Title: Nike Case Due Next Tuesday
1- Nike Case Due Next Tuesday
- Guest Speaker Thursday
- Randy Conrads of Classmates and Red Week
2- Cancelling Group Presentation Requirement (was to
be worth 15) - Exam 1 20 23.5
- Exam 2 20 23.5
- Paper 20 23.5
- Strategic Issue 10 11.76
- Cases 10 11.76
- Group Case 5 5.88
3Entrepreneurship Intrapreneurship
- The process of uncovering and developing an
opportunity to create value through innovation
and seizing that opportunity without regard to
either resources (human and capital) or the
location of the entrepreneurin a new or existing
company (Churchill, 1992 586).
5Entrepreneurship Characteristics
- Commercial leanings
- Lack of structure/self-control
- Visionary tendencies
- Risk-taking/appetite for uncertainty
- Persistence
- Doer/high initiative
- Charisma and extroversion
6Entrepreneurship Characteristics
- High-energy level
- Strong self-image
- Team building skills/uses contacts
and connections - Views failure as learning
- Commitment and fun
7Entrepreneurs vs Managers
Entrepreneurs Managers
Rewards Doing what they like. Independent Corporate rewards. Promotion, staff, office, money
Activity Direct involvement Delegation
Risk Moderate risk taker Avoids risk
Status Not concerned about status symbols Represents power and position
Relationships Deal-making and reciprocity Relies upon the hierarchy
Time orientation Time orientation - 5 - 10 years. Short term
Decisions Follows dreams with decisions Follows directives
8Intrapreneurship Characteristics
- Understands the environment
- Visionary and flexible
- Creates management options
- Encourages teamwork
- Encourages open discussion
- Builds a coalition of supporters
- Persists
9Intrapreneurship Environment
- New ideas encouraged
- Trial and error encouraged. Failure ok!
- Resources available and accessible
- Long time horizon
- Appropriate reward system
- Sponsors and champions available
- Support of top management
10- It is the customer who, in the end,
- determines how many people are employed and what
sort of wages companies can afford.
Lord Robens
11Strategy in High Technology Industries
12High Technology Industries
- Rapidly changing scientific knowledge underlying
attribute for competition - RD/Sales
- Battle over technical standard, format, and
dominant design - Set by decree, cooperation, public domain, but
mostly through consumer choices
13Benefits for Standards
- Compatibility
- Reduce consumer uncertainty
- Reduce production costs
- Increase in complementary products Network
effects which greatly enhances sustainability - Lock outs and switching costs
14Wining Format Wars
- Ensure complementary products
- Killer applications
- Razor and blade strategy
- Cell phones, printers, satellite TV/radio, video
games - Cooperative competition
- Licensing
15Technological Change
- If the automobile had developed at the same rate
as the microchip, a Roll Royce would - Cost 2.75
- Go 3 Million miles on a gallon of gas
16TV Industry Paradigm Shifts
Black White TV
17Color TV
Black White TV
18Color TV
Black White TV
19Big Screen TV
Color TV
Black White TV
20Big Screen TV
Color TV
Black White TV
Big Screen TV
Color TV
Black White TV
Incremental evolution included remote
controls,cable ready tuners, stereo sound
systems, screen-in-a-screen, etc
Big Screen TV
Color TV
Black White TV
23Competitive Dynamics
- Competitive action within an industry.
- Strategic and tactical action does not occur
within a vacuum - What industries have high competitive dynamics?
- What sort of actions/tactics are taken?
24Drivers of Competitive Dynamics
- numerous/equally balanced competitors
- slow growth
- high fixed/storage costs
- lack of differentiation/switching costs
- high exit barriers
- Etc
Competitive Dynamics
25Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Reps tripled to 90K last 10 years
- 12B on sales force, 2.76B on ads
- Managed care bet Pfizer from 14th to 1st
- 529 visits yearly, average length 2.5 min
- 8 remember
- Glaxo can reach 80 of the Drs in a week
- Is this necessary. No, but if my competitors do
it and I cant, then Im at a disadvantage. This
has been an arms race in the worst possible
26Types of Competitive Responses
- First Movers - initial competitive action
- advantages and disadvantages
- Fast Followers or Capable Competitors- respond
quickly to first movers - Late Entrants - day late and a dollar short
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29Chapter 9-10
Snack Foods
Frito-Lay North America Frito-Lay International
Quaker North America
Pepsi-Cola North America Gatorade/Tropicana North
America PepsiCo Beverages International
31Snack Foods
Frito-Lay North America
Funyuns Sunchips Cracker Jack Chesters
popcorn Grandmas cookies Munchos Smartfood
Baken-ets fried pork skins Oberto meat snacks
Lays Ruffles Doritos Santitas Fritos
Cheetos Rold Gold
32Snack Foods
Frito-Lay International
Bocabits wheat snacks Crujitos corn
snacks Fandangos corn snacks Hamkas
snacks Niknaks cheese sticks Quavers potato
snacks Sabritas potato chips Twisties cheese
Walkers potato crisps Walkers Square potato
snacks Walkers Monster Munch Corn snacks Miss
Vickies potato chips Gamesa cookies Dippas Sonric
s sweet snacks
33Snack Foods
Frito-Lay International
Bocabits wheat snacks Crujitos corn
snacks Fandangos corn snacks Hamkas
snacks Niknaks cheese sticks Quavers potato
snacks Sabritas potato chips Twisties cheese
Walkers potato crisps Walkers Square potato
snacks Walkers Monster Munch Corn snacks Miss
Vickies potato chips Gamesa cookies Dippas Sonric
s sweet snacks
Pepsi-Cola North America
Pepsi-Cola Mountain Dew Slice Mug Sierra
Mist FruitWorks
Lipton Dole Aquafina Frappuccino SoBe AMP
Gatorade/Tropicana North America
Gatorade Propel Tropicana Dole juices
PepsiCo Beverages International
LoĆ³za juices and nectars Copella juices FruiVita
juices Tropicana 100 juices
Quaker North America
Quaker rice cakes and granola bars Rice-A-Roni
side dishes Near East couscous/pilafs Aunt Jemima
mixes syrups Quaker grits
Quaker Oats Capn Crunch cereal Life cereal Quisp
cereal King Vitaman cereal Mothers cereal
38How are we going to compete and gain a
competitive advantage in each of our businesses?
Business Level Strategies
Quaker North America
Quaker rice cakes and granola bars Rice-A-Roni
side dishes Near East couscous/pilafs Aunt Jemima
mixes syrups Quaker grits
Quaker Oats Capn Crunch cereal Life cereal Quisp
cereal King Vitaman cereal Mothers cereal
39Snack Foods
Corporate Level Strategy 1) What
businesses do we want to compete in? 2) How do
manage effectively across businesses
40Where did they go?
41Goals of Corporate Strategy
- Moves to enter new businesses
- Boosting combined performance of the businesses
- Capturing synergies and turning them into
competitive advantages - Establishing investment priorities and steering
resources into business units
424 Corporate Level Strategies
- 1) Vertical Integration
- 2) Strategic Outsourcing
- 3) Horizontal Integration
- 4) Diversification two or more different
businesses with distinct operations
431) Vertical Integration
- Forward or backwards
- Full integration
- Taper integration
- Benefits
- Build barriers to entry
- Facilitates investment in specialized assets
- Protecting product quality
- Improved scheduling
- Risks
- Costs
- Rapid technological changes
- Demand predictability
44Alternatives to Vertical Integration
- Competitive bidding
- Long term contracts or strategic alliances
Form of Relationship
Markets Competitive Bidding
Hybrid Contracts/Alliances
Vertical Integration
452) Outsourcing
- Cost reduction and differentiation
- Hold-ups, scheduling and hallowing out
463) Horizontal Integration
- Acquiring or merging with industry competitors
- Reduce cost and economies of scale
- Increasing value through wider product line or
product bundling - Manage industry rivalry
- Increase buyer and supplier power
474) How to Diversify?
- 1) Internal Development - corporate
entrepreneurship or internal venturing - able to appropriate a larger portion of wealth
- avoids complexities of multiple partners
- time consuming and requires diversity of
organizational capabilities
484) How to Diversify?
- 2) Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures
- entering a new market via the combination of
complementary resources - do more together - cost reduction sharing
- development/diffusion of technology
- Problems
- appropriate partners - skills and compatibility
- trust and commitment
- communication
49Who Makes a Geo?
- Geo Storm was actually manufactured by Isuzu. The
Storm is the Isuzu Impulse. - Geo Prizm Toyota Corolla
- Geo Tracker Suzuki Sidekick
- Geo Metro Suzuki Esteem or Swift w/hatchback
- No Geo cars were actually made by General Motors.
They were all imported from foreign manufacturers.
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524) How to Diversify?
53Mergers Acquisitions
Reasons of Acquisitions Increase Market
Power Overcome Entry Barriers Increased
Speed Lower Risk Avoid Competition
Reasons of Acquisitions Increase Market
Power Overcome Entry Barriers Increased
Speed Lower Risk Avoid Competition
Problems with Acquisitions Integration of two
firms Overpayment/Debt Overestimation of
Synergy Overdiversification Managerial energy
absorption Become too large Substitute for
Reasons of Acquisitions Increase Market
Power Overcome Entry Barriers Increased
Speed Lower Risk Avoid Competition
Problems with Acquisitions Integration of two
firms Overpayment/Debt Overestimation of
Synergy Overdiversification Managerial energy
absorption Become too large Substitute for
Poor Performance
Who Wins? Acquired Firm Shareholders
56Monday October 27th WSJ
- Bank of American Boston Fleet Financial
- BoA down 8.29, or 10, BFF rose 23
- Anthem WellPoint Health Networks
- Anthem down 8.2, WellPoint up 8.8
- United Health MidAtlantic Med Services
- UH down 4.9, MAMS up 9.7
57Failures of Acquisitions
- 30 - 40 average acquisition premium
- Acquiring firms value drops 4 in the 3 months
following acquisitions - 30 - 50 of acquisitions are later divested
- Acquirers underperform SP by 14, peers by 4
- 3 month performance before and after
- 30 substantial losses, 20 some losses, 33
marginal returns, 17 substantial returns
58Why, then, do executives acquire?
- Often, for personal reasons
- Firm size and executive compensation are related
- When do executives loss their jobs?
- 1) Acquired - larger firms harder to acquire
- 2) Performing poorly - employment risk is reduced
as returns are less volatile
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61Related Diversification at Disney
Theme Parks
Cruise Lines
62Levels of Diversification
- Related Diversification - entering product
markets that share some resource or capability
requirements with the current business
horizontal relationships across businesses -
synergies - Advantages of related diversification include
- Leveraging Core Competencies
- Sharing Activities
- Market Power
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64Tyco Electronics Tyco Telecommunications Tyco
Fire and Security Tyco Safety Products Tyco
Healthcare Tyco Plastics Tyco Adhesives Tyco Flow
Control Tyco Electrical and Metal Products Tyco
Fire and Building Products Tyco Infrastructure
65Levels of Diversification (cont.)
- Unrelated Diversification - few similarities in
the resources and capabilities required among the
firms businesses - Conglomerate Diversification - no relatedness
between businesses
66When/Why to Diversify?
- To create shareholder value
- Porters Three Point Test
- 1) Attractiveness Test
- 2) Cost of Entry Test
- 3) Better off Test
- Should pass all 3
67Portfolio analysis
- BCG Growth-Share Matrix
- question marks, dogs, cash cows, stars
- GE- Nine Cell Matrix
68Boston Consulting Group Matrix
Relative Market Share
Question Marks
Growth Rate
Cash Cows
69BCG Matrix for PepsiCo - Early 1990s
Relative Market Share
Taco Bell
Growth Rate
Pizza Hut
Frito Lay
Soft Drinks
70BCG Matrix for PepsiCo - Early 1990s
Relative Market Share
Pizza Hut
Taco Bell
Growth Rate
Frito Lay
Soft Drinks
71GE 9 Cell Matrix
Competitive Strengths
Invest Grow
Harvest Divest
72GE 9 Cell Matrix for Pepsico
Competitive Strengths
Snack Foods
Soft Drinks