Title: The AlgoViz Portal
1The AlgoViz Portal http//algoviz.org
The AlgoViz Portal provides a gathering place for
users and developers of algorithm visualizations,
and a gateway to AV-related services,
collections, and resources.
- Catalog over 500 separate Algorithm
Visualizations. - Annotated bibliography over 100 AV-related
research papers. - Forums discussion of all things related to
developing, evaluating, and using AVs. - Field reports Instructors describe how they use
AVs in their classes.
- Survey (please return to Booth 616 see other
side) - Using algorithm visualizations can help learners
learn computing science. - Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Disagree - Have you used any AVs in a class that you taught
in the past two years? - If so, please describe.
- What do you see as the greatest impediments to
using AVs in your courses?
2AlgoViz at SIGCSE!
Booth 616 See demonstrations of the AlgoViz
Awards nominees, along with many major AV systems.
- Thursday
- JFLAP 1000-1030
- Virginia Tech AVs 1030-1100
- Algorithms in Action 200-230
- AlgoViz Awards nominee showcase 300-345
- Friday
- JHAVE 1000-1030
- TRAKLA 1030-1100
- Animal 300-330
- ALVIE 330-400
Saturday Special Session Building an Online
Educational Community for Algorithm
Visualization, Saturday at 8301010 in room
Please answer the survey questions (see other
side) , tear on the line, and return this to
Booth 616 in the Exhibition Hall. Include your
name and email address below to have a chance to
win a 25 Amazon Gift Card. Name
_______________________________ Institution
___________________________ Email