Analysis of frequency counts with Chi square - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of frequency counts with Chi square


Analysis of frequency counts with Chi square 2 Dr David Field Summary Categorical data Frequency counts One variable chi-square testing the null hypothesis that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analysis of frequency counts with Chi square

Analysis of frequency counts with Chi square
  • Dr David Field

  • Categorical data
  • Frequency counts
  • One variable chi-square
  • testing the null hypothesis that frequencies in
    the sample are equally divided among the
  • varying the null hypothesis
  • Two variable chi-square
  • testing the null hypothesis that status on one
    categorical variable is independent from status
    on another categorical variable
  • Limitations and assumptions of chi-square
  • Andy Field chapter 18 covers chi-square
  • There is also a guide online at
  • http//
  • Chi-square is topic 16 in the list

Categorical data
  • Each participant is a member of a single
    category, and the categories cannot be
    meaningfully placed in order
  • e.g., nationality French, German, Italian
  • Sometimes chi-square is used with ordered
    categories, e.g. age bands
  • To perform statistical tests with categorical
    data each participant must be a member of only
    one category
  • Category membership must be mutually exclusive
  • You cant be a smoker and a non-smoker
  • This allows frequency counts in each category to
    be calculated

Chi square
  • If you can express the data as frequency counts
    in several categories, then chi square can be
    used to test for differences between the
  • You will also see chi square written as a Greek
    letter accompanied by the mathematical symbol
    indicating that a number should be squared

Chi square with a single categorical variable
  • Suppose we are interested in which drink is most
  • We ask a sample of 100 people if they prefer to
    drink coffee, tea, or water
  • each respondent is only allowed to select one
  • this is important if each person can have
    membership of more than one category you cant
    use Chi square
  • By default, the null hypothesis for chi-square is
    that each of the categories is equally frequent
    in the underlying population
  • it is possible to modify this (see later)

One variable chi-square example
  • Lets say that the preferences expressed by the
    sample of 100 people result in the following
    observed frequency counts
  • tea 39
  • coffee 30
  • Water 31
  • SUM 100
  • The null hypothesis assumes that each category is
    equally frequent, and thus provides a model that
    the data can be used to test
  • Based on the null hypothesis, the expected
    frequency counts would 100 / 3 33.3 per
  • The Chi square statistic works out the
    probability that the observed frequencies could
    be obtained by random sampling from a population
    where the null hyp is true

One variable chi-square example
Observed Expected Difference Difference squared Divide by expected
39 33.3
30 33.3
31 33.3
100 100

One variable chi-square example
Observed Expected Difference Difference squared Divide by expected
39 33.3 5.7
30 33.3 -3.3
31 33.3 -2.3
100 100

One variable chi-square example
Observed Expected Difference Difference squared Divide by expected
39 33.3 5.7 32.49
30 33.3 -3.3 10.89
31 33.3 -2.3 5.29
100 100

One variable chi-square example
Observed Expected Difference Difference squared Divide by expected
39 33.3 5.7 32.49 0.98
30 33.3 -3.3 10.89 0.33
31 33.3 -2.3 5.29 0.16
100 100

One variable chi-square example
Observed Expected Difference Difference squared Divide by expected
39 33.3 5.7 32.49 0.98
30 33.3 -3.3 10.89 0.33
31 33.3 -2.3 5.29 0.16
100 100 SUM 1.47

Converting Chi square to a p value
  • SPSS will do this for you
  • Chi square has degrees of freedom equal to the
    number of categories minus 1
  • 2 in the example this is because if you knew the
    frequencies of preference for tea and coffee and
    the sample size, the frequency of preference for
    water would not be free to vary
  • The chi square value of 1.47, df 2 had an
    associated p value of 0.48, so the null
    hypothesis that preferences for drinking tea,
    coffee and water in the population are equal
    cannot be rejected.

One variable chi square with unequal expected
  • By default, the expected frequencies are just the
    sample size divided equally among the number of
  • But, sometimes this is inappropriate
  • For example, we know that the of the population
    of the UK that smokes is less than 50
  • Lets assume for purposes of illustration that
    25 of the UK population are smokers
  • We might hypothesise that the smoking rate is
    higher in Glasgow than the UK average rate
  • The null hypothesis is that it is the same

One variable chi square with unequal expected
  • We ask 200 adults in Glasgow if they smoke.
  • 80 say yes
  • 120 say no
  • We know that the UK average rate is 25, and 80
    is rather more than 25 of 200
  • Chi square can be used to assess the probability
    of the above frequencies being obtained by random
    sampling if the real smoking rate in Glasgow was
    actually 25

One variable chi-square example with unequal
expected frequencies
Observed Expected Difference Difference squared Divide by expected
120 150 -30 900 6
80 50 30 900 18
200 200 SUM 24
One variable chi square with unequal expected
  • 80 of the sample of 200 people from Glasgow
    classified themselves as smokers. This resulted
    in a chi square value of 24.0, df 1 with an
    associated p value of lt 0.001, so the null
    hypothesis that smoking rates in Glasgow are
    equal to the UK average of 25 can be rejected.

Chi square with two variables
  • Usually, it is more interesting to use Chi square
    to ask about the relationship between 2
    categorical variables.
  • For example, what is the relationship between
    gender and smoking?
  • gender can be male or female
  • smoking can be smoker or non-smoker
  • If you have smoking data from just men, you can
    only use chi-square to ask if the proportion of
    smokers and non-smokers is different
  • If you have smoking data from men and women you
    can use chi-square to ask if the proportion of
    men who smoke differs from the proportion of
    women who smoke

What 22 chi square does not do
  • It is important to realise that in the 22 chi
    square, having a big imbalance between the number
    of men and the number of women will not increase
    the value of the chi-square statistic
  • Also, having a big imbalance between the number
    of smokers and non-smokers will not increase the
    value of the chi-square statistic
  • This contrasts with the one variable chi-square,
    where an imbalance in the numbers of men vs
    women, or smokers vs. non-smokers does increase
    the value of chi-square.
  • The value of chi-square for two variables is high
    if smoking frequency is contingent on gender, and
    low if smoking frequency is independent of gender

  • The key to understanding 22 chi square is how
    the expected frequencies are calculated
  • The expected frequencies provide the null
    hypothesis, or null model, that the chi square
    statistic tests
  • If there are 200 participants, the simplest null
    model would be to expect 50 female smokers, 50
    male smokers, 50 female non smokers, and 50 male
    non smokers
  • but we already know that it is implausible to
    expect an equal split of smokers and non-smokers
  • the expected frequencies will have to allow for
    the imbalance of smokers vs non smokers and a
    possible imbalance of men vs women in the sample
  • A sample with 20 male smokers, 10 female smokers,
    80 male non-smokers and 40 female non-smokers has
    an imbalance of gender and smoking status, but
    smoking status does not depend on gender and
    there is no deviation from the null model

The contingency table of observed frequencies
Men Women Row totals
Smoke 13 31 44

Dont smoke 29 86 115

Column totals 42 117 159
Calculating the expected frequencies
  • The key step in the calculation of chi-square is
    to estimate the frequency counts that would occur
    in each cell if the null hypothesis that the row
    frequencies and column frequencies do not depend
    upon each other were true
  • To calculate the expected frequency of the male
    smokers cell, we first need to calculate the
    proportion of participants that are male, without
    considering if they smoke or not
  • This proportion is 42 males out of 159 (the total
    number of participants)
  • 42 / 159 0.26

Calculating the expected frequencies
  • If the null hyp is true, and the proportion of
    female smokers and male smokers is equal, then
    the proportion of the smokers in the sample that
    are male should be equal to the overall
    proportion of the sample that is male
  • Total number of smokers in sample (44)
    proportion of sample that is male (0.26)
  • 44 0.26 11.62

Calculating the expected frequencies
Men Women Row totals
Smoke 13 31 44
Expected smokers 11.62
Dont smoke 29 86 115
Expected non smoke
Column totals 42 117 159
Calculating the expected frequencies
Men Women Row totals
Smoke 13 31 44
Expected smokers 11.62 32.37
Dont smoke 29 86 115
Expected non smoke
Column totals 42 117 159
Calculating the expected frequencies
Men Women Row totals
Smoke 13 31 44
Expected smokers 11.62 32.37
Dont smoke 29 86 115
Expected non smoke 30.37
Column totals 42 117 159
Calculating the expected frequencies
Men Women Row totals
Smoke 13 31 44
Expected smokers 11.62 32.37
Dont smoke 29 86 115
Expected non smoke 30.37 84.62
Column totals 42 117 159
Calculating the value of chi square
  • Each cell in the contingency table makes a
    contribution to the total chi-square
  • For each cell you calculate
  • (Observed Expected) and square it
  • You then divide by the Expected
  • Do this for each cell individually and add up the

Calculating chi square
Men Women Row totals
Smoke 13 31 44
Expected smokers 11.62 32.37
Dont smoke 29 86 115
Expected non smoke 30.37 84.62
Column totals 42 117 159
(13-11.62)2 1.90 1.90 / 11.62 0.16
Converting chi-square to a p value
  • The degrees of freedom for a two way Chi square
    depends upon the number of categories in the
    contingency table
  • (num columns -1) (num rows -1)
  • SPSS will calculate the DF and p value for you
  • The chi square value of 0.31, df 1 had an
    associated p value of 0.58, so the null
    hypothesis that the proportion of men and women
    that smoke is equal cannot be rejected.
  • Also see

Larger contingency tables
  • You can perform chi-square on larger contingency
  • For example, we might be interested in whether
    the proportion of smokers vs. non smokers differs
    according to age, where age is a 3 level
    categorical variable
  • 20-29 years old
  • 30-39 years old
  • 40-49 years old
  • This results in a 2 3 contingency table
  • However, there is some uncertainty as to what a
    significant chi-square means in this case

Partitioning chi-square
  • A statistically significant 2 3 chi-square
    might have occurred for one of these 3 reasons
  • The proportion of 20-29 year olds who smoke
    differs from the proportion of 30-39 year olds
    that smoke
  • The proportion of 20-29 year olds that smoke
    differs from the proportion of 40-49 year olds
    that smoke
  • The proportion of 30-39 year olds that smoke
    differs from the proportion of 40-49 year olds
    that smoke
  • Or all 3 of the above might be true
  • Or 2 of the above might be true
  • As a researcher, you will want to distinguish
    between these possibilities

Partitioning chi-square
  • The solution is to break the 2 3 contingency
    table into smaller 2 2 contingency tables to
    test each of the comparisons in the list
  • The proportion of 20-29 year olds who smoke
    differs from the proportion of 30-39 year olds
    that smoke
  • The proportion of 20-29 year olds that smoke
    differs from the proportion of 40-49 year olds
    that smoke
  • The proportion of 30-39 year olds that smoke
    differs from the proportion of 40-49 year olds
    that smoke
  • Run 3 separate 2 2 chi-square tests

Partitioning chi-square
  • However, running 3 tests results in 3 chances of
    a type 1 error occurring
  • To maintain the probability of a type 1 error at
    the conventional level of 5 you divide the alpha
    level by the number of chi-square tests you run
  • Effectively, you share the 5 risk of rejecting
    the null hypothesis due to sampling error equally
    among the tests you perform
  • For a single chi-square, it is significant if
    SPSS reports that p is less than 0.05
  • For two chi-square tests, they are significant at
    the 0.05 level individually if SPSS reports that
    p is less than 0.025
  • For three chi-square tests, they are significant
    at the 0.05 level individually if SPSS reports
    that p is less than 0.0166

Warnings about chi-square
  • The expected frequency count in any cell must not
    be less than 5
  • If this occurs then chi-square is not reliable
  • If the contingency table is 2 2 or 2 3 you
    can use the Fisher exact probability test instead
  • SPSS will report this
  • For bigger contingency tables the only solution
    is to collapse across categories, but only
    where this is meaningful
  • If you began with age categories 0-4, 5-10,
    11-15, 16-20 you could collapse to 0-10 and
    11-20, which would increase the expected
    frequencies in each cell
  • Finally, remember that the total of frequencies
    is equal to the number of participants you have
  • each person must only be a member of one cell in
    the table
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