Title: Fire Claims The Cause
1Fire ClaimsThe Cause CostAn Insurers
ViewKarl LumbersLondon13th March 2003
2- Source of Data
- Overview of large cargo claims
- Cause of large fire cargo claims
- Risk Profile
- Source
- Claims Files
- Criteria
- 100,000 usd
- Cargo Liabilities
- Period
- 15 years
- Sample size
- 68 No 59m Value
4Fire costs the industry over 20m (Est) in large
cargo claims a year
5Cause of Large Cargo Claims
6Cause of Large Cargo Claims
9th by No 2nd by Value
7Large Fire Cargo Claims Average Claim Value
8Type of Cargoes Involved
9Large Fire Claims by Value
6 x 1m
10Risk in Insurance Terms
Risk Frequency x Consequence
Fire Risk Low/Medium(4.5) x High (860,000usd)
11What Causes Fire Claims
Software Failure or Hardware Failure
12To err is human, indeed it is the cause of most
of Our misery. Invariably though it is to the
gods that we look for remedy Livy
13 Human Error is the cause of most of our misery
and it is to the clubs that we look for
14Software v Hardware Failure
15Human Failure
High proportion of shore side input
16Origin of Large Cargo Claim Fires (Where known)
17One of our most common findings !!!! Daily Use
Deadman lashed in open position
Glass replaced with plastic tube
18Fuel Oil DB Tank - Sounding Pipe
19Sophisticated Cabin Heating !!!!
Note paper to protect deck
20Plain Language !!!!!
21Tragic Consquences - 3 Deaths
22What Contributed to the Fire(Where known)
Fishmeal Tobacco Cotton Woodpulp Coal
23What Type of Ship has Fires
24What Type of Ship has Fires
number fire claims far exceeds no cargo ships
in Club
25Is Age of Ship Relevant ?
26Age Band of Ships with Large Fire Claims
number of fire claims far exceed Club
entry For 15-19 yr age band
27Size of Ships with Large Fire Claims
28Size of Ships with Large Fire Claims
number of fire claims far exceeds entry of
10,000gt - 30,000gt ships in Club
29- 10 out of 68 fires occurred in port
- 52 of the ships were tramping
- 17 ships were on Voyage Charter
- 35 ships were on Time Charter
30JurisdictionTop 7
figures where fires occurred
31Large Fire Caused Cargo Claims Trend
32Risk Profile
- Dry Cargo ship
- 10,000gt - 30,000gt
- 15 19 years old
- Tramping
- Time Charter
- Spontaneous combustion/Discarded cigarettes
- Shore input
33What Can We Do ?
34- Know your cargo
- Ensure a Good Cargo Watch is maintained
- Enforce No Smoking Practices