Title: Getting Started with the Assessments
1Getting Started with the Assessments
2Getting Started with the Assessments
3Getting Started with the Assessments
4Getting Started with the Assessments
5The Assessments
- Part I Personality Assessment
- Do What You Are (DWYA)
- Part II Learning Style Assessment
- The Productivity Environmental Preference Survey
6Part I Do What You Are
7Introducing the assessmentsJob Jar Activity
8- Personality assessment
- Helps identify your gifts and talents
- Useful in choosing a career or major
- Helpful in improving communication and
9Getting Started
- You will find the directions for taking the
assessments on the inside front cover of your
textbook. - You will find your access code there too.
- Dont share your access code with anyone. It can
only be used once.
10Inside Front Cover
11Go to this site to begin
12To begin, click on Register Here.
13Fill out the registration page.
14To fill out the registration
- Enter your access code.
- Fill in the blanks.
- Click on Register at the end.
- The email address you used to register.
- Your password.
- Important!
- Write them on the inside front cover of your
book. - You will need your email address and password to
log in next time.
16This will take you to your home page. Click on
Start College and Career Success.
17Getting the Best Results from DWYA
- Find a time when you are not tired or rushed.
- There are no right or wrong answers.
- Answer quickly giving your first impression. Do
not over analyze. - You will have a chance to look at your profile
and change it if you think it is not correct.
18Getting the Best Results from DWYA
- Answer the questions honestly to get the best
results. - Answer the questions how you usually are when you
are not stressed. - Do not answer the questions
- How you want to be
- How you have to be at home, work or school
- How others want you to be
19Getting the Best Results from DWYA
- The test does not measure
- Intelligence
- Psychological or emotional health
20Begin Do What You Are
21Continue with the Career Interest Survey.
22Log out or click on Stop when you are finished
with the Career Interest Survey. If you log back
in, you can view your Do What You Are Report.
You can continue with the learning style
assessment later.
23To log in, enter your email address and password.
Do not register again. Be sure to use the email
address and password you created when you
24Click on My DWYA Report.
25Take a look at your DWYA Report.
26Notice some careers that match your interests at
the end of the report.
27Click on a career to find more information.
28Part II Learning Style AssessmentThe
Productivity Environmental Preference Survey
29Important Considerations
- It is not a test
- It describes how you prefer to learn new or
difficult material - Usually there are 6 or 7 areas out of 20 that are
important for an individual
30The PEPS Learning Style Assessment
- Measures preferences in 20 areas
31Getting the Best Results from the PEPS Learning
Style Inventory
- Give your initial response.
- Answer quickly, but carefully.
- No need to over analyze.
- Answer as though you were learning new or
difficult information.
32To take the PEPS, use your email address and
password to log into your account.
33Click on Continue College and Career Success
34Read the directions. Click Continue.
35Begin the learning style assessment.
36View your PEPS Report.
37Your learning preferences are green.
38Read the learning strategies that would work well
for you.
39Need Help? Contact Customer Support. Maybe your
instructor can help also.