Title: Brands through the Eyes of the Consumer
1Brands through the Eyes of the Consumer
- Sarah Waybright
- Country Manager, Identica, Russia
2Brand Asset
3Brand Choice
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5If this company were split up I would give you
the property, plant and equipment and I would
take the brands and the trademarks and I would
fare far better than you.John
Stuart,Chairman, Quaker
6Brand Promise
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10Strong Brands Strong Profit
11The Power of Branding
13Brand Difference provides the key to Profit
14 15- The brand name
- The brand colour
16- The brand name
- The brand colour
- The brand proposition
17- The brand name
- The brand colour
- The brand proposition
- Emotional response
18- The brand name
- The brand colour
- The brand proposition
- Emotional response
Brand Value
19Brand Trust
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21Brand difference provides the key to profit
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23Brand Extension
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25Powerful branding creates its own momentum
26The Ten Golden Rules of Branding
271. Put the consumer first
282. Think holistically - about the whole thing,
the bigger picture
293. Understand precisely who you are
304. Develop a vision for the future
315. Develop your brand strategy and positioning
326. Be creative
337. Involve your staff in the brand
348. Look for ways to leverage value from your brand
359. Monitor your brands performance
3610. Implement a communications programme
37The Ten Golden Rules of Branding
- Put the consumer first
- Think holistically
- Understand precisely who you are
- Develop a vision for the future
- Develop your brand strategy and positioning
- Be creative
- Involve your staff in the brand
- Look for ways to leverage value from your brand
- Monitor your brands performance
- Implement a communications programme
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42Opportunities and potential of branding for
Russian businesses
44Loyalty and Differentiation
45Brand difference provides the key to profit -
even in markets that have never considered the
brand as asset value
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47Brand difference provides the key to profit
48 Buildings become dilapidated. Machines wear
out. People die. But what live on, are the
brands. Sir Michael Perry, Chairman, Unilever
49Thank you Contact Details Office in Moscow 937
8431 Email sarah.wb_at_identica.com