Title: ASME 101 3:30
1Products Services, Basics
ASME 101 330 530 Friday, 4 March 2011 2011
Leadership Training Conference
2Products and Services, Basics for Divisions and
Session Presenters / Facilitators
- Rick Marboe, Technical Communities Rep, Programs
Activities Operating Board marboer2_at_asme.org
- Michael Ireland, Managing Director, Institutes
Sector Irelandm_at_asme.org
3Session Objectives
- At the conclusion of this session, you should
- Be aware of available ASME products and services
and how to access them - Be able to identify specific products and
services that could create value for your unit - Leave with ideas of how your unit could increase
its value to its members through development of
new products and services
Products Services,
4Session Schedule
- Time Activity
- (5 mins) Session introduction
- (30 mins) Overview of available products and
services - (15 mins) Questions discussion
- (5 mins) Overview of breakout session
- (40 mins) Group breakouts
- (15 mins) Group report out
- (10 mins) Wrap up
5Product Development Model
e.g. Members and prospective members
Customer needs
Product Development
Typically a volunteer-staff partnership
ASME Products Services
6Content Delivery
- Content is predominately developed by ASME
volunteer membership - Delivery mechanisms are mostly developed or
facilitated by ASME staff - You can create member engagement and maintain
technical interest by repackaging content and
using multiple delivery methods
7What is a Product/Service?
- Something offered to a customer
- Has a perceived value
- Doesnt necessarily have to be sold for money
8ASME product/service types with examples
- Codes Standards
- Codes, Standards, Certifications, Training
- Publications
- Magazines, Books, Journals, e-Library
- Membership and Member Benefits
- Student, Member, Affiliate, Life, Fellow,
Honorary - Insurance, Financial Products, Discounts,
ThomasNet product search - Community and Content
- Education
- Courses, Seminars, Training, Webinars, AMA
discounted courses - Events
- Conferences, Meetings, Career Fairs, Early Career
Forums, Exhibits - Competitions Opportunities
- Contests, Awards, Internships, Fellowships,
Volunteer Opportunities - Resources
- Networking, Websites, Newsletters, White Papers,
Online membership directory
9Directions As we go through the next several
slides, please keep these key questions in mind
- What provides value to you, your members, and
your community? - What are the needs of your unit?
- Ex Develop the technical competency of nuclear
engineers - Which products and services would you offer to
meet those needs? - Ex Technical courses on relevant nuclear topics
networking with nuclear experts
10Technical Content Information
- Live training courses and seminars
- On Line courses on technical topics, management,
college credit and leadership - ASME Journals and Conference Proceedings
- ASME Press Books
- ASME e-Library (75 interactive books)
- Codes Standards
- Technical conferences
- Technical, managerial and ethical topics related
to licensure - (Also the potential to develop and contribute
technical content for several of the above
11Community Building and Networking
- Local Section activities and programs
- Technical Division/Institute activities and
programs - ASME Code committees
- Affinity Groups
- Conferences
- Tours and Social Events
- ASME on Peerlink, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
12Career Resources Job Search
- Career Center (articles and tips)
- Resources for Entrepreneurs
- Job Board
- Salary Survey
- Professional Practice Curriculum
- Joint Society Memberships
- E-Mentoring (currently being re-vamped)
13Volunteering Giving Back
- Leadership positions in your unit and the
international ASME - Mentoring students and early career engineers
- Mentoring student design teams (pre-university
and university levels) - Supporting ASME Student Section activities
- Judging student design teams and Old Guard
Competitions - Supporting Engineers Week in your local community
- engineeringforchange.org
14Awards Recognition
- Society awards
- Dedicated Service Award
- Unit awards
- Lecture Award
- Fellow
- Included in Membership
- ME Magazine
- ASME News
- ASME e-Library
- Networking Join Technical Divisions/Institutes/Lo
cal Sections/Affinity Groups - Email Alias (yourname_at_asme.org)
- Discounts on personal resources/benefits
- ASME journals, conferences, courses, books
- Insurance
- Bank of America Financial Products
- Financial Advice
- FedEx shipping
- Amer Mgmt Assoc courses, books, seminars
17General Resources
- ASME.org
- ME Magazine
- ASME News
- Government Relations/Public Policy
- Advocacy for the Profession
- Capitol Update
- Federal Fellows
- Environmental Scans
- Ethics Center
- History Center (ME landmarks)
18Specifically for Early Career Engineers
- ME Today newsletter
- Early Career Technical Seminars
- Early Career Forums
- ECLIPSE Internship
19Specifically for University Students
- Competitions
- Student Professional Development Conferences
- Innovation Showcase
- Financial Aid (scholarships, loans, graduate
teaching fellowships) - Washington Internship for Students of Engineering
(WISE) - Collegiate Council with student members from 12
universities (IPTI sponsored) - Diversity Action Grants
- Discounted Membership
20K-12 Outreach
- Public awareness of the engineering profession
- Workshops for educators and engineers
- Resources for pre-college teachers and counselors
- Financial support for FIRST Robotics competition
- Teacher Workshop Guide (for ASME Sections)
- Career guidance material
- Hands-on curricula
- Heroes of Engineering (comics)
21Any Questions?
22Products Services, ASME 101 A Trip into the
23A TRIP INTO THE FUTURE! The Scene Its March
2016. In a cover story in the Wall Street
Journal (WSJ) entitled, Taking Ownership for
Change, ASME is recognized as one of the great
success stories of not for profit engineering
leadership. It has evolved from a bland, middle
of the road engineering society to a recognized
market force that delivers member value.
Products Services, Basics
- The story in WSJ was formed from interviews with
key ASME volunteers and staff, marketing data and
articles from other publications. - The story recognized your units leadership and
change efforts as being the catalyst that changed
ASME. The extraordinary success of your unit
motivated others and like wildfire ASME
transformed .
Products Services, Basics
- PART ONE (10 minutes)
- What were the strategic priorities that your unit
set in 2011? - What were the objectives that your unit set to
achieve these priorities? - How did your unit arrive at these priorities and
objectives? - What did your unit do to enhance attracting and
retaining members?
Products Services, Basics
26FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS The story mentions that in
2012 ASMEs transformation appeared to be on the
verge of failing.
Products Services, Basics
- PART TWO (10 minutes)
- What happened that threatened ASMEs development?
- What were the warning signs and why were they
originally missed? Were they seen in your unit? - How was the problem dealt with in your unit?
Products Services, Basics
28CONCLUSION The story concludes that ASME did
achieve its goals of providing superior value not
only to its members, but also to other key
customers and to mankind as a whole.
Products Services, Basics
- PART THREE (10 minutes)
- What new products and services did your unit
develop to contribute to this transition? - What products and services did ASMEs other units
develop? - What resources did you personally need to do
this? - What resources did your unit need?
- You were interviewed by WSJ for the story. What
did you tell them?
Products Services, Basics
- (5 Minute per group, including questions and
discussion) - The spokesperson of each team will report on the
findings of their individual team. Your report
should include - Your units priorities in 2011.
- The Products and Services that your unit
developed. - The extraordinary thing that your unit did to
inspire others. - The other attendees will have time to ask
questions and offer comments.
Products Services, Basics
31Wrap Up
- Join us tomorrow to learn about best practices
and processes for developing and implementing new
and enhanced products - Products and Services, Processes (ASME 101 ALF)
- In MIT 8 at 100 230 and again at 245 415
- (Includes a knowledge to practice exercise to
apply the stage gate process and tools to develop
a new product or service for your unit.)
32Contact Information
- Mike Ireland
- Irelandm_at_asme.org
- Rick Marboe
- marboer2_at_asme.org