Title: Submerged Combustion Melting The Next Generation Melting System
1Submerged Combustion Melting The Next Generation
Melting System
- David Rue
- Gas Technology Institute
- 66th Glass Problems Conference
- U. Of Illinois, Champaign, IL
- Oct. 26, 2005
2Submerged Combustion Melting Principle
- Air-fuel or oxygen-fuel mixture is fired directly
into a pool of hot melt - intense combustion
- direct contact heat transfer - combustion
products bubble through the melt - reduced NOx formation
- reduced CO and unburned hydrocarbon emissions
- High rate of heat transfer and rapid mass
transfer - High thermal efficiency
- Reduced melter size
3Submerged Combustion Melting Features
- Melting and mixing in a single device
- No external device needs to contact the melt
- Short residence time from forced convective
heating and mixing - Melter is simple, robust, and reliable
- Small size low capital cost
- SCM is easily started and stopped in a few hours
- No hot repair work required
- Compatible with other segmented melting process
steps - Charging
- Conditioning
- heat recovery
4GTI and GI SCM History
- Gas Institute (Ukraine) developed SCM for mixed
nuclear waste vitrification and industrial
melting not deployed - Process simplified and commercial, air-fired
units operating more than 10 years for other
applications - two 3-ton/h rockwool SCM units in Kiev, Ukraine
- three 3-ton/h rockwool SCM units in Byarosa,
Belarus - One SCM cement aggregate unit in Norilsk Russia
- GTI licensed SCM for applications outside former
Soviet Union - GTI has patents and background IP in melting,
submerged firing, and heat recovery - 500-lb/h SCM unit fabricated and operated at GTI
- Multiple melts including basalt and sodium
silicate - First use of oxy-gas burners
5SCM 3 ton/h Mineral Wool SCM in Belarus
SCM Furnace
Loading Feed Hopper
SCM Interior
6From Melt to Mineral Wool
Molten Slag Channel
Blow Chamber
4 Wheel Fiber Spinner
Product Fiber Mat
7SCM Advantages
- Energy savings gt20 vs. oxy-gas melters
- gt55 capital cost reduction
- Compact with very little refractory 80
refractory reduction - Melt area is 15 of tank melter area (0.6
ft2/ton/day) - Reduced emissions
- NOx gt50 below oxy-gas melters
- CO and unburned hydrocarbons reduced gt20
- Rapid switching of melt composition
- Short residence time - rapid heat transfer
- Reliable, proven melting technology
- Feed flexibility lowers batch and feeder cost
- Mates with conditioning and heat recovery steps
- Excellent redox and color control
8Approaches to Glass Melting
- Single tank
- Compromise simple and reliable, but non-optimized
approach - Holding furnaces, fining, and conditioning are
needed after the melter for many glass products - Staged or segmented
- Melting, mixing, refining, conditioning, heat
recovery, etc. are optimized as needed for the
glass product - highly flexible with many potential process
advantages - Requires eloquent design for reliability and to
avoid over-complexity and high capital cost
9NGMS Project Underway at GTI
- Demonstrate melting and homogenization stage of
low capital cost, energy efficient NGMS process
for all industrially produced glass - Sponsors
- Gas industry
- Consortium actively supporting development and
commercialization of SCM fro NGMS - Corning Incorporated - PPG Industries, Inc.
- Johns Manville - Schott North America
- Owens Corning
10Batch-Scale SCM at GTI
11Lab-Scale SCM
- Industry batch melted to glass
- Full glass range melted
- Low-temp. soda-lime glass
- High-temp hard LCD glass
- Borosilicate glass
- Scrap reinforcing fiberglass
- Batch feed
- Continuous discharge
- Evaluation of glass product before pilot SCM
fabrication - Components scaled for 0.5-1.0 ton/h pilot SCM
- Product glass is fully melted and homogeneous
12Special Tap Designed for Glass Melts
Soda-Lime Glass
13Scrap Fiberglass Melt Sampling
14Pilot-Scale SCM Unit
- Objective continuous feed and discharge made
easier with - Larger capacity melter (0.5-1.0 ton/h)\
- Demonstrated platinum discharge tap
- Most components are in place and tested
- Melter, burners, cooling water chiller needed
- Added instrumentation into data acquisition
system - Multiple burners spaced to create
- Uniform temperature profile
- Desired mixing and residence time distributions
- Elimination of poor mixing zones in corners and
along walls - Flexibility built into the unit
- Changeable burner patterns
- Provisions for two or more discharge locations
- Provisions for two feed locations
15Glass Quality Varies Dramatically
Acceptable Bubble Count
- Lower-cost glass making must have BOTH
- High intensity melting
- Rapid refining
- Quality varies over 5 orders of magnitude
- SCM alone
- Makes fully melted homogeneous glass
- Only makes lowest quality glass
- SCM works well with all external refining methods
Glass Market Seeds/Oz Relative Seed Quality
LCD Display 10x better than TV panel glass
TV Panel 10x better than float glass
Float/Flat 1,000 - 10,000x better than container glass
Textile Fiber 100x better than container glass
Tableware lt 2 10x better than container glass
Lighting Glass 25 2x better than container glass
Container 10-20 10x better than funnel glass
TV Funnel 200 2x better than wool insulation fiberglass
Insulation Fiber 400
16NGMS (SCM AND Rapid Refining)
- If refining is slow, the capital cost benefits of
low-cost, high-intensity melting are lost - Potential refining approaches include
Sonic Lab-scale tested Potentially low cost and very rapid, easily installed
Helium (inert gas) Entering commercial trials Helium cost is acceptable, not usable on all glasses
Thin film Limited commercial use Particularly good SCM match, bubbles are large and no CO2
Reduced pressure Limited commercial use Requires good control, hardware is expensive
centrifugal Pilot-scale tested Complex hardware, potentially very rapid
17Toward Commercialization
- Already completed
- SCM concept
- Pilot-scale oncept validation, including
combustion system - Initial commercial use for low-quality products
(mineral wool, aggregate) - Current activities through 2006
- Lab-scale melting of full range of industrial
glass and fiberglass scrap - Batch feed and continuous discharge using oxy-gas
burners - CFD and physical modeling of SCM
- Design, fabrication, and operation of continuous
0.5-1.0 ton/h pilot-scale SCM - Preparations for first industrial demo-scale SCM
- Design, construction of first commercial SCM
making abrasives from steel industry waste and
cullet (northern IN)
18Next Steps
- 2006-2008
- Plan first glass industry plant demo-scale 1-4
ton/h SCM - Fiberglass or scrap fiberglass
- Test unit not replacing existing melter
- Rapid conditioning work to develop NGMS for all
industrial glass compositions - 2009
- Demo-scale SCM and NGMS units in consortium
member plants - Initial replacement of current melters with NGMS
- 2012
- Fully developed and commercially demonstrated
NGMS using SCM - Licensing of NGMS to non-consortium member glass
19Commercialization Pathway
- Expected order of market entry
- Scrap fiberglass
- Fiberglass
- Specialty glass (pressed and blown)
- Specialty glass (optical fiber, LCD, etc.)
- Container glass
- Flat glass
- Consortium agreement lays out company access
priority to the NGMS technology - Consortium member companies
- GMIC member companies
- Non-GMIC glass companies