Title: Table of Contents
1CHAPTER 21The Mechanisms of Evolution
2Chapter 21 The Mechanisms of Evolution
- Charles Darwin and Adaptation
- Genetic Variation within Populations
- The HardyWeinberg Equilibrium
- Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
3Chapter 21 The Mechanisms of Evolution
- Studying Microevolution
- Maintaining Genetic Variation
- How Do Genotypes Determine Phenotypes?
- Constraints on Evolution
- Short-Term versus Long-Term Evolution
4Charles Darwin and Adaptation
- Darwin developed his theory of evolution by
natural selection by carefully observing nature,
especially during his voyage around the world. - 4
5Charles Darwin and Adaptation
- Darwin based his theory on well-known facts and
some key inferences. - 5
6Charles Darwin and Adaptation
- Darwin had no examples of the action of natural
selection, so he based his arguments on
artificial selection by plant and animal
breeders. - 6
7Charles Darwin and Adaptation
- Modern genetics has elucidated the mechanisms of
heredity, which have provided the solid base that
supports and substantiates Darwins theory. - 7
8Genetic Variation within Populations
- A single individual has only some of the alleles
found in the population of which it is a member. - Review Figure 21.3
- 8
9Figure 21.3
figure 21-03.jpg
10Genetic Variation within Populations
- Genetic variation characterizes nearly all
natural populations. - Review Figures 21.4, 21.5
- 10
11Figure 21.4
figure 21-04.jpg
12Figure 21.5
figure 21-05.jpg
13Genetic Variation within Populations
- Allele frequencies measure the amount of genetic
variation in a population. - Genotype frequencies show how a populations
genetic variation is distributed among its
members. - 13
14Genetic Variation within Populations
- Biologists estimate allele frequencies by
measuring a sample of individuals from a
population. - The sum of all allele frequencies at a locus is
equal to 1. - Review Figure 21.6
- 14
15Figure 21.6
figure 21-06.jpg
16Genetic Variation within Populations
- Populations that have the same allele frequencies
may have different genotype frequencies. - 16
17The HardyWeinberg Equilibrium
- A population that is not changing genetically is
said to be at HardyWeinberg equilibrium. - 17
18The HardyWeinberg Equilibrium
- The assumptions that underlie the HardyWeinberg
equilibrium are - population is large
- mating is random
- no migration
- mutation can be ignored
- natural selection is not acting on the
population. - 18
19The HardyWeinberg Equilibrium
- In a population at HardyWeinberg equilibrium,
allele frequencies remain the same from
generation to generation, and genotype
frequencies remain in the proportions p2 2pq
q2 1. - Review Figure 21.7
- 19
20Figure 21.7
figure 21-07.jpg
21The HardyWeinberg Equilibrium
- Biologists can determine whether an agent of
evolution is acting on a population by comparing
the populations genotype frequencies with
HardyWeinberg equilibrium frequencies. - 21
22Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- Changes in allele frequencies and genotype
frequencies within populations are caused by
several evolutionary agents - mutation
- gene flow
- random genetic drift
- assortative mating
- natural selection.
- 22
23Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- The origin of genetic variation is mutation.
- Most are harmful or neutral to bearers, but some
are advantageous, particularly if the environment
changes. - 23
24Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- Migration of individuals among populations
followed by breeding produces gene flow
immigrants may add new alleles or change the
frequencies of alleles already present. - 24
25Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- Random genetic drift alters allele frequencies in
all populations, but overrides natural selection
only in small ones. - Organisms of normally large populations may pass
through periods (bottlenecks) when only a small
number of individuals survive. - Review Figure 21.8
- 25
26Figure 21.8
figure 21-08.jpg
27Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- New populations established by a few founding
individuals also have gene frequencies that
differ from those in the parent population. - Review Figure 21.10
- 27
28Figure 21.10
figure 21-10.jpg
29Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- If individuals mate more often with individuals
bearing the same or different genotypes than
would be expected on a random basis, frequencies
of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes differ
from HardyWeinberg expectations. - Review Figure 21.11
- 29
30Figure 21.11
figure 21-11.jpg
31Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- Self-fertilization reduces the frequencies of
heterozygous individuals below HardyWeinberg
expectations without changing allele frequencies. - 31
32Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- Natural selection is the only evolutionary agent
that adapts populations to their environments,
and may preserve allele frequencies or cause them
to change with time. - 32
33Microevolution Changes in the Genetic Structure
of Populations
- Stabilizing, directional, and disruptive
selection change the distributions of phenotypes
governed by more than one locus. - Review Figures 21.12, 21.13, 21.14
- 33
34Figure 21.12
figure 21-12.jpg
35Figure 21.13
figure 21-13.jpg
36Figure 21.14
figure 21-14.jpg
37Studying Microevolution
- Biologists study microevolution by measuring
natural selection in the field, experimentally
altering organisms, and building computer models.
- Review Figures 21.15, 21.16
- 37
38Figure 21.15
figure 21-15.jpg
39Figure 21.16
figure 21-16.jpg
40Maintaining Genetic Variation
- Random genetic drift, stabilizing selection, and
directional selection all tend to reduce genetic
variation, but most populations are genetically
highly variable. - 40
41Maintaining Genetic Variation
- Sexual reproduction generates an endless variety
of genotypic combinations that increases
evolutionary potential of populations, but does
not influence frequencies of alleles. - Rather, it generates new combinations of genetic
material on which natural selection can act. - 41
42Maintaining Genetic Variation
- Much genetic variation within many species is
maintained in distinct subpopulations. - Review Figure 21.17
43Figure 21.17
figure 21-17.jpg
44Maintaining Genetic Variation
- Genetic variation within a population may be
maintained by frequency-dependent selection. - Review Figure 21.18
- 44
45Figure 21.18
figure 21-18.jpg
46How Do Genotypes Determine Phenotypes?
- Genotypes do not uniquely determine phenotypes.
- A given phenotype can be produced by more than
one genotype. - 46
47How Do Genotypes Determine Phenotypes?
- An organisms phenotype is the result of a
complex series of developmental processes
influenced by environmental factors and genes. - Review Figures 21.19
- 47
48Figure 21.19
figure 21-19.jpg
49Constraints on Evolution
- Natural selection acts by modifying what already
exists. - A population cannot get temporarily worse in
order to achieve some long-term advantage. - 49
50Short-Term versus Long-Term Evolution
- Patterns of macroevolutionary change can be
strongly influenced by infrequent or slowly
occuring events unlikely to be observed during
microevolutionary studies. - Additional evidence is needed to understand why
evolution took a particular course. - 50