English 12 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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English 12


English 12 Literary Terms Motif: A recurring image, word, phrase, action, idea, object, or situation throughout a literary work A recounting of a series of actual or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: English 12

English 12
  • Literary Terms

Literary Terms
  • Allegory An extended narrative in prose or verse
    in which characters, events, and settings
    represent abstract qualities where the writer
    intends a second meaning to be read beneath the
    surface story
  • Eg. The Faerie Queen by Edmund Spenser (written
    in 1590)
  • Spenser only completed half of The Faerie Queene
    he planned. In a letter to Sir John Walter
    Raleigh, he explained the purpose and structure
    of the poem. It is an allegory, a story whose
    characters and events nearly all have a specific
    symbolic meaning. The poem's setting is a
    mythical "Faerie land," ruled by the Faerie
    Queene. Spenser sets forth in the letter that
    this "Queene" represents his own monarch, Queen

  • Allusion A passing reference to historical of
    fictional character, places, or events, or to
    other works that the writer assumes the reader
    will recognize.
  • Eg. Bible
  • From HAMLET by William Shakespeare
  • O, my offence is rank it smells to heavenIt
    hath the primal eldest curse upon't,A brother's
    murder. Pray can I not,Though inclination be as
    sharp as willMy stronger guilt defeats my
    strong intentAnd, like a man to double business
    bound,I stand in pause where I shall first
    begin,And both neglect. What if this cursed
    handWere thicker than itself with brother's
    blood,Is there not rain enough in the sweet
    heavensTo wash it white as snow?(2.3)

The underlined section makes reference to the
slaying of Abel by Cain in the Bible
  • AnalogyA comparison of similar things for the
    purpose of making something unfamiliar to seem
  • Eg. River system compared to a tree
  • Metaphor and simile often make unexpected and
    creative comparisons

  • Aphorism A statement of a principle or truth,
    usually an observation about life
  • Eg. The happiest of women, like the happiest
    nations, have no history
  • George Eliot Mary Ann Evans
  • (22 November 1819 22 December 1880),
  • better known by her pen name
  • George Eliot, was an
  • English novelist. Her most famous
  • work is MIDDLEMARCH (1871-72),

  • Apostrophe In poetry, when an absent person, an
    abstract concept, or an important object is
    directly addressed
  • Eg. Paradise Lost by John Milton begins with an
    invocation to the heavenly muse
  • Sing, Heavenly Muse

  • Aside In drama, a convention by which actors
    speak briefly to the audience
  • Eg. Shakespeares Hamlet A little more than
    kin, and less than kind (1.2. line 65)
  • Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds but
    not consonant sounds as in consonance
  • Eg. Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geeks.

  • Ballad A form of narrative poetry that presents
    a single dramatic episode, which is often tragic
    or violent. Often meant to be sung.
  • Folk ballad Composed anonymously and transmitted
    orally from generation to generationsung or
    recited. Dealt with common people rather than
    nobility and the supernatural played an important
  • Eg. Bonnie George Campbell
  • Hie upon the Highlands, and laigh upon the
    Tay,Bonnie George Campbell rode, out on a
    day.He saddled, he bridled, and gallant rode
    he,And hame came his guid horse, but never cam
    he.Out cam his mother, dear, greeting fu
    sair,And out cam his bonnie bryde, riving her
    hair."The meadow lies green the corn is
    unshornBut bonnie George Campbell will never
    return.Saddled and bridled and booted rode
    he,A plume in his helment, a sword at his
    knee.but toom cam his saddle, all bloody to
    seeOh, hame cam his guid horse, but never cam he

  • Ballads continued
  • Literary Ballads More polished and consciously
    artful than folk ballads and contain more
    elevated language and poetric diction
  • Eg. Samuel Taylor Coleridges
  • Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  • Ballad Stanza The stanza form of the ballad,
    usually four lines rhyming abcb
  • The first and the third lines typically contain
    four accented syllables, the second and the
    fourth lines, three accented syllables
  • A refrain (repeated line found elsewhere in the
    same position) at the end of the stanza is common

Iambic Meterthe stress in each line falls on
every other syllable
Rhyme Scheme
1st 3rd 8 syllables 2nd 4th 6 syllables
It was in and about the Martinmas timeWhen the
green leaves were a-falling, That Sir John
Graeme, in the West Country, fell in love with
Barbara AllanHe sent his men down through the
townTo the place where she was dwelling O
haste and come to my master dear,Gin ye be
Barbara AllanO hooly, hooly rose she up,To
the place where he was lyingAnd when she drew
the curtain by,Young man, I think youre
dying.O its Im sick, and very sick,And its
a for Barbara AllanO the better for me yes
never be,Though your hearts blood were a
Narrative Style
Language is Simple and straightforward
The young man is love sick
  • Blank Verse A verse consisting of unrhymed lines
    of iambic pentameter.
  • (ten syllables per line)
  • Eg. Was this the face that launched a thousand
  • And burned the topless towers of Illium?
  • Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss
  • Christopher Marlowes Dr. Faustus

  • Caesura A pause within a line of poetry often
    resulting from the natural rhythm of language and
    not necessarily indicated by punctuation

  • Caricature Descriptive writing that exaggerates
    specific features of appearance or personality,
    usually for comic effect

  • Chorus A character whose role is to comment on
    the actions of the main character

  • Comedy Any literary work that aims to amuse by
    dealing with humorous, familiar situations
    involving ordinary people speaking everyday

  • Conceit An elaborate figure of speech comparing
    two very dissimilar things.
  • Eg. My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
    (Sonnet 130)   by William Shakespeare
  • My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
  • Coral is far more red than her lips' red
  • If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun
  • If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
  • I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
  • Consonance The close repetition of identical
    consonant sounds before and after differing vowel
    sounds. It is NOT necessarily (but can be)
  • Eg. forever, over

  • Couplet Two consectuive lines of poetry that
    rhyme and that are written in the same meter or
    pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables
  • Eg. Three be the things I shall have till I die
  • Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye
  • by Dorothy Parker from Inventory

  • Denotation The dictionary definition of a work.
    Opposite of CONNOTATION.
  • Dialect The version of a language spoken by
    people of a particular region or social group

  • Diary A journal or personal reflection and
    record of the daily life of a person.
  • Diction Word choice. Two basic standards
  • Clear diction is both precise and concrete with
    strong verbs.
  • Appropriate diction is diction at a levelformal,
    informal, colloquial, slangsuitable to the

  • Dissonance Words that are put together in such a
    way as to be awkward for effect.
  • Dramatic Monologue A poem in which a single
    character, overheard speaking to a silent
    listener, reveals a dramatic situation.
  • Eg. Robert Browning My Last Duchess

  • Elegy A poem of sorrow or mourning for the dead.
  • Eg. Thomas Grays Elegy Written in a Country

  • English or Shakepearean SonnetA fixed form
    consisting of fourteen lines of 5-foot iambic
    verse. Its arranged into three quatrains rhyming
    abab, cdcd, efef, followed by a rhyimg couplet
    gg, which sums up the poem.
  • Epic A long narrative poem in loftyl style set
    in a remote time and place, and dealing with
    heroic character and deeds important in the
    legends and history of a nation or race.

  • Epigram Any witty, pointed saying.
  • Eg. She knows the cost of everything and the
    value of nothing.
  • Figurative Language Language the contains the
    figures of speech such as metaphor, simile,
    personification and hyperbole.
  • Foil A character who, by contrast, points up the
    qualities or characteristics of another
  • Form The organizing principle that shapes a work
    of literature.

  • Free Verse Poetry that doesnt follow a set form
    or rhyme scheme.
  • Genre A type of literary work.
  • Heroic Couplet A pair of rhyming iambic
    pentameter lines.
  • Hyperbole Exaggeration for dramatic effect. Used
    to create humour OR emphasis.
  • Eg. A section from Andrew Marvells To His Coy
  • My vegetable love should growVaster than
    empires, and more slowAn hundred years should
    go to praiseThine eyes and on thy forehead
    gazeTwo hundred to adore each breast,But
    thirty thousand to the restAn age at least to
    every part,And the last age should show your
    heart.For, Lady, you deserve this state,Nor
    would I love at lower rate.

  • Iambic Pentameter A poetic line of five iambic

What is Iambic Pentameter? Ten syllables in each
line Five pairs of alternating unstressed and
stressed syllables The rhythm in each line
sounds like ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM / ba-BUM /
ba-BUM If mu- / -sic be / the food / of love, /
play on Is this / a dag- / -ger I / see be- /
fore me?
  • Image Language referring to something that can
    be perceived through one or more of the senses.
  • Imagery The making of pictures in words, the
    pictorial quality of a literary work achieved
    through a collection of images.

  • In medias res Literally in the middle of. When
    a piece of literature begins in the middle of the
    action/story then using flashbacks in order to
    fill in the beginning of the story.
  • Internal rhyme The rhyming of two or more words
    in the same line of poetry.
  • Inversion Reversing the normal order of sentence
    partsusually to ask a question.

  • Invocation At the beginning of an epic, an
    appeal to a god or godess for inspiration.
  • Irony In the broadest sense, the recognition of
    the incongruity or difference between reality
    (what is) and appearance (what seems to be).
  • Situational The difference between what is
    expected to happen and what actually occurs.
  • Verbal Irony Contrast between what is said and
    what is actually meant. (Sarcasm is a harsh form
    of this)

  • Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet A sonnet that is
    organized into two parts
  • Octave consists of the first eight lines of the
    poem rhyming abba, abba
  • Sestet the final six lines of the poem, rhyming
    cde, cde. The octave is the question and the
    sestet is the answer/resolve.

  • Kenning A metaporic compound owrd or phrase used
    as a synony for a common noun.
  • Eg. Beowulf ring bestower
  • Lyric Poem A poem that expresses the emotions
    and thoughts of the author

  • Metaphysical (poetry) A term applied to the
    poetry of John Donne and several other
    seventeenth-century poets such as Andrew Marvell.
    This poetry rebells against the conventional love
    poetry of the Elizabethans.
  • Meter The fixed (or nearly fixed) pattern of
    accented and unaccented syllables in the lines of
    a poem that produces its pervasive rhythm. Basic
    unit of rhythm is the FOOT, consisting of at
    least one accented syllable and one or more
    unaccented syllables.

  • Metonymy A figure of speech that substitutes the
    name of a related object, person, or idea for the
    subject at hand.
  • Eg. Crownmonarchy
  • White HousePresident of United States
  • Shakespeareworks of Shakespeare
  • Mock Epic A literary work that comically or
    satirically imitates the form and style of the
    epic, treating a trivial subject in a lofty
  • Eg. The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope

  • Motif A recurring image, word, phrase, action,
    idea, object, or situation throughout a literary
  • A recounting of a series of actual or fictional
    events in which some connection between the
    events is established or implied.
  • Octave See Italian/Petrarchan Sonnet

  • Ode A long and elaborate lyric poem, usually
    dignified in tone and often written to praise
    someone or something or to mark an important
  • Eg. Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Oxymoron A figure of speech in which two
    contradictory words or phrases are combined in a
    single expression, giving the effect of a
    condensed paradox.
  • Eg. Wise Fool, Living death, cruel kindness

  • Paradox A statement, while apparently
    self-contradictory, is nonetheless essentially
  • Parallelism The technique of showing that words,
    phrases, clauses, or larger structures are
    comparable in content and importance by placing
    them side by side and making them similar in
  • Eg. Halcyon Days by Walt Whitman
  • Not from successful love alone,
  • Nor wealth, nor honord middle age, nor
    victories of politics
  • or war
  • But as life wanes, and all the turbulent
    passions calm
  • As gorgeous vapory, silent hues cover the
    evening sky,
  • As softness, fulness, rest ,suffuse the frame,
    like fresher,
  • balmier air,
  • As the days take on a mellower light, and the
    apple at last
  • Hangs really finishd and indolent-ripe on the
  • Then for the teeming quietest, happiest days of
  • The brooding and blissful halcyon days!

  • Parody A piece that ridicules another
    composition by imitating and exaggerating aspects
    of its content, structure and style.
  • Pastoral A poem having to do with shepherds and
    rural life
  • Pentameter See iambic pentameter

  • Persona The voice or mask created by the author
    through which a story is told.
  • Petrarchan or Italian Sonnet The basic meter of
    all sonnets in English is iambic pentameter.
    Divided into two sections by two different groups
    of rhyming sounds. The first 8 lines is called
    the octave and rhymes a b b a a b b a The
    remaining 6 lines is called the sestet and can
    have either two or three rhyming sounds, arranged
    in a variety of ways
  • c d c d c dc d d c d cc d e c d ec d e c e dc
    d c e d cThe point here is that the poem is
    divided into two sections by the two differing
    rhyme groups. This change occurs at the beginning
    of L9 in the Italian sonnet and is called the
    volta, or "turn" the turn is an essential
    element of the sonnet form, perhaps the essential
    element. It is at the volta that the second idea
    is introduced.

  • Point of view The view from which as story is
  • 1st Person Uses I
  • Omniscient God-like narrator. Knows thoughts
    and feelings of all characters
  • Limited omniscient/third person God-like
    narrator that only follows one character
  • Dramatic or objective A play
  • Second Person Uses you

  • Protagonist The main character of a story. Can
    be an anti-hero (bad guy)
  • Pun A play on words
  • Quatrain Four line stanza
  • Refrain A group of words repeated at intervals
    during a poemusually at the end of a stanza
  • Rhyme similar sound between two words.
  • Rhyme Scheme patterns of rhymes in a stanza or
    poem. Usually indicated by letters of the
    alphabet (abba)

  • Rhythm The patterned flow of sound in poetry and
  • Romanticism Movement in art and literature in
    18th 19th centuries in revolt against
    neoclassicism. Literature depicting emotional
    matter in an imaginative form.
  • Satire Literature that uses ironic humour and
    wit with criticism for the purpose of ridiculing
    folly, vice for the purpose of making positive

  • Sestet See Italian/petrarchan sonnet
  • Setting The time and place of a story
  • Shakespearean/English sonnet See English sonnet
  • Simile Comparison using like or as
  • Soliloquy A dramatic convention in which a
    character in a play, alone of stage, speaks his
    or her thoughts aloud.
  • Eg. To be or Not to be speech in Hamlet
  • Sonnet 14 line lyric poem

  • Speaker The voice of a poem. The poet may be
    speaking as him/herself or take on a mask.
  • Spenserian Stanza A stanza pattern, creatied by
    Edmund Spenser that consists of nine lines in
    iambic meter rhyming ababbcbcc.
  • Stanza A paragraph or section of poetry
  • StyleA writers characteristic way of saying
    things. It may be the arrangement of ideas, word
    choice, use of lit decvices, sentence structure,
    rhythm etc.

  • Repetition The repeating of a word or phrase for
    dramatic effect.
  • Synecdoche A figure of speech in which a part of
    something stands for the whole thing.
  • Eg. Ive got wheels (wheelscar), The sails were
    seen on the horizon (sailsboats).
  • Syntax The arrangement and grammatical relation
    of words, phrases and clauses in sentences.

  • Tercet A three line stanza.
  • Terza rima A form of verse composed of tercets
    linked by rhyme abc, bcb, cdc, ded and so on.
  • Tetrameter A line of poetry compsed of four
    metrical feet (eight syllables).
  • Tone The reflection in a work of the authors
    attitude toward his or her subject, characters,
    and readers.
  • Eg. Brusque, friendly, teasing etc.

  • Theme The central or dominating ideas, the
    message implicit in a work. (Remember that when
    you are writing about theme, you must create a
    theme statement!)
  • Tragedy In simplest termsthe protagonist dies
    due to a fatal flaw/error in judgment/twist of
  • Trimeter A line of poetry consisting of three
    metrical feet (six syllables/line)

  • Villanelle A lyric poem made up of five stanzas
    of three lines plus a final stanza of four lines.
    Aba, abaa.
  • Eg. Do not go gentle into that good night by
    Dylan Thomas
  • Voice A term to identify the sense a written
    work conveys to a reader of its writers
    attitude, personality, and character.
  • Volta Also called a turn, a volta is a sudden
    change in thought, direction, or emotion near the
    conclusion of a sonnet.

  • Wit The ability to make brilliant, imaginative,
    or clever connections between ideas.
  • Proverb A short saying that expresses some
    commonplace truth or bit of folk wisdom
    concerning some aspect of practical life.
  • Eg. A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss
  • Thesis The topic sentence that states the
    central argument of a piece of writing

  • Jargon Language specific to a particular
  • Eg. Medical jargon
  • Colloquial Language A word or phrase in everyday
    use in conversation and informal writing, but
    sometimes inappropriate in formal writing.
  • Eg. Carol wont let on, but I know shes down in
    the dumps.

  • Euphemism A kinder, gentler way of saying
    something thats negative.
  • Eg. He passed on (instead of he died)
  • Direct presentation When the author states what
    a character is like.
  • Indirect presentation When the author asks the
    reader to deduce from his/her actions what a
    character is like.
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