Title: eLISA (or NGO): the New LISA
1eLISA (or NGO)the New LISA
- Gijs Nelemans
- Radboud University Nijmegen
2Some history on GW detector in space
- Low-frequency gravitational wave mission first
proposed in '80s (LAGOS) - '90s LISA as joint NASA/ESA mission
- In the end LISA became (1 of 3) L1 candidate for
ESA Cosmic Vision program (decision foreseen in
2011) - Early 2011, NASA no money to contribute to any
ESA L1 mission...... - Rapid definition teams for all L1 candidates to
ESA-led mission. New mission (eLISA/NGO)
developed, significant cost reduction, science
still strong - Next step April 2012, ESA will select 1 of 3 L1
candidates for launch 2020
- Affordable mission smaller arms, closer to Earth
(save on launcher) - Mother-daughter system (i.e. 4
links only) - Reuse much of LISA Pathfinder components
- Pay-load simpler and cheaper, telescopes smaller
- Member state contribution pay load (as in all
candidate L1 missions) - Consortium to be formed (NL role?)
4What is different from LISA?
- 1 million km arms
- 4 laser links
- Smaller distance to Earth
- 2 Soyuz launch
- Member state contributions
- 5 million km arms
- 6 laser links
- Larger distance to Earth
- Ariane 5 launch
- No member state contribution
5Overview eLISA science
- Precision test of strong-field gravity
- Detect SMBH mergers at high redshift
- Trace merger history of BHs over large redshift
and mass range - Characterise environment of galaxy central
objects and test if are GR Kerr BH - Measure spectrum or set limits on backgrounds
(probe inflation) - Detect thousands of Galactic binaries (tests
binary evolution, type Ia supernovae, tides,
mass transfer, Galactic structure) - http//arxiv.org/abs/1201.3621
6Overview eLISA science
- Precision test of strong-field gravity
- Detect SMBH mergers at high redshift
- Trace merger history of BHs over large redshift
and mass range - Characterise environment of galaxy central
objects and test if are GR Kerr BH - Measure spectrum or set limits on backgrounds
(probe inflation) - Detect thousands of Galactic binaries (tests
binary evolution, type Ia supernovae, tides, mass
transfer, Galactic structure)
EMRI max redshift
Some reasonable inflation spectra
7Dutch role/interest in eLISA
- Work on LISA Pathfinder by SRON in past
- Interest in Galactic compact binaries since '90s
(UU then RU) - Interest in EMRIs at Nikhef
- Increase in astronomy research related to eLISA
science (Leiden, Groningen) - Poll showed interest also from other people,
including theoretical physics - TNO interested in eLISA hardware (presentation
later today) - Maybe enough interest to join member state
contribution consortium (data access, funding
8Galactic binaries
Galactic binaries - Verification - Simulated pop.
9Super-massive black hole mergers
SMBH signal-to-noise ratio as function redshift
10Trace structure formation
SNR of simulated merger tries. Can distinguish
different models (seed mass, time first BH
11Extreme mass-ratio inspirals (trace BH, test GR)
Maximum redshift for different models (template,
SMBH spin)
SNR as function of redshift
12(Strategic) plans
- (Adv)Virgo/LIGO (Nikhef, RU)
- FOM programma, Nikhef, NWO-G proposal (Nikhef)
- Proposal dedicated optical follow-up telescope
triggering (RU) - NS studies (UvA, GRAPPA), AARTFARC, LOFAR
(ASTRON) - Pulsar Timing Arrays (ASTRON)
- Plans for SKA
- (Astro)physics (RU, Leiden, Nikhef, Groningen),
small scale - Hardware? Join pay-load consortium (TNO)
- Minigrail
- SRON? Other parties?
- New strategic plan astroparticle physics
- Astroparticle program NWO? National coordination?