Knowledge sharing: A Global Challenge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Knowledge sharing: A Global Challenge


Title: The political economy of the knowledge society: Recent perspectives Author: SOETE Last modified by: SOETE Created Date: 6/14/2006 10:10:01 AM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Knowledge sharing: A Global Challenge

Knowledge sharingA Global Challenge
  • Luc Soete
  • UNU/UNESCO Intrenational Conference
    Globalization Challenges and Opportunities for
    Science And Technology, 23rd-24th August 2006,
    Yokohama, Japan.

  • Knowledge in society from the pre-industrial age
    to the 20th Century
  • The role of science and technology and the
    emergence of tight science
  • The growing national policy focus technological
    competitiveness and national dreams of
  • The 21st Century challenges globalization,
    localization and A2K
  • Global integration doubling of world labour
  • Knowledge as a joint production factor the
    global locational multiplication of hotspots
  • Global access to science and codified knowledge
    and the role of collaborative innovation

1. The knowledge society in the pre-industrial
  • Knowledge has always been an essential part of
    human activities even in so-called primitive
    societies knowledge played a central role
  • But in the pre-industrial age, the economic value
    of science was limited
  • like artists the funding structure of scientists
    was strongly elitist based
  • as a consequence the locus of science in society
    was outside of the economic and commercial sphere
  • Industrial revolution represents a fundamental
    brake with respect to such islands of ST

The industrial revolution a revolution in
knowledge diffusion
  • Industrial revolution still subject today of much
  • crucial role of the spirit of industrial
    enlightenment (Joel Mokyr)
  • why island of knowledge development became an
    industrial revolution in 19th Century (Margareth
  • Crucial role of the interaction between les
    savants et les fabriquants
  • need for scientific proof on the part of
  • hunger for application and understanding of
    scientific principles (Diderots 82 volume
    Encyclopedia des Arts et Métiers, Lunar
  • Emergence of the industrial RD lab in US in the
    late 19th Century

The 20th Century the emergence of tight science
and technology
  • The 2nd World war and later on the Cold war was
    the ultimate political recognition of the role of
  • In economics reflected in a black box vision on
  • not to be opened except by scientists and
    engineers (Freeman)
  • A residual (Solow) a reflection of our ignorance
  • Yet, a strong emphasis on public policy role
  • With social returns to basic research being by
    definition higher than the private ones (Nelson
    1959, Arrow, 1962)
  • Well identifiable, sequential view of basic and
    applied research, dominance of the so-called
    linear model of ST, later broadened to the
    Schumpeterian trilogy invention, innovation and

2. The 21st Century challenges the mutual
globalization and localization of knowledge
  • Globalization of ST importance of international
    access of exchange of codified knowledge, global
    scientific communities, where knowledge is
  • But at the same time strong localization of
    knowledge knowledge appears a joint production
    factor (codified and tacit knowledge) subject to
    different local increasing returns and global
    access features
  • As a result dramatic increase in knowledge
  • Agglomeration effects in knowledge increasingly
    at level of tacit knowledge accumulation, hence
    crucial importance of universities
  • Up to now US and to a lesser extent other
    Anglo-Saxon universities (Canada, Australia, UK)
    have acted as global attractor poles for
    international scientists and engineers

The new development challenges different
policies at different levels of development
  • Three broad categories of policy challenges
  • For high income countries, such as Japan or the
    EU, the policy challenge is one of the
    sustainability of Schumpeterian dynamism
  • For emerging economies (BRIC), the policy
    challenge is the design of backing winners
    innovation policies
  • For developing countries, the policy challenge
    will have to focus on the disarticulated
    knowledge systems e.g. design of pro-poor
    innovation policies within e.g. context of
    agriculture and rural development
  • These are only though accents e.g. particular
    relevance of technological advance as a
    cumulative process for emerging economies (BRIC),
    today maybe less for developed countries?

But with one common feature A2K
  • A2K is essential at all levels of development
  • With respect to global issues the list is
    increasing day by day food, health, climate
    change, environment, energy, safety
  • But also with respect to local issues such as
    water management, transport, logistics, urban
    mobility, migration, innovation and
    entrepreneurship, etc.
  • The complexities of the problems confronted with
    imply a more open innovation process, involving
    many players public, private, local, national,
  • In all those areas the old policy obsession with
    national technological competitiveness appears
    today completely outdated. One witnesses the
    coming to an end of geographically determined
    technological competitiveness

But there is more the nature of technological
progress and innovation has changed
  • Shift in the nature of knowledge accumulation
    from tight to undetermined outcomes, trial and
    error science and technology
  • Traditional industrial RD was based on
  • Clearly agreed-upon criteria of progress, and
    ability to evaluate ex post
  • Ability to hold in place (Nelson), to
    replicate, to imitate
  • A strong cumulative process learn from natural
    and deliberate experiments
  • Still the case in many manufacturing sectors from
    automobiles, to consumer electronics, chemicals
    but even here tightness is becoming more
    difficult with the increase in complexity

New technological change
  • New technological change appears more based upon
  • Flexibility, hence difficulty in establishing
  • Trial and error elements in research with only
    ex post observed improvements
  • Problems of continuously changing external
    environments over time, across sectors, in
    space difficulty to evaluate
  • E.g. In many IT-intensive sectors (education,
    health, mobility, safety, business) efficiency
    improvements remain complex stories only to be
    told ex post
  • Particular role of users in the RD process
    itself and much larger role for entrepreneurial,
    creative destruction based innovation
  • Codified parts of knowledge easy, but difficult
    to appropriate the efficiency improvements leak
    quickly away, tacit parts much more difficult,
    imitation never complete

Innovation in the process of innovation itself
the emergence of collaborative ownership of
  • New technological change raises questions about
    the formal distinction between the inventor and
    the user of the invention.
  • Without inventors exclusive rights to a product,
    all consumers are potentially producers of
    improved versions of the product.
  • Emergence of advantages of collaborative
    ownership neither gift nor collective ownership,
    but innovation rather taking place in a
    protected commons
  • Many different forms exist of such new forms of
    ownership open innovation, collaborative
    innovation. There are lots of examples beyond
    open source software, highlighting innovation
    within the process of innovation itself

Global sharing of knowledge as new source of
private and public innovation
  • The global dimensions of collaborative innovation
    go hand in hand with the huge concentration of
    research efforts in the US, Japan and the EU with
    the BRIC countries catching up
  • But such physical concentration will need
    increasingly to address global welfare problems
    and demands
  • In this sense the most important long term
    enabling factor of OECD countries
    over-concentration of RD is in enhancing A2K
  • Not just access to the required knowledge but
    also to the tools to replicate and improve upon
  • Access not as passive consumption but as right
    and ability of participation as a factor
    enlarging the resource base of potential

Conclusions implications for development
  • Knowledge sharing shifts the attention away from
    the purely technological aspects of research to
    the broader organisational, economic and social
    aspects which are today in many cases a more
    important factor behind innovation.
  • This holds a priori for countries with large
    populations where the potential for innovation,
    once users/consumers are identified as source of
    innovation can easily be enhanced.
  • In doing so, innovation is becoming less driven
    by the continuous search for quality
    improvements, typical of the old mode of
    technological progress, very much identified with
    the high income groups in society, but by broader
    user needs across society.
  • These needs are as highlighted by Prahalad much
    more evident in the poorer, bottom or base parts
    of society. They will need to be made much more
    explicit though.
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