Academic Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Academic Chemistry


Title: Policies and Procedures Author: Sabrina Last modified by: Windows User Created Date: 8/15/2006 4:41:24 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: sabr7


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Academic Chemistry

  • Academic Chemistry
  • Room 116
  • Ms. Hall

  • Have you ever been asked to collaborate with
    other people and to follow certain rules to
    achieve a common goal?

What would happen if you or your teammates
decided not to follow these rules?
  • Defeat

Now think about this
  • Do you and I have a common goal we wish to
    achieve in this classroom setting?

  • What will guarantee our success in reaching this

Mandatory Supplies
  • Pen and Pencil
  • 3-ring binder (or a section of a large binder
    that has all youre a-day/b day classes)
  • Composition Book
  • Leave in class learning log

Learning Log
  • Last 5 minutes of every class, reflect and write
    about what you learned that day
  • Cant have anything on your desk while you do
  • You can use whatever you have written in your
    comp book on any quizzes or tests
  • Pay attention in class so you can write something
  • Comp book does not leave class
  • Not graded

  • Addison-Wesley, Chemistry, 2002 Prentice Hall
    (Home text)
  • Each student will be given a textbook to take
    home for the school year.

Grading Policy
  • 50 - Tests Projects
  • 25 - Labs Lab Quizzes
  • 25 - Homework/Daily Work/Daily Quizzes

Office Hours
  • Monday
  • 415 PM to 500 PM
  • Thursday
  • 800 AM to 845 AM
  • Or by Appointment
  • E-mail at

Make-up Work Policy
  • Students are responsible for the work missed due
    to an absence. This includes all types of
    absences (illnesses, family emergencies,
    fieldtrips, etc.).
  • Students can refer to the website to stay caught

Make-Up Policies cont.
  • If you cannot meet the given deadlines for
    turning in make-up work, see me during tutorials
    to discuss other options.
  • If you miss quizzes, tests, notes, and/or labs,
    you need to make them up during my office hours

Late Work cont.
  • Students have one day for every excused day they
    missed to make up their work without penalties.
  • You will lose 10 points a day each day your work
    is late

Keeping Up with Assignments
  • Students are required to check the class website
    and to complete all possible work before they
    return to class.
  • If a student misses more than a day it is
    recommended for them to attend office hours until
    they are caught up.

Test Retakes
  • Students may retest once every 6 weeks to bring
    up their test score to an 80. The test will be
    comprehensive and the date of the retake will be
    announced in advance the week before the end of
    the 6 weeks.

Academic Dishonesty
  • I know that some students may cheat.
  • If I have proof that a student has cheated on any
    assignment, they will receive a ZERO and parents
    will be contacted.

When should I?
  • Sharpen my pencil before the bell rings
  • Go to the restroom during your passing period
    (You wont be allowed to leave the first or last
    20 minutes of class, so dont ask. I reserve the
    right to deny your request at any time if I think
    you will miss important content while you are
  • If you really have to leave, there is a hall pass
    by the door you need to take with you
  • Eat a snack during your passing period (these
    tables are grossreally grossseriouslyjust

If you are late
  • The tardy policy is strictly enforced at
  • If you are late to my class, you need to sign in.
  • But dont be late! Because 3 tardies 1
    unexcused absence, and before you know it, youll
    be in Saturday school/tutorials to make up those
  • And yes, I will call your parents if youre late
    all the time

As your teacher I expect you to
  • arrive on time and be prepared for class, with
    all assignments completed
  • keep all electronic devices, toiletries, food and
    beverages concealed in your bag.
  • put your best effort into your class assignments
    and class activities
  • come to class with a positive and respectful
  • participate in office hours when you are
    struggling with the material being taught

As a student in my class, you may expect me to
  • be respectful of you and other students
  • be prepared and well organized
  • begin and end class on time
  • give you clear expectations and timely feedback
    on assignments
  • be available to assist you with individual
    concerns outside of class

Class Rules
  • Be punctual
  • Be prepared
  • Be productive
  • Be polite
  • Be positive

Penalties and Consequences
  • Violation of class rules and procedures will lead
    to the following consequences
  • Strike One Warning, Student/Teacher Discussion
  • Strike Two Lunch Detention
  • Strike Three Parent Contact
  • Youre out!!! Referral

Ending on a Positive Note
  • I am truly honored to be your teacher.
  • Remember our common goal
  • Lets all have a great year!!!
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