MAE 552 Heuristic Optimization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MAE 552 Heuristic Optimization


Title: Variation Operators - Mutation Author: DOES Lab Last modified by: John Eddy Created Date: 2/20/2002 4:09:04 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MAE 552 Heuristic Optimization

MAE 552 Heuristic Optimization
  • Instructor John Eddy
  • Lecture 17
  • 3/4/02
  • Taguchis Orthogonal Arrays

S/N Ratio
  • Why use the signal / noise ratio?
  • Given a product or process with a target
    performance, deviation from that performance can
    typically be expressed in terms of (i.t.o)
    statistics (Taguchi Quality loss).
  • Two things you want are for your mean to be on
    target and for your variance to be low. Take
    the example of a machine that throws darts.

S/N Ratio
  • Here are the results of 4 such machines

Good Mean Bad Var.
Good Mean Good Var.
Bad Mean Good Var.
Bad Mean Bad Var.
S/N Ratio
  • Noise can be interpreted as the variance observed
    in the process (since variance is commonly a
    direct result of noise).
  • The signal can be interpreted as the desired
    value (the value you would like your mean to
  • The S/N ratio is then

S/N Ratio
  • Another means of calculating the S/N ratio is to
    take -10log(d) where d represents the mean
    squared deviation from the target.
  • So in our example, the target is 0 defects, and
    the squared deviation for each count is the
    square of the count itself.

S/N Ratio
  • Should we always use an S/N ratio?
  • Taguchi says yes because it accounts for both the
    mean and standard deviation.
  • Will it always be a maximize situation?
  • Yes it will, assuming that it is always desirable
    to achieve the target value with very little

Back to our Example
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 2 2
3 1 3 3 3
4 2 1 2 3
5 2 2 3 1
6 2 3 1 2
7 3 1 3 2
8 3 2 1 3
9 3 3 2 1
Taguchi Example
  • Continuing with our example

Factor Levels Levels Levels
Factor 1 2 3
A Temperature -20 -45 -60
B Pressure -30 -40 -55
C Settling Time -50 -35 -40
D Clean Method -45 -40 -40
All the level averages for our example problem.
  • Using the values for the level averages, we can
    plot the factor effects and see visually which
    factors have the greatest influence on the
    performance of our product or process.

Overall Mean
  • Considering the effects visualized in the
    previous figure, which levels do you think are
  • Recall that we want to maximize our S/N ratio, so
    we choose the levels that cause the greatest
    positive deviation from our mean. Since our
    deviation was
  • mfactor, level m

  • We clearly want to choose those levels with the
    largest values because we have a negative overall
    mean and we will therefore be adding that value
    to our level means.
  • Consider Factor A, our deviation from the mean
    cause by factor A at level 1 is
  • -20 (-41.67) 21.67

  • And our deviation from the mean cause by factors
    2 and three are
  • -45 (-41.67) -3.33
  • -60 (-41.67) -18.33
  • So by comparison, level 1 causes the greatest
    positive deviation from the mean, and will be
    chosen as our optimal setting.

  • Likewise, for the remaining factors, we will
    choose the following levels as optimal
  • B) Pressure - Level 1
  • C) Settling Time - Level 2
  • D) Cleaning Method - Level 2 or 3
  • The resulting equivalent experiment is then
  • 1 1 2 2/3 - does not appear in our array!!

  • The final step would then be to run a validation
    experiment to see that the optimal solution is
    actually the best thus far.
  • If it is not, then you would perhaps do one of
    two things
  • Choose the best configuration of any of the
    experiments you did run.
  • Refine your system and re-run the experiments.
    (could mean changing level settings to hone in
    on good regions, etc.

  • What if we didnt use the Taguchi approach, what
    else might we do to estimate factor effects?
  • One approach is a one-at-a-time method in which
    all but one factor are held constant while the
    other is varied throughout its levels. How many
    experiments does this require?

  • Answer
  • For N factors each having L levels, we would
  • L x N experiments
  • That would be 12 in our example (and it turns out
    that we would not achieve the same accuracy in
    our estimate of the level means).

  • Another approach is the brute-force full
    factorial method. That is, conduct every
    possible experiment for the factors and levels.
  • How many experiments would this require?

  • Answer
  • For N factors each having L levels, we would
  • LN experiments
  • That would be 81 experiments in our example. The
    only good thing is that we would be guaranteed to
    find the best configuration for our levels.

  • The approach we have taken with this problem is
    called the analysis of means.
  • This approach relies on 2 assumptions for its
  • Use of an additive model is appropriate
  • Use of an orthogonal array is appropriate.

Additive Model
  • What do we mean by additive model?
  • First, lets define a short hand for our factor
  • Let ai represent the deviation from the mean
    caused by setting factor a to level i. So i.t.o.
    our previous example,
  • b2 mb2 - m

Additive Model
  • We are going to show that the procedure we
    applied to our example is equivalent to applying
    an additive model of the individual factor
    effects to determine performance.
  • This means that by using such an additive model,
    we should be able to predict the performance of
    our product or process based on the factor

Additive Model
  • Our additive model is stated as follows
  • ?(Ai, Bj, Ck, Dl) m ai bj ck dl e
  • Where e is an error term that accounts for the
    error incurred by using the additive model and
    the error incurred by any lack of repeatability
    of measuring ? for any given experiment.

Additive Model
  • As in most subject areas, an additive model is
    also sometimes called a superposition model or a
    variables separable model.
  • It is possible for our factor effects to be
    non-linear (quadratic, cubic, etc.) but cross
    product terms (between factors) are not allowed.
  • Cross correlation would be like The effect of
    factor A at level 2 while factor C is at level 3

Additive Model
  • According to our previous definition of factor
    level effects, we can show that the sum of the
    effects of all the levels of a given factor is
    equal to 0. That is (in our example)
  • a1 a2 a3 0
  • b1 b2 b3 0
  • c1 c2 c3 0
  • d1 d2 d3 0
  • We will show this for factor a.

Additive Model
  • Recall that ai mAi m

Additive Model
  • Now, recall our representation of the observation
    value i.t.o the overall mean, factor effects, and
    error term
  • ?(Ai, Bj, Ck, Dl) m ai bj ck dl e
  • We can represent factor effects i.t.o this
    equation as shown on the following slide.

Additive Model
Additive Model
  • So from the previous result, we see that
  • mA3 m a3 some error term
  • This is sensible enough, recall that our
    representation of ai was originally mAi m.
  • So mA3 as we have derived it here, is an estimate
    of m a3 and thus our approach was in fact the
    use of an additive model.

Additive Model
  • A note on the error term.
  • We have shown that the error is actually the
    average of 3 error terms (one corresponding to
    each experiment).
  • We typically treat each of the individual
    experiment error terms as having zero mean and
    some variance.

Additive Model
  • Define Replication Number nr
  • The replication number is the number of times a
    particular factor level is repeated in an
    orthogonal array.
  • It can be shown that the error variance of the
    average effect of a factor level is smaller than
    the error variance of a single experiment by a
    factor equal to its nr.

Additive Model
  • So, to obtain the same accuracy in our factor
    level averages using a one-factor-at-a-time
    approach, we would have to conduct 3 experiments
    at each of the 3 levels of each factor for a
    total of 36 experiments.
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