Title: Getting the Most From Your Local Treasure Trove!
1Getting the Most From Your Local Treasure Trove!
- Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
- Where is the knowledge we have lost in
information? - Choruses from The Rock, 1934
- Increase your information literacy.
- Raise your comfort level with libraries and
librarians - Direct you to resources at your own local
- Explode myths
- Cover research basics
- Save your research budget thousands
4Word Association Game
What comes to mind when I say Library?
5Word Association Categories
- Intangibles
- Services
- Emotional response
- Physical
- Too crowded
- Not enough materials
6Information Literate Thinking
- Why the library?
- Free web vs. paid database
- web site affiliation
- Electronic vs. paper
- Paper vs. microfilm
- Web-based database vs.CD-ROM
7Library Lingo
- Card catalog
- Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
- Reference Desk
- Stacks
8Library Lingo 2
- Classification
- Dewey Decimal System (DDC)
- Library of Congress (LC)
- Subject headings, thesaurus
- http//www.wcsu.edu/library/odlis.html
9ExplodingLibrary Myths
10Myth Explosion 1 - Nothing Relating to Prospect
- Terminology - help your librarian be creative
- Uses of standard reference material in a
non-traditional way
11Myth Explosion 2 - Everything is Too Old, or not
Old Enough
- Most standard reference resources are ordered
annually or bi-annually - ILL (Inter-Library Loan) process for older
material - Working with collection development librarian
12Myth Explosion 3 - Only Paper Resources
- 95 of public libraries have web access many
have electronic databases - Web based
- California Digital Library, Library of
California, POWER Project
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15Myth Explosion 4 - Librarian Doesnt Have Enough
- Extensive training in providing reference
services - May have additional degree in specific subject
matter - Expert in finding material, regardless of topic
16Myth Explosion5 - Too Complicated to Find
Anything Quickly
- Email reference, telephone reference, fax on
demand - Overwhelmed by librarys size
- 85 of college students experience anxiety
- Dont know where to start
17Overcoming Library Anxiety
- Walk through first
- Note signage
- Note location of stacks, esp. special stacks
- Find the reference desk and the circulation desk
- Is there anything unusual about the library?
- Locate card catalog or OPAC terminals
- Locate the photocopier
18Research Basics
- Define your need
- Is it a fact or statistic?
- Is it a lengthy article?
- Use appropriate indexes
- Use subject headings effectively
- Automobiles instead of cars
- Carcinoma instead of cancer
- Where is it?
- Hungry rats and library noise
- slow down, look for cues
- Seek assistance
- ask for directions, how to use system
- Sign up for a class
20More Pointers
- Reference interview
- Sources checked
- Whats needed
- Why its needed
- Important not to presume pre-think
21Even More Pointers
- Handouts
- Bibliographies
- Selected Bibliography of Biographical
Dictionaries - Excerpt from Guide to Business History
Resources - Cheat Sheets
- Call Number Cheat Sheet
- Locating Books
22Question Break
23Public Library Treasure Troves
- Free electronic resources
- Inter-Library Loan
- Genealogy/history
- Larger business sections
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31Academic Library Treasure Troves
- Free electronic resources
- Large business section
- Local experts
- Historians
- Librarians
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- Information literacy
- information smarts
- Library myths
- replaced negative associations with more accurate
realities - Research refresher
- anxiety can be easily overcome
- FREE resources at libraries
- librarians are your free consultants
35In Closing
- Page of URLs
- Bibliography of Works Consulted
- Questions, discussion