- Aala refuflulem AF
- Caramony oiley divan
- Vulval carcinoma to the brain
35(No Transcript)
36Difficult situations HIV
- Drs reluctant to report HIV as a cause of death
- Stigma
- HIV exclusion clauses of insurance policies
- Government directive
- Confidentiality concerns
- As a result mortality data is inaccurate
- Drs report immediate causes of death (TB,
diarrhoea, pneumonia) or euphemisms for HIV
(immuno-compromised, retroviral disease) instead
of HIV - Facts
- Drs have a legal obligation to provide accurate
information on cause of death (Births and Deaths
registration Act, no 51, 1992) provided you
follow available confidentiality measures (seal
last page in envelope) - Insurers have the right to access medical records
and death certificates but HIV exclusion policies
were scrapped in 2005 so policies will be paid
even if death due to HIV there may be a waiting
period which applies to all natural causes - If you know or strongly suspect that HIV is a
cause of death you should state it on the
37Difficult situations Dead on Arrival
- Obvious unnatural causes
- refer to Forensic Pathology Service (FPS) in the
prescribed manner - Unknown causes
- History from family / ambulance personnel /
friends - History from hospital file
- Complete external examination of unclothed body
- Ask senior colleagues
- Make notes
- Forensic Pathology Service
- Your best medical opinion!
38Difficult situations Diabetes and Cardiovascular
- Controversy about UCOD when comorbid DM and CVD
Does DM cause heart attacks or strokes? - For diabetic patients dying from MI, reported
as having diabetes as UCOD ranged from 44 in
Taiwan to 3 in France (Lu et al, 2010) - Certifying doctor has to determine which
condition played the most important role in
causing death - If doctor believes DM caused a cardiovascular
condition it should be included in the causal
sequence in Part 1 - If doctor is uncertain that DM was the direct
cause of the cardiovascular condition, diabetes
should be listed in Part 2
39Case scenario 1
- A 34-year-old male was admitted with severe
shortness of breath. He had a 9-month history of
unintentional weight loss, night sweats and
diarrhea. HIV tests were positive. A chest X-ray
showed pulmonary cavitation suggestive of
tuberculosis. Tuberculosis was confirmed by a
positive sputum smear. The patient did not
respond to standard tuberculosis treatment. His
condition deteriorated rapidly and he died a
month later.
40Case scenario 1
Pulmonary tuberculosis
1 month
41Case scenario 2
- A 48-year-old male developed cramping epigastric
pain which radiated to his back shortly after
dinner on the day prior to admission. This was
followed by nausea and vomiting. The pain was not
relieved by positional changes or antacids and 24
hours after the onset the patient sought medical
attention. He had a 10-year history of excessive
alcohol consumption and a 2- year history of
recurrent episodes of similar epigastric pain.
The diagnosis on admission was an acute
exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Serum
amylase was 4,032 units per litre. After
admission the patient seemed to improve but the
next evening he became restless, disorientated
and hypotensive. Despite treatment, he remained
hypotensive and died. An autopsy revealed many
areas of fibrosis in the pancreas, with some
areas showing multiple foci of acute inflammation
and necrosis.
42Case scenario 2
43Case scenario 3
- A 3-month-old child is brought to the emergency
room, but is clearly dead on admission. She had
a history of vomiting and diarrhea for three
days, and appears severely dehydrated, with a
sunken fontanel and sunken eyes. The child had
been looked after by her grandparents, because
the mother was ill. No signs of any injury were
found on the body and an unnatural cause of death
was not suspected.
44Case scenario 3
45Example 1
- Female aged 80 years, stumbled and fell over
while vacuuming at home and sustained a fracture
of the neck of the left femur. She had an
operation for insertion of a pin the following
day. Two weeks later her condition deteriorated,
she developed hypostatic pneumonia and died two
days later.
46Cause of death cascade
2 days
Fracture of L femur
2 weeks
2 weeks
Alleged Accidental fall
Natural vs Unnatural?
47Example 2
- A 10-month-old child is brought in by his mother
because of a fever, which has been present for
approximately 3 days. On examination the child
is found to be malnourished, with a distended
abdomen and loss of muscle mass, and with neck
stiffness. A lumbar puncture led to the
diagnosis of H. Influenza meningitis, and IV
treatment was started. After one day in hospital,
the child became tachypnoeic, with bilateral
crepitations in the lungs. He died a few hours
48Cause of death cascade
49Whats wrong?
50Whats wrong?
Likely cardiac event PE advanced debilitation
Severe COPD, osteoporosis B/L Tib/Fib Frs. Died
in Nursing Home during sleep H/o A-fib
51Whats wrong?
52Whats wrong?
Natural causes
53Whats wrong?
54Whats wrong?
55Whats wrong?
Rib fractures, pneumothorax
- Department of Health, Department of Home Affairs,
Medical Research Council
Pam Groenewald, Lené Burger, Anastasia Rossouw,
Beatrice Nojilana, Debbie Bradshaw