Title: Towards Interactive and Automatic Refinement of Translation Rules
1Towards Interactive and Automatic Refinement of
Translation Rules
- Ariadna Font Llitjós
- PhD Thesis Proposal
- Jaime Carbonell (advisor)
- Alon Lavie (co-advisor)
- Lori Levin
- Bonnie Dorr (Univ. Maryland)
- 5 November 2004
- Introduction
- Thesis statement and scope
- Preliminary Research
- Interactive elicitation of error information
- A framework for automatic rule adaptation
- Proposed Research
- Contributions and Thesis Timeline
3Machine Translation (MT)
- Source Language (SL) sentence
- Gaudi was a great artist
- In Spanish, it translates as
- Gaudi era un gran artista
- MT System outputs
- ?Gaudi estaba un artista grande
- ? Gaudi era un artista grande
4Spanish Adjectives
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
General order grande ? big in size
Exception gran ? exceptional
5Commercial and Online Systems
- Correct Translation Gaudi era un gran artista
- Systran, Babelfish (Altavista), WorldLingo,
Translated.net - Gaudi era ? gran artista
- ImTranslation
- ?El Gaudi era un gran artista
- 1-800-Translate
- ? Gaudi era un fenomenal artista
6- Current solutions
- ?Manual post-editing Allen, 2003
- ?Automated post-edition module (APE)
Allen Hogan, 2000
7Drawbacks of Current Methods
- Manual post-editing ? Corrections do not
generalize - ? Gaudi era un artista grande
- ? Juan es un amigo grande (Juan is a great
friend) - ? Era una oportunidad grande (It is a great
opportunity) - APE ? Humans need to predict all the errors ahead
of time and code for the post-editing rules new
error ?
8My Solution
- Automate post-editing efforts by feeding
them back into the MT system. - Possible alternatives
- Automatic learning of post-editing rules
- system independent
- - several thousands of sentences might need to
be corrected for the same error - Automatic refinement of translation rules
- attacks the core of the problem
- for transfer-based MT systems (need rules to fix!)
9Related Work
Corston-Oliver Gammon, 2003 Imamura et al.
2003 Menezes Richardson, 2001
Brill, 1993 Gavaldà, 2000
Machine Translation
Rule Adaptation
Callison-Burch, 2004 Su et al. 1995
My Thesis
No pre-existing training data required No human
reference translations required Use Non-expert
user feedback
10Resource-poor Scenarios (AVENUE)
- Lack of electronic parallel data
- Lack of manual grammar (or very small initial
grammar) - ? Need to validate elicitation corpus and
- automatically learned translation rules
- Why bother?
- Indigenous communities have difficult access to
crucial information that directly affects their
life (such as land laws, plagues, health
warnings, etc.) - Preservation of their language and culture
Mapudungun Quechua Aymara
11How is MT possible for resource-poor languages?
Bilingual speakers
12AVENUE Project Overview
13My Thesis
Rule Learning
Run-Time System
Rule Refinement
Translation Correction Tool
Word-Aligned Parallel Corpus
Learning Module
Handcrafted rules
Run Time Transfer System
Transfer Rules
Morpho-logical analyzer
Rule Refinement Module
Elicitation Corpus
Lexical Resources
Elicitation Tool
14Recycle corrections of Machine Translation output
back into the system by refining and expanding
existing translation rules
15Thesis Statement
- - Given a rule-based Transfer MT system, we
can extract useful information from non-expert
bilingual speakers about the corrections required
to make MT output acceptable. - - We can automatically refine and expand
translation rules, given corrected and aligned
translation pairs and some error information, to
improve coverage and overall MT quality.
- No parallel training data available
- No human reference translations available
- The SL sentence needs to be fully parsed by the
translation grammar. - Bilingual speakers can give enough information
about the MT errors.
- Types of errors that
- Focus 1 can be refined fully automatically just
by using correction information. - Focus 2 can be refined fully automatically using
correction and error information. - Focus 3 require a reasonable amount of further
user interaction and can be solved by available
correction and error information.
18Technical Challenges
Automatic Evaluation of Refinement process
Elicit minimal MT information from non-expert
19Preliminary Work
- Interactive elicitation of error information
- A framework for automatic rule adaptation
20Interactive Elicitation of MT Errors
- Goal
- Simplify MT correction task maximally
- Challenges
- Find appropriate level of granularity for MT
error classification - Design a user-friendly graphic user interface
with - SL sentence (e.g. I see them)
- TL sentence (e.g. Yo veo los)
- word-to-word alignments (I-yo, see-veo, them-los)
- (context)
21MT Error Typology for RR (simplified)
Completed Work
Interactive elicitation of error information
- Missing word
- Extra word
- Wrong word order
- Incorrect word
- Wrong agreement
Local vs Long distance Word vs. phrase Word
Sense Form Selectional restrictions Idiom
Missing constraint Extra constraint
22TCTool (Demo)
Interactive elicitation of error information
- Add a word
- Delete a word
- Modify a word
- Change word order
231st Eng2Spa User Study
Interactive elicitation of error information
Completed Work
- LREC 2004
- MT error classification ? 9 linguistically-motivat
ed classes - word order, sense, agreement error (number,
person, gender, tense), form, incorrect word and
no translation
precision recall F1
error detection 90 89 89
error classification 72 71 72
24Automatic Rule Refinement Framework
Completed Work
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- Find best RR operations given a
- Grammar (G),
- Lexicon (L),
- (Set of) Source Language sentence(s) (SL),
- (Set of) Target Language sentence(s) (TL),
- Its Parse tree (P), and
- Minimal correction of TL (TL)
- such that TQ2 gt TQ1
- Which can also be expressed as
- max TQ(TLTL,P,SL,RR(G,L))
25Types of Refinement Operations
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- 1. Refine a translation rule
- R0 ? R1 (R0 modified, either made more
specific or more general)
una casa bonito
a nice house
N gender ADJ gender
a nice house
una casa bonita
26Types of Refinement Operations (2)
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- 2. Bifurcate a translation rule
- R0 ? R0 (same, general rule)
- ? R1 (R0 modified, specific rule)
una casa bonita
a nice house
un gran artista
a great artist
27Formalizing Error Information
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- Wi error
- Wi correction
- Wc clue word
- Example
- SL the red car - TL el auto roja ? TL el
auto rojo - Wi roja Wi rojo Wc auto
need to agree
28Triggering Feature Detection
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- Comparison at the feature level to detect
triggering feature(s) - Delta function ?(Wi,Wi)
- Examples
- ?(rojo,roja) gender
- ?(comiamos,comia) person,number
- ?(mujer,guitarra) ?
- If ? set is empty, need to
- postulate a new binary feature
29Deciding on the Refinement Op
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- Given
- - Action performed by the user (add, delete,
modify, change word order) , and - - Error information is available (clue word,
word alignments, etc.) - ? Refinement Action
30Rule Refinement Operations
31Proposed Work
- - Batch and Interactive mode
- User studies
- Evaluation
32Rule Refinement Example
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- Change word order
- SL Gaudí was a great artist
- TL Gaudí era un artista grande
- Corrected TL (TL) Gaudí era un gran artista
33Automatic Rule Adaptation
1. Error Information
Refinement Operation Typology
342. Variable Instantiation from Log File
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- Correcting Actions
- 1. Word order change (artista grande ? grande
artista) - Wi grande
- 2. Edited grande into gran
- Wi gran
- identified artist as clue word ? Wc artist
- In this case, even if user had not identified Wc,
refinement process would have been the same
353. Retrieve Relevant Lexical Entries
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- No lexical entry for great ? gran
- Duplicate lexical entry great-grande and
change TL side - ADJADJ great -gt gran
- ((X1Y1)
- ((x0 form) great)
- ((y0 agr num) sg)
- ((y0 agr gen) masc))
- (Morphological analyzer grande gran)
ADJADJ great -gt grande ((X1Y1) ((x0
form) great) ((y0 agr num) sg) ((y0 agr gen)
364. Finding Triggering Feature(s)
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- Feature ? function ?(Wi, Wi) ?
- ? need to postulate a new binary feature
feat1 - 5. Blame assignment
- tree lt((S,1 (NP,2 (N,51 "GAUDI") )
- (VP,3 (VB,2 (AUX,172 "ERA") )
- (NP,8 (DET,03 "UN")
- (N,45 "ARTISTA")
- (ADJ,54 "GRANDE")
) ) ) )gt
376. Variable Instantiation in the Rules
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- Wi grande ? POSi ADJ Y3, y3
- Wc artista ? POSc N Y2, y2
- NP,8
- ( (X1Y1) (X2Y3) (X3Y2)
- ((x0 def) (x1 def))
- (x0 x3)
- ((y1 agr) (y2 agr)) det-noun agreement
- ((y3 agr) (y2 agr)) adj-noun agreement
- (y2 x3) )
387. Refining Rules
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- NP,8
- ( (X1Y1) (X2Y2) (X3Y3)
- ((x0 def) (x1 def))
- (x0 x3)
- ((y1 agr) (y3 agr)) det-noun agreement
- ((y2 agr) (y3 agr)) adj-noun agreement
- (y2 x3)
- ((y2 feat1) c ))
398. Refining Lexical Entries
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- ADJADJ great -gt grande
- ((X1Y1)
- ((x0 form) great)
- ((y0 agr num) sg)
- ((y0 agr gen) masc)
- ((y0 feat1) -))
- ADJADJ great -gt gran
- ((X1Y1)
- ((x0 form) great)
- ((y0 agr num) sg)
- ((y0 agr gen) masc)
- ((y0 feat1) ))
40Done? Not yet
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- NP,8 (R0) ADJ(grande)
- feat1 -
- NP,8 (R1) ADJ(gran)
- feat1 c feat1
- Need to restrict application of general rule (R0)
to just post-nominal ADJ
un artista grande un artista gran un gran artista
un grande artista
41Add Blocking Constraint
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- NP,8 (R0) ADJ(grande)
- feat1 - feat1 -
- NP,8 (R1) ADJ(gran)
- feat1 c feat1
- Can we also eliminate incorrect translations
un artista grande un artista gran un gran
artista un grande artista
42Making the grammar tighter
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- If Wc artista
- Add feat1 to N(artista)
- Add agreement constraint to NP,8 (R0) between N
and ADJ ((N feat1) (ADJ feat1))
un artista grande un artista gran un gran
artista un grande artista
43Batch Mode Implementation
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Proposed Work
- For Refinement operations of errors that can be
refined - Fully automatically just by using correction
information (Focus 1) - Fully automatically using correction and error
information (Focus 2)
44Rule Refinement Operations
45Focus 1
Rule Refinement Operations
It is a nice house Es una casa bonito
? Es una casa bonita
John and Mary fell Juan y Maria ? cayeron
? Juan y Maria se cayeron
46Focus 1
Rule Refinement Operations
J y M cayeron ? J y M se cayeron
Es una casa bonito ? Es una casa bonita
Gaudi was a great artist Gaudi era un artista
grande ? Gaudi era un gran artista
I will help him fix the car Ayudaré a él a
arreglar el auto ? Le ayudare a
arreglar el auto
47Focus 1
Rule Refinement Operations
I would like to go Me gustaria que ir
? Me gustaria ? ir
I will help him fix the car Ayudaré a él a
arreglar el auto ? Le ayudare a
arreglar el auto
48Focus 1 2
Rule Refinement Operations
I am proud of you Estoy orgullosa tu
? Estoy orgullosa de ti
49Interactive Mode Implementation
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Proposed Work
- Extra error information is required
- More sentences need to be evaluated (and
corrected) by users - Relevant Minimal Pairs (MP)
- Focus 3 types of errors that require a
reasonable amount of further user interaction and
can be solved by available correction and error
50Focus 3
Rule Refinement Operations
Wally plays the guitar Wally juega la
guitarra ? Wally toca la
I saw the woman Vi ? la mujer ?
Vi a la mujer
I see them Veo los ? Los veo
51Example Requiring Minimal Pair
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Proposed Work
- 1. Run SL sentence through the transfer engine
- I see them ? veo los ? los veo
- 2. Wi los but no Wi nor Wc
- Need a minimal pair to determine appropriate
refinement - I see cars ? veo autos
- 3. Triggering feature(s) ?(los,autos) pos
- PRON(los)pospron N(autos)posn
52Refining and Adding Constraints
Proposed Work
- VP,3 VP NP ? VP NP
- VP,3 VP NP ? NP VP NP pos c pron
- Percolate triggering features up to the
constituent level - NP PRON ? PRON NP pos PRON pos
- Block application of general rule (VP,3)
- VP,3 VP NP ? VP NP NP pos (NOT pron)
53Generalization Power
- Have other example sentences with same error that
would be translated correctly after refinement!
54Outside Scope of Thesis
Rule Refinement Operations
John read the book A Juan leyó el libro
? ? Juan leyó el libro
Where are you from? Donde eres tu de?
? De donde eres tu?
55User Studies
Proposed Work
- TCTool new MT classification (Eng2Spa)
- Different language pair (Mapudungun or Quechua ?
Spanish) - Manual vs Learned grammars
- Batch vs Interactive mode (Active Learning)
- Amount of error information elicited
56User Studies Map
Proposed Work
57Data Set
Proposed Work
- Split development set (400 sentence) into
- Dev set ? Run User Studies
- Develop Refinement Module
- Validate functionality
- Test set ? Evaluate effect of Refinement
operations - Wild test set (from naturally occurring text)
- Requirement need to be fully parsed by grammar
58Evaluation of Refined MT System
- Evaluate best translation ? Automatic evaluation
metrics (BLEU, NIST, METEOR) - Evaluate candidate list ? precision (parsimony)
59Evaluate Best translation
- Hypothesis file (translations to be evaluated
automatically) - Raw MT output
- Best sentence (picked by user to be correct or
requiring the least amount of correction) - Refined MT output
- Use METOR score at sentence level to pick best
candidate from the list - ? Run all automatic metrics on the new hypothesis
file using user corrections as reference
60Evaluate Candidate List
- Precision tp binary 0,1
- tp fp total number of TC
61Expected Contributions
- An efficient online GUI to display translations
and alignments and solicit pinpoint fixes from
non-expert bilingual users. - An expandable set of rule refinement operators
- triggered by user corrections,
- to automatically refine and expand different
types of grammars. - A mechanism to automatically evaluate rule
refinements with user corrections as reference
62Thesis Timeline
- Research components Duration (months)
- Back-end implementation 7
- User Studies 3
- Resource-poor language (data manual grammar) 2
- Adapt system to new language pair 1
- Active Learning methods 1
- Evaluation 1
- Write and defend thesis 3
- Total 18
Expected graduation date May 2006
- Add references
- Related work
- Probst et al. 2002
- AL
65Some Questions
- Is the refinement process deterministic?
- TCTool Demo Simulation
- RR operation patterns
- Automatic Evaluation feasibility study
- AMTA paper results
- Precision, recall and F1
67Automatic Rule Adaptation
68Automatic Rule Adaptation
SL best TL picked by user
69Automatic Rule Adaptation
Changing word order
70Automatic Rule Adaptation
Changing grande into gran
71Automatic Rule Adaptation
Back to main
72Automatic Rule Adaptation
73Input to RR module
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- User correction log file
- Transfer engine output ( parse tree)
sl I see them tl VEO LOS tree lt((S,0 (VP,3
(VP,1 (V,12 "VEO") ) (NP,0 (PRON,23
"LOS") ) ) ) )gt
sl I see cars tl VEO AUTOS tree lt((S,0 (VP,3
(VP,1 (V,12 "VEO") ) (NP,2 (N,13
AUTOS") ) ) ) )gt
74Types of RR Operations
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- Grammar
- R0 ? R0 R1 R0 constr CovR0 ?
CovR0,R1 - R0 ? R1R0 constr -
- ? R2R0 constrc CovR0 ?
CovR1,R2 - R0 ? R1 R0 constr CovR0 ? CovR1
- Lexicon
- Lex0 ? Lex0 Lex1Lex0 constr
- Lex0 ? Lex1Lex0 constr
- Lex0 ? Lex0 Lex1?Lex0 ? TLword
- ? ? Lex1 (adding lexical item)
75Manual vs Learned Grammars
Automatic Rule Adaptation
- Manual inspection
- Automatic MT Evaluation
Manual grammar 4.3 0.16 0.6
Learned grammar 3.7 0.14 0.55
76Human Oracle experiment
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Completed Work
- As a feasibility experiment, compared raw output
with manually corrected MT - statistically significant (confidence interval
test) - These is an upper-bound on how much difference we
should expect any refinement approach to make.
77Active Learning
Automatic Rule Adaptation
Proposed Work
- Minimize the number of examples a human annotator
must label Cohn et al. 1994 usually by
processing examples in order of usefulness. - .
- Minimize the number of Minimal Pairs presented to
78Order deterministic?
- Application of Rule Refinement operations is not
deterministic, it directly depends on - The order in which it sees the corrected
sentences - Example
- 1st agr constraint bifurcate (WWO)
- C-set
- Reverse order
- C-set (!)