Title: Measuring Entropy Rate Fluctuations in Compressible Turbulent Flow
1Measuring Entropy Rate Fluctuations in
Compressible Turbulent Flow
Mahesh M. Bandi Department of Physics
Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh. Walter I.
Goldburg Department of Physics Astronomy,
University of Pittsburgh. John R. Cressman
Jr. Krasnow Institute, George Mason University.
2Turbulence on a free surface.
3Surface Compressibility
Incompressible fluid (such as water)
Particles floating on the surface
4Start with
Falkovich Fouxon, New J Phys. 6, 11 (2004)
local divergence
6where ni(t) is the instantaneous concentration in
ith cell, interpreted here as a probability for
calculation of the instantaneous Entropy.
At 8 pixels/cell, 10000 pixels
1 m
Work station
High speed video camera
8(No Transcript)
9Dimensionless compressibility
C 0.5
Instantaneous Entropy ltS(t)gt
11(No Transcript)
12- Entropy production rate dS/dt in compressible
turbulence. - Goal Compare with dS/dt ?1?2
- 2nd experiment
- Fluctuations in dS/dt in lagrangian frame
- Goal Test Fluctuation Relation of
- Gallavotti and Cohen and others -in SS
13(No Transcript)
14 Area Term (lt0)
Boundary Term
The term of interest
SS reached in 200 ms
- 0.76 Hz
- 1.8 Hz
200 ms
15Results for dS/dt
- Simulations of Boffetta, Davoudi, Eckhardt,
Schumacher, PRL 2004 - ?1 ?2 -2.0 0.25 -1.75 Hz
From FF
Also from FF
16Experiment 2
Test for the Fluctuation Relation -lagrangian
frame (FR)
Thermal Eq Fluctuations about the mean are
related to dissipation FDT (see any text on
Stat. Mech)
What about fluctuations for driven system in
steady state The local entropy rate ? is a
r.v. that can be pos neg
Coagulation implies that mainly ? is negative
17 An equation concerning the entropy current dS/dt
- in the lagrangian frame Recall that Falkovich
and Fouxon showed that
all x,y in A
Velocity divergence is thus a local entropy rate
or entropy current
We measure the fluctuations in local entropy rate
(in lagrangian frame) - dimensionless units s
18In the lagrangian frame
For each initial r, one evaluates the divergence
?(r,t) of the turbulently moving floater. This
quantity fluctuates from on trajectory to another
and from one instant t to another Define a
dimensionless time-averaged entropy rate ??
Steady state
Trans. state
1.8 s
uniform dist at t0
19Introduce a dimensionless time- averaged ?
t gt 80tc
For each track starting at r
Dominantly negative
?Hz ??dimensionless entropy rate
or entropy current
20- The Steady State Fluctuation Relation.
- The Result of Cohen and Gallavotti.
coag. more likely
O is the average of entropy rate. It is negative
(coagulation) -0.37 Hz t is a short time over
which you average the system.
22Th fails
Theory works
Theory fails
Theory works
23Summary of FR Expt
- Turbulent flow is a special case of chaotic
dynamics - -skip NSE
- Prob of coag only slightly exceeds prob of
dispersal - The FR (steady state) holds macroscopic systems
- (e.g. turbulent compressible flow) - limited
range of t