Title: Micro-5 Conceptual Design Review
1Micro-5 Conceptual Design Review
Jake Freeman Jon Beno Luis Zea
2Our Mission Work with partners to conduct space
life sciences research to advance fundamental
science, applied research and commercial
More Information www.colorado.edu/engineering/Bio
- Based at Univ. of Colorado Aerospace
Engineering Sciences - Operating since 1987
- Faculty, staff and students with extensive space
life sciences and payload engineering expertise
- Problem Increased virulence in microgravity is
dangerous for long-term spaceflight. - Hypothesis Media ion concentration affects
virulence. - Experiment Infect C. elegans with S. typhimurium
in media of differing ion concentrations - 3 media formulations
- With and without Pi-PEG nutritional
countermeasure - Measurements
- Video analysis to determine time until death
(TD50) - Gene expression assays of fixed samples
(RNALaterII) - Pathogen localization studies of fixed samples
(4 PFA)
4Separate Studies TD50 and Sampled
- The TD50 cultures will be monitored from start to
finish of infection process - The sampled cultures require large volume samples
taken during infection - Therefore the two studies must be performed on
separate cultures
5Experiment Flow TD50
6Experiment Flow - Sampled
736 Cultures for Each of TD50 and Sampled Studies
- o Uninfected controls 6 media conditions x 3
technical replicates 18 - C. elegans LB
- C. elegans LB-M9
- C. elegans LBPO4
- C. elegans LB Pi-PEG
- C. elegans LB-M9 Pi-PEG
- C. elegans LBPO4 Pi-PEG
- o Infected with S. Typhimurium 6 media
conditions x 3 technical replicates 18 - C. elegans S. Typhimurium cultured in LB
- C. elegans S. Typhimurium cultured in LB-M9
- C. elegans S. Typhimurium cultured in LBPO4
- C. elegans S. Typhimurium cultured in LB
Pi-PEG - C. elegansS. Typhimurium cultured in LB-M9
Pi-PEG - C. elegansS. Typhimurium cultured in LBPO4
8Multiplicity of Infection
- Is the ratio of pathogens to hosts
- Key factor for host-pathogen interaction
- Affected by
- Inoculum concentration
- Inoculum volume
- Number of C. elegans loaded
9Side A
Proposal Concept
To distribution port of 4-way valve
Bacterial media
Side B
C. Elegans Chamber 1
C. Elegans Chamber 2
Nematode media
90 Flow path 4-ports (HV 86731)
C. Elegans Chamber 3
Cell Count Fixative
Distribution flow path 4 ports (HV 86738)
10Proposal Concept Shortcomings
- Does not address sampling of cultures or related
factors associated with interfaces and levels of
containment - Large surface area of OptiCells make them
inefficient for video analysis - Poor control of multiplicity of infection (MOI)
- No dilution of inoculum before infection
- Imprecise metering of media addition
11Temperature Reqs
- Under investigation, but our best guesses are
- Ambient before activations
- Controlled to near-ambient in CGBA during C.
elegan recovery and bacterial incubation - Fixed inoculum counting sample stored ambient
- Controlled to near-ambient in CGBA for infection
- Gene-expression samples frozen in Melfi _at_ -80C
- Pathogen localization samples cooled in Melfi to
4C - Gene-expressionamples transferred to G
Fixative Culture Fixative Ratio Req Sample Volume(culture fixative) Timing of Samples StorageTemp
Inoculum counting 4 PFA 101? 2mL Before infection Ambient
Gene expression RNALater II 11 5mL? During infection -80C
Pathogen quantification and localization 4 PFA 101? 2 mL During infection 4C
13Culture Vessels
- FEP Teflon films separated by 2mm
- Sampled cultures will be in microplate-sized
10mL vessel (similar to OptiCell) - TD50 cultures in 6-well microplate-sized plate
- 1mL per well
- 5cm2 per well (e.g. 22mm x 22mm, 16mm x 32mm)
14Integrated Concept
15Modular Concept
16CeMM Integrated Concept
17 - Research partnerships
- In-house research expertise
- Musculoskeletal disuse
- Bacterial responses to low gravity
- Flight hardware and software development
- Space flight research
- Planning and execution
- Integration, safety, mission operations
- Education and public outreach
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28Operations Timeline
No. Description Facilities Duration
1 Handover hardware KSC?
2 Transfer from Dragon to ISS n/a
3 Add media to bacteria to initiate growth, place in CGBA CGBA 30 min
4 Add media to C. elegans to bring out of stasis, place in CGBA CGBA 30 min
5 Dilute bacterial culture to create infection inoculum, fix a sample of each inoculum mixture, and infect C. elegans, place cultures in CGBA CGBA 3 hr
6 Draw samples in MSG, place samples in cold stowage MSG 2 hr sampling, 30 min transfer
7 Add media to bacteria to initiate growth place in CGBA CGBA 30 min
8 Add media to C. elegans to bring out of stasis place in CGBA CGBA 30 min
9 Remove series 1 TD50 cultures and stow. Dilute bacterial culture to create infection inoculum, fix a sample of each inoculum mixture, and infect C. elegans, place cultures in CGBA CGBA 3 hr ops, 15 min stow
10 Draw samples in MSG, place samples in cold stowage MSG 2 hr sampling, 30 min transfer
11 Transfer remaining hardware from CGBA for return CGBA
12 Transfer samples from MELFI to GLACIER MELFI, GLACIER
29Sampling Concept
- COTS needless injection port mates to COTS
luer-lock - Custom syringe based on BioServes fixation tubes
- Two levels of containment
30Sample Concept Before Sampling
- Pre-loaded with fixative
- Short handle precludes accidentally pressurizing
- Cap in place to complete 2nd level of containment
31Sample Concept During Sampling
- Pull syringe to take sample
- After pulling syringe most of the way, turn valve
to vent to draw in air - Clears fluid paths at mates
- Adds air for headspace during freezing
32Sample Concept After sampling
- Handle removed, back of plunger on handle oring
forms second level of containment - Cap replaced to complete second level
33Concept Rough Solid Model4.7wide x 5long x
Luer sampling interfaces
Inoc valves
Integrated Syringe manifold
Check valves
6 Well Plate
Inoculum counting samples
34Concept Rough Solid Model
6 Well Plate
Handleless valve
Inoculum counting samples
Check valves
35Arrangement InsideCGBA Freezer
36Levels of Containment Inoc and Culture
- House fluidics in sealed box for second level of
containment - Must have valve handle and sample port
penetrations or be easily removable for MSG
37Levels of Containment Sample Containers
Period Hazardous Fluids HL or BSL Levels of containment
Gene-expression samples Before sampling RNALaterII HL 1 Syringe cap 2
During sampling RNALaterII S. Typhimurium HL 1 BSL 2 Syringe MSG(2) 3
Stowage RNALaterII HL 1 Syringe Cap 2
Pathagen loc. samples Before sampling PFA HL 2 Syringe Cap Bag 3
During sampling PFA S. Typhimurium HL 2 BSL 2 Syringe MSG(2) 3
Stowage PFA HL 2 Syringe Cap Bag 3
Inoculum counting samples Before stowage PFA HL2 Syringe checkvalve box 3
During sampling PFA S. Typhimurium HL 2 BSL 2 Syringe checkvalve box 3
- USB no DIOB necessary
- C/CS Mount for higher-fidelity lenses that
support higher resolution - CMOS is showing higher resolutions
39C/CS Mount, CMOS, USB Cameras
Source Model No. Max Res. Size (mm) Sensor size Features Cost
The Imaging Source DMK 72AUC02 2592 x 1944 _at_ 7 fps 36x36x23 1/2.5 Programmable resolution and frame rate. Aluminum housing 359 board only 395 enclosed
Edmund Optics EO-1312M 1280x1024 _at_ 25 fps 44x44x34 1/2" machine vision 975
Edmund Optics EO-3112BL 2048x1536 _at_11 fps 36x36x20 1/2" Board camera, micro lens mount (no C/CS mount) 745
Thor Labs 1280 x 1024 _at_ 25 fps 49x44x26 1/1.8 315
Hilife Tech via alibaba.com H-500-CM 2272x1592 _at_ 4fps 55x55x35 1/3 Programmable everything.
Point Grey FMVU-13S2C 1328x1048 _at_ 23fps 34x34x24 1/3 350
40Camera Resolution
- Assuming
- C. elegans are 0.1mm across
- 74mm x 56mm sample area (shown right)
- 3 pixels across a C. elegan requires 2220x1665
pixels - 5 pixels across a C. elegan requires 3700x2775
74mm x 56mm Sample Area
- Jon Beno BioServe Engineer
42Physical Prototype - Overall
43Physical Prototype Inoculation Preparation and
Out to samples
44Physical Prototype Syringe Pump and metering
Out to samples
45Physical Prototype Large samples
PTFE vent
Sample Port
Out to TD50 samples
Distribution port - In from metering syringe
46Physical Prototype TD50 array
Fill/Bleed Port
Priming/Overflow reservoir/ Inoculum counting
Distribution port - input
47Fluidics priming
- Luis Zea Aerospace Graduate Student
48Fluidics Loading Procedure
49TD50 Preparation
50TD50 Preparation Well 1 Fill
51TD50 Preparation Well 2 Fill
52TD50 Preparation Well 3 Fill
53TD50 Preparation Well 4 Fill
54TD50 Preparation Well 5 Fill
55TD50 Preparation Well 6 Fill
56OptiCells Preparation
57OptiCells Preparation O1 O2 Fill
58OptiCells Preparation O3 O4 Fill
59OptiCells Preparation O5 O6 Fill
60Inoculum Preparation
61Inoculum Preparation
62Inoculum Preparation (cont.)
63Assembly and Flowpath Priming
64Assembly and Flowpath Priming
65Prime Bacterial Media Checkvalve
66Prime Media Syringe Pump Line
67Prime CeMM Checkvalve
68Prime CeMM Syringe Pump Line
69Assembly and Flowpath Priming
70Inoculum Checkvalve Priming
71Inoculum Syringe Pump Line Priming
72CeMM Checkvalve Priming
73CeMM Syringe Pump
74Completed Assembly