Title: SERVICE TAX by s.jaikumar advocate
1 SERVICE TAXbys.jaikumaradvoca
2Basic Features
- Levy on service provider
- - Exceptions.
3Classification of Service
- Specific description than general description.
- Which occurs first in the definition.
- Reimbursement of expenses.
- Upto 18.04.2006 No liability.
- Judgements and circulars.
- From 19.04.2006 Concept of pure
agent. - Malabar Management Services VS CCE
- 2008(9) STR 483
6Proceedings in Service Tax
- Issue of show cause notice.
- Appellate remedies.
- Commissioner (Appeals)
- High Court / Supreme Court
7Procedures in Service Tax
- Registration Centralised Registration.
8Procedures in Service Tax.
- Payment of service tax.
- - Due date.
- - Advance payment.
- - e payment.
- - Self adjustment if service not
rendered. - - Provisional payment.
- - Self adjustment of excess payments.
- Filing of return ST 3.
- - Due date / Half yearly.
- - Revised return.
- - Fine for delayed return.
9Penalties in Service Tax.
- Sec. 76 Delayed payment of S.Tax.
- Sec. 78 Suppression, etc.
- Rule 7 C Fine for delayed return.
10Certain important services.
11Business Auxiliary Service.
- Procurement of goods or services.
- Production or processing.
- Provision of service on behalf of client.
12Commercial / Industrial construction Service.
- Exclusion for roads, airports, railways
- transport terminals, bridges, tunnels,
- dams and ports.
13Construction of Residential Complex Service.
14Consulting Engineering Service.
- Foreign Technological transfers.
- Novinon Ltd. VS CCE 2006 (3) STR 397
Customs House Agents Service.
15Erection, Commissioning and Installation Service.
Franchise Service.
16Intellectual Property Service.
Management Consultant Service.
Manpower recruitment / Supply agencies.
17Goods Transport Agency Service.
18Renting of immovable property.
Support Services for business.
19Works Contract Service.
- Vice of Notification 1/2006.
- Diebold Systems (P) Ltd Vs CCE
- 2008 (9) STR 546.
- Air Liquide Engg. India (P) Ltd. Vs CCE
- 2008 (9) STR 486.
20Sale Vs Service.
S.No Citation Decision
1 BSNL Vs UOI 2006 (2) STR 161 SC It has been held that the sale value of goods shall not be subjected to the levy of service tax.
2 Idea Mobile Communications Limited VS CCE 206 (4) STR 132 Tri Bang Levy of sales tax and service tax are constitutionally mutually exclusive.
3 BPL Mobile Communications Limited VS CCE 2007 (7) STR 440 Sale of SIM cards is sale and sales tax is paid. Hence service tax is not payable.
4 Imagic Creative (P) Limited Vs CCE 2008 (9) STR 337 SC Service tax and VAT are mutually exclusive.
5 Thermax Limited Vs CCE 2007 (8) STR 487 Service tax not leviable when sales tax is paid.
21Small Scale exemption.
22Commercial Concern VsAny person.
23Export of Service and Import of Service.