Unit Four - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit Four


Unit Four The Role of Governments tainted baby formula scandal China's Health Ministry announced Sunday that 12,892 infants and young children have been sickened by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit Four

Unit Four
  • The Role of Governments

tainted baby formula scandal
  • China's Health Ministry announced Sunday that
    12,892 infants and young children have been
    sickened by tainted milk powder

  • African governments have stopped importing
    Chinese dairy products as the crisis which has
    seen more than 52,000 Chinese children poisoned
    by melamine-tainted goods spreads.
  • Burundi, Gabon and Tanzania have joined
    governments closer to China -- including
    Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia
    -- in banning Chinese dairy products. At least 11
    countries have banned imports

  • Discuss
  • what measures can chinas central government
    adopt in this event?
  • Requirements
  • measure---purpose/objective
  • Tips
  • 1. time sequence (long-term, short-term)
  • 2. domestic /overseas
  • 3. public/companies/foreign countries

4.1 Trade Barriers
  • 4.1.1 Trade barriers an international marketers
  • 1. Tariffs to controls the in-flow of foreign
    goods across its borders
  • 2. inspections the governments right and duty
    to protect its citizens health and welfare (food
    stuffs, medical equipment, farm animals,etc.)

  • 3. import licensing????? governments legitimate
    function licensed by the importers government
    a fee paid by the importer
  • Inspection control the product quality
  • Licensing control both involved sides of the

  • 4. Environmental control Government are
    protecting the environment within their borders.
    Restrictions on packaging ( amount, size,
    recyclability), product content labeling
    (chemical proportions), and pollution controls
    can be placed on foreign exporters before
    licensing will be granted.

  • 5. Technology transfers ????
  • Most developing markets insist on technology
    transfers if a product is to be sold within their
    national boundaries
  • a way to catch up with competitors without
    expensive research or investment.
  • That is why a target company insists that joint
    venture, product importation or manufacture under
    license with a foreign marketer must ultimately
    involve a transfer of technology (physical,
    process design, managerial, etc.)

  • 6. customs delays????
  • product held without a stated cause for extended
    periods (software, music CDs, videos)
  • They are delayed by customs for various purposes
    to protect local markets

  • 7. quotas??
  • An import quota is a non-tariff barrier to
    restrict the quantity of imports, to protect
    local producers from foreign trading practice or
    be used as a punishment for political problems
    between rival powers.
  • The strictest form embargo

  • 8. Anti-dumping laws ?????
  • to prevent foreigners from selling products at
    extremely low prices into a market to drive out
    competition only countries with sophisticated
    commercial law can use this type of legislation

  • 4.1.2 Trade intervention ????
  • 1. Arguments---intervention possibilities of
    agricultural policy
  • Food security has top priority on the political
  • The developed worlds have an interest in getting
    more open access to the Chinese market for their

  • 4.1.3 Intervention by the government
  • 1. embargo
  • disastrous effect on exporters
  • marketers be aware of the political
    environment and be prepared to calculate, as well
    as manage risk

  • 2. national security issues
  • Goods nuclear materials, strategic minerals,
    chemicals, computer chips, technical manuals, or
    military surplus too strategic militarily and
    economically to be freely marketed to other
    nations, regardless of the profit potential.
  • Countries have restrictions to delineate them
    quite clearly
  • 3. export tariffs
  • Government tax exports primarily as a source of
    revenue and use as a means of promoting or
    punishing particular industries
  • Export tariffs can be used to control flow and

  • 4. export licensing ?????
  • Export licensing is a flow control just like
    export tariffs.
  • It is often used as a means of denying a rival
    economy access to both raw and finished products
    without instituting a full embargo

  • 4.1.4 unofficial intervention
  • 1. public relations
  • Public relations play an important role in
    marketing. From poor translated brand names to
    the lack of locally hired management personnel,
    bad public relations can sidetrack the best of

  • 2. nationalism
  • Competitors, host government officials and
    political activists cry out that the marketing
    efforts are bad for the nation.
  • It is a very powerful force, it will threaten the
    products continued survival or strength, and
    whats more, it is difficult to control

  • 3. religion
  • Religion plays a greater factor in business every
    year, with much of it centering around Islamic
    beliefs regarding profit taking and interest
    rates. Because religion carries such an emotional
    impact, pure reasoning and factual presentation
    will do little to get the product back on track

  • 4. ethnic problems
  • Ethnic conflicts that are centuries old still
    burn hot. Belief that the product is ethnically
    dangerous or inferior can stymie your marketing
    efforts whether the accusations are true or not.
    Overcoming ethnic stereotypes takes years of work
    and enormous amounts of money.

  • 1991?,?????????????????????????????????????,??
  • ??DARLIE?DARKIE?????????? ?????1994??106?
    ???????????????????????  1991?5?,????????,?????
    IS NOW DARLIE??,??????????????????????DARKIE??

  • ????????????????????,??????????????????????????,??
    ???? ??????,???????????,????????????,??DA
    ??????? ??DARKIE??????????????,??????????
    ??? ??????????????????,?????????,?????????

  • 5. society
  • Since some societies have a structure not to
    accept certain products, marketers must often
    approach a market several times before they are
    permitted to entry. Some industries are bound by
    edict not to promote foreign products
  • 6. education training must be part of the
    marketing plan when educational levels are key to
    a products acceptance

  •  1?????????????????????????,??????????????????????
    ??????????????,???????????????     3?????????????
    ???????,?????????????????     4??????????????????

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  •     1??????????,?????????????,????????????????????
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  • ?????????????????,???????????????,???????,????????

  • 7. environment
  • If the product has any potential ill effect on
    the environment, marketers can expect major
    market resistance, even without restrictive
    legislation, once such effects are brought to
    light. Environmental action groups enlist anyone
    they can in their effort and are unabashed when
    it comes to emotionalizing an issue.

  • 1982???,????????????????????????????????,?7???????

  • 8. science
  • Product lines that are radically innovative may
    have a difficult time overcoming the skepticism
    of the target market. When entering foreign
    markets, medicines, business software, securities
    and so on will suffer intense scrutiny. Its best
    to assemble the proof beforehand and tailor its
    delivery to the target market.

  • Requirements that certain goods be imported into
    Japan via ports a long distance from their final
  • Prohibitions on containers of imported goods over
    a certain size traveling on Japanese roads
  • Lengthy customs procedures
  • Insistence that imported products undergo several
    safety checks, each one having to be conducted by
    an official from a different government
  • Application of separate customs, importation and
    other documentation procedures to imports of the
    same product of the same company but which enter
    Japan via different subsidiaries of the supplying

4.2 trade organization
  • 4.2.1 The regional trade organization
  • 4.2.2 the WTO
  • objective work towards the realization
    of full employment, expansion or production and
    trade as well as the optimal use of the resources
    of the world so as to raise the income level and
    standard of living of its member countries.

  • An important role to play in settlement of trade
    disputes and supervision of the implementation of
    trade policies and measures
  • More powerful because of its institutional
    foundation and its dispute settlement system

  • 4.2.3 types of regional economic arrangements
  • 1. free trade areas
  • customs duties, non-tariff barriers, no
    common external tariff
  • 2. customs union ????common external tariffs

  • 3. common market????
  • elimination of all tariffs and other barriers
  • nonmembers a common set of external tariffs
  • members remove all restrictions on the flow
    of capital and labor

  • 4. monetary union????
  • a single currency among independent countries
  • 5. political union

  • 4.2.4 the trade risks
  • Marketing abroad can be a very risky pursuit as
    the legal landscape in some countries is
    extremely fluid. Laws are sometimes unmodified
    and even when they are, interpretation can

  • 1. taxation
  • Governments view business as a source of tax
  • Some authorities lure foreign business with
    initially low tax rates, with the full intention
    that once the company has been committed and is
    operating successfully, tax rates will soar
    almost to the point of being confiscator.
  • There are no universal international laws
    governing the levy of taxes on companies that do
    business across national boundaries.
  • The taxation polices of the home and host nations
    can have negative and positive effects on a

  • 2.expropriationdefinition
  • Expropriation refers to governmental action to
    dispossess a company or investor of property for
    which compensation is provided.
  • reasons extreme political stress, inordinate
    levels of greed

  • 3.sponsored competition
  • Sponsored competition puts a favored local
    company or person under a government protection.
    These sponsorship are further aided by technology
    transfers that were mandated by the government as
    part of allowing the foreign company to operate
    within its borders.
  • 4.bribery
  • ignore bribery and act as if it does not exist
  • recognize the existence of bribery and
    evaluate its effect on the purchase decision as
    if it were just another element of the market mix

  • ??????????????????????????????????,???????????,???
  • ????????? talk is cheap. ????????,??????(??)540?
    ??,???? Ben Olken ??????????????????????????? 600
    ??????????? 9000 ????????????,???????????????????
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