CS 3240: Languages and Computation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 3240: Languages and Computation


CS 3240: Languages and Computation Turing Machine * * * * * * * * * * * Turing and Turing Machine Alan Turing (1912 1954), British mathematician/engineer. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 3240: Languages and Computation

CS 3240 Languages and Computation
  • Turing Machine

Turing and Turing Machine
  • Alan Turing (19121954), British
  • In 1936, Turing introduced his abstract model for
    computation in his article On Computable
    Numbers, with an application to the
  • Near the same time, Alonzo Church published
    similar ideas and results.
  • Turing machine is the ultimate model of

Comparison of TM and FA
  • TM has tape you can read from and write to
  • Read-write head can be moved in either direction
  • Tape is infinite
  • Accept and reject states take effect immediately

Example I
  • Language ww w ? 0,1
  • How can we design a Turing machine to test its
  • Zig-zag across tape to corresponding positions on
    either side of to check whether they contain
    same symbol. If not or if no found, reject.
  • Cross off symbols as they are checked
  • When all symbols to the left of are crossed
    off, if anything remain to the right o , reject
    otherwise, accept.
  • Example test on string 011001011001

Formal definition of TM
  • Definition A Turing machine is a 7-tuple
    (Q,?,?,?,q0,qaccept,qreject), where Q, ?, and ?
    are finite sets and
  • Q is the set of states,
  • ? is the input alphabet not containing the
    special blank symbol
  • ? is tape alphabet, where ????,
  • ? Q???Q???L,R is the transition function,

Formal definition of a TM
  • Definition A Turing machine is a 7-tuple
    (Q,?,?,?,q0,qaccept,qreject), where Q, ?, and ?
    are finite sets and
  • q0?Q is the start state,
  • qaccept?Q is the accept state, and
  • qreject?Q is the reject state, where

More on Transition Function
  • Q set of states, ? tape alphabet
  • ? Q???Q???L,R
  • Given
  • The current internal state ? Q
  • The symbol on the current tape cell
  • Then ? tells us what the TM does
  • Changes to new internal state ? Q
  • Either writes new symbol ? ?
  • Or moves one cell left or right

Computing with TM
  • M receives input w w1w2wn?? on leftmost n
    squares of tape
  • Rest of tape is blank (all symbols)?
  • Head position begins at leftmost square of tape
  • Computation follows rules of ?
  • Head never moves left of leftmost square of the
  • If ? says to move L, head stays put!

Completing computation
  • Continue following ? transition rules until M
    reaches qaccept or qreject
  • Halt at these states
  • May never halt if machine never reaches one of
    these states!

Turing machine notation
  • ?(qi,b)(qk,c,D), where D L or R, is
    represented by the following transition
  • In the special case where ?(qi,b)(qk,b,D), i.e.,
    the tape is unchanged, the right-hand side will
    just display the direction

Revisiting Example I
  • ?(q1, 0) (q2, x, R)
  • ?(q2, 0) (q2, 0, R) ?(q2, 1) (q2, 1, R)
    ?(q2, ) (q4, , R)?
  • ?(q4, x)(q4, x, R) ?(q4, 0)(q6, x, L)?
  • ?(q1, 1) (q3, x, R)?
  • ?(q3, 0) (q3, 0, R) ?(q3, 1) (q3, 1, R)
    ?(q3, ) (q5, , R)?
  • ?(q5, x)(q5, x, R) ?(q5, 1)(q6, x, L)?
  • ?(q6, a)(q6, a, L) for a0, 1, or x
  • ?(q6, ) (q7, , L) ?(q7, 0) (q7, 0, L) ?(q7,
    1) (q7, 1, L) ?(q7, x) (q1, x, R)?
  • ?(q1, ) (q8, , R) ?(q8, x) (q8, x, R)
    ?(q8, ) (qaccept, , R)?

TM state diagram
  • Ex1x2x3xn xi? 0,1 and xi?xj for i ?
  • Basic idea Compare each pair of (xi , xj) by
    zig-zagging. Use special marks to replace to
    indicate which pair of (xi , xj) is being
  • Must take care special cases such as n0, n1,
    missing , etc.

  • How to detect whether we have reached left-most
  • Alternative 1 If leftmost cell marked by special
    symbol, then easy
  • Alternative 2 Use special property that TM
    stays put at left-most cell by replacing cell
    with special symbol and then recover

TM configurations
  • The configuration of a Turing machine is the
    current setting
  • Current state
  • Current tape contents
  • Current tape location
  • Notation uqv
  • Current state q
  • Current tape contents uv
  • Only symbols after last symbol of v
  • Current tape location first symbol of v

Configuration C1 yields C2
  • C1 yields C2 if the TM can legally go from C1 to
    C2 in one step
  • Assume a, b ? ? and u, v ? ?
  • uaqibv yields uqkacv
  • if ?(qi,b)(qk,c,L)?
  • uaqibv yields uacqkv
  • if ?(qi,b)(qk,c,R)?

Configuration C1 yields C2
  • Special cases if head is at beginning or end of
  • uaqibv yields uqjacv if ?(qi,b)(qk,c,L)?
  • uaqibv yields uacqkv if ?(qi,b)(qk,c,R)?
  • Special case
  • qibv yields qkcv if ?(qi,b)(qk,c,L) and tape
    head is at beginning of tape

Special configurations
  • Start configuration
  • q0w
  • Halting configurations
  • Accepting configuration uqacceptv
  • Rejecting configuration uqrejectv
  • u, v ? ?

Strings accepted by a TM
  • A Turing machine M accepts input sequence w if a
    sequence of configurations C1, C2, , Ck exist,
  • C1 is the start configuration of M on input w
  • each Ci yields Ci1 for i 1, 2, , k-1
  • Ck is an accepting configuration

Language of a TM
  • The language of M, denoted L(M), is
  • L(M) w M accepts w
  • A language is called Turing-recognizable if some
    Turing machine recognizes it

  • A Turing machine is called a decider if every
    string in ? is either accepted or rejected
  • A language is called Turing-decidable if some
    Turing machine decides it
  • These languages are often just called decidable
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