Title: Using Standard Operating Procedures in the Field
1Using Standard Operating Procedures in the Field
- 2nd Annual Red River Basin Water Quality
Monitoring Training April 13th, 2005
2What is a SOP Document?
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Explains methods for data collection
- Water Quality (field meas. sampling)
- Biological monitoring
- Flow measurements
- Standard Operating Procedures for Water Quality
Monitoring in the Red River Watershed Revision
6 (Oct 2003)
3Importance of Standard Operating Procedures
- Safety
- Proper use of equipment
- Completeness
- Consistency
- Accuracy
- Reliability
- Representative
- Comparability
- Minimize contamination
- From activities at sampling site
- From sampling equipment and bottles
- Will this contaminate the water being sampled,
sample bottle, etc? - How can I get the most representative sample?
- Dont take shortcuts that can negatively affect
accuracy of sample results - Dont risk life or limb for a sample
5Using Common Sense
- Is this a good time to monitor this site?
6Water Quality Sampling - General
- Equipment Checklists
- Post in a useful, visible location
- Field measurement equipment
- Sampling Equipment
- Waders
- Sample storage and preservation
- Data sheets, chain of custody
- Boat
- Life vests
- Integrated sampler
- Anchor
- Secchi disk
- Oars!
7Calibration Solutions
- Vendors
- Cole Parmer All are certified traceable
- YSI - Expensive
- Myron L Cheap Bulk (32 oz)
- Oakton Cheap Smaller bottles (500 ml)
- Look for an expiration date
- Write the date opened on the bottle
8Calibration Methods
- Current SOP includes lengthy methods for Hydrolab
in Appendixes - Will create summarized Hydrolab methods (easier
to read) for future revisions. - YSI methods by Wayne Goeken
9Collecting Field Measurements
- Sondes and Probes (pH, temperature, conductivity,
dissolved oxygen) - Make sure sondes and probes are calibrated
- Dissolved Oxygen Calibrated the day of sampling
using barometric pressure change membranes
monthly - pH, Conductivity at least monthly
- Check probes for fouling, bubbles in DO membrane
at each site
10Collecting Field Measurements
- Transparency Tubes
- See the pattern, read, record
- See the screw, read, record
- Average of these readings
- Good methods good correlation
- Turbidity
11Collecting Field Measurements
- Turbidity
- Turbidimeters measure refracted light
- Representativeness
- Rinse the vial 3 times with sample water prior to
collecting sample - Rinse with distilled water after analysis to
remove contamination from the vial - Accuracy
- Outside of vial should be clean and free of
anything that may refract light (smudges,
scratches, lint, water, fingerprints) - Kim Wipes
- Oil and lint free cloth
- Use cap to hold vial whenever possible
12Collecting Samples (w/ Sampling Device)
- Sample from benchmark
- Place benchmark over thalweg (deepest part of
stream) if possible - Preferably a location with a known elevation
13Collecting Samples
- Rinse the sampler with distilled water at least
at the beginning of the sampling day and more
often depending on the water being sampled - Rinse sampler 3 times with sample water prior to
collecting a sample
- 6/10 of the total depth down from the surface.
-Total Depth 3 feet -Sample at 1.8 ft down
from the surface
15Dip samples
- Sample directly with bottle
- Sample method with lowest chance of
contamination, if done correctly - Enter downstream of where sample is to be
collected, - Walk upstream to sampling site
- Sample upstream of where youre standing
16Collecting Samples
- Handle bottles and lids carefully
- Dont use bottles that are missing caps, or have
been separated from their caps for a while - Only handle the outside of bottles and caps
- Make sure bottles are properly labeled
- Preserve phosphorus samples as soon as possible
- Sulfuric acid vials from laboratory
17Collecting Quality Assurance Samples
- Duplicate Samples
- RLWD w/ every 10th sample
- Keep track in sample log
- Blank Samples
- Distilled (or deionized) water
- Using Sampling Equipment (measure contamination
from equipment bottles) - Dip (Contamination from bottles only)
- RLWD alternates compare techniques
- The RLWD collects a set of QA samples with every
10th sample
18Blank sample results
- Most are at or below the detection limit
8/04 - present
19Other Types of QA Samples
- Field Split Samples
- Check consistency of
- a labs methods
- Performance Evaluation
- Blind
- Lab knows of check, but doesnt know conc.
- Double Blind
- Lab doesnt know of the check and doesnt know
the concentration - MPCA has done performance evaluations on RMB and
Minnesota Department of Health labs
20Storage and Shipment of Samples
- Cooler
- Different sizes
- Pack securely
- Ice Packs
- Chain of Custody
- Use packing tape on lid
- Deliver to lab or use overnight delivery service,
especially if requesting time-sensitive analysis
(fecal coliform)
21Lake Sampling
- Rinsing Integrated Sampler (dust, mice)
- Make sure Secchi disk is clean
22Measuring Stage
- Elevation of the water surface
- Several Methods
- Staff Gauges
- Wire Weight Gauges
- Float Stilling Well Systems
- Measure Down from a Benchmark
23Using a Wire Weight Gauge
- Most are locked obtain key
- Lower weight slowly
24Measuring Down from a Benchmark
- Use a lock as a weight on the end of the tape
- Measure how much length the lock adds to the tape
- Lower tape until bottom of lock skims the water
- Read tape
- Compensate for the lock (add to reading)
25Measuring Flow
- Goal Create a rating curve so that flow can be
estimated from stage
26Measuring Flow
- Good methods More accurate readings
- More sections more accuracy
- Accuracy Range More reliable rating curves
- Smaller sections in the swiftest section of the
stream - Where you measure makes a difference
27Biological Monitoring
- EPA Rapid Bioassessment Protocol
- Collecting macroinvertebrates is the fun part,
sorting and identification can be tedious - www.waterbugkey.vcsu.edu
28Safety Issues
- Bridges
- Busy Roads
- Swift currents, Deep Water
- Chemicals
- Mud
- Poor water quality (bacteria, etc)
- Weather
29Safety (Footwear)
- Whether you prefer boots or shoes, find footwear
with good traction.
30Fitness (Often Overlooked Aspect of Fieldwork
31The End
- http//www.redlakewatershed.org/waterquality/Entir
e20SOP20Document.pdf - Coming Soon Standard Operating Procedures for
Data Management and Analysis - Revision 7 of the SOP