Title: Farmer Budd! Dreaming up a restaurant.
1(No Transcript)
2Farmer Budd! Dreaming up a restaurant.
3It was sad to see the old Saddles in Musgrave go,
but there was a legend in the making.
4The farmers, Bill and Myles commencing their
domination of the Durban restaurant scene
5Behind the scenes with the Budds, Jeanie gets
roped in too. Best I marry her!
6Testing the fare with old friends, Lee and
Marlene. Hope the food gets better!
7Ready to welcome our 1st guests
8Delectable Delene and lovely Linda. Our early and
most famous hosts.
9And the Late Nite Bite team.
10The King. Kevin. - One of Legends own Legends.
11More Legends. Andre, Tanja and Bruce.
12And then there was Gringos.
13 It was a privilege to get in. André Schubert
with the Chilli club card, only for the
14 And there was also Jhb. Of course uou need a
team! Maarten, Leon, Mark and ? Feeling tigerish!
15Kim and .... at the Playhouse Legends Xmas Party.
16The Man! Moses with Robbie. Moses went to Mexico
and became the Gringos G.M
17Need input on this one!!
18One of the early Gringos team. Geoff, Diane and
20Peter Cocorozis, Musgrave G.M and Rose Kunhart,
Pmb G.M
21Bill and Leon discussing the philosophy of
22When we were larney. Conference time. Bill and
23Party at the old pont restaurant with Dicks Foster
24Staff party. On the bus to Camelot for medieval
25The Musgrave team. Names anyone?
26Oops! Anybody remember him?
27Charles Feulerade in full cry at yet another
28Maart De Gidts getting a makeover for the Day of
the dead party.
29Vanessa and Dana
30The side of the bar previously unseen
31Damn cheek! Anybody remember them?
32The Legend Sheer Glamour and style!
33Early morning ski run... Ian Davidson keeping it
all together.
34Off from a sitting start at the Legendary Staff
Team Building, Hazelmere.
35Skiing party at Hazelmere. The dreaded water
36Gringos teambuild at the Pont. Geoff and ?
37Chris Budd and team at Inanda Dam.
38Teambuild at Inanda Dam
39Service from the sky Dropping in on unsuspecting
40Drinks and snacks ready, but not a golfer in