Title: Supporting People who use AAC Strategies
1Supporting People who use AAC Strategies
An Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative
Communication Technology
2 Vanguard
3Vangua r d
4Track Ball mouse
Intellikeys Keyboard
5Joy stick
2 choice switch
Vanguard with keyguard
6Introduction to AAC
Communication is a basic need and individual
right of all people.
Communication has 3 purposes
- to socialize and to
- interact with others
7Expressive Communication includes a variety of
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- alphabet or picture systems
8Individuals who can successfully coordinate their
use of an appropriate AAC system will
- exercise control of their lives
- interact with others and express their wishes
- become productive, active members of society
9AAC Vocabulary
10AAC Myths
- Myth 1 AAC is only used by people who cannot
communicate verbally.
- Myth 2 The primary goal of communication is to
express wants and needs.
- Myth 3 Using AAC will delay speech development.
11AAC Myths
- Myth 4 We should wait to use AAC until a person
is ready for it.
- Myth 5 We should not overwhelm somebody with
access to too many symbols.
12AAC Myths
- Myth 6 Somebody who has a VOCA should use it
all the time.
- Myth 7 An AAC system should be a goal for all
people who are non-verbal.
13Planning for the Use of AAC Technologies
Team Roles
- student and parents/ caregivers
- speech and language pathologists (SLP)
- classroom teacher, Learning Support Teacher
(LST), or school-based case manager - occupational or physical therapist (OT/PT)
- Educational assistant (EA)
14AAC Assessment
- Describe current system
- Identify student needs
1. Direct Selection
2. Assisted Direct Selection
3.Visual Scanning-for electronic communication
4. Listener Assisted Scanning
5. Auditory Scanning
1. Environment
2. Self-Advocacy / Empowerment
3. Safety / Legal System
15Inclusion Strategies for Students Who Use AAC
- Structure the physical environment to support
communication. - Provide frequent opportunities for communication.
- Teach other students in the class to support AAC
16More Strategies for working with Students Who Use
- Expect successful communication from the
student. - Give the student enough wait time to
communicate. - Respond to the students attempts to communicate.
17More Strategies for working with Students Who Use
- Try different problem solving strategies if you
dont understand what they are trying to
communicate. - Provide regular ongoing instruction in the use of
the system. - Update the messages regularly.
18More Strategies for working with Students Who Use
- Ensure ongoing training and support for all team
19Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Communication is a basic need and individual
right of all people.