Weeks 5, 6, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weeks 5, 6,


Peace Medie Monica Jacobo Suarez Brandon Boylan PIA 3395: Development Theory * * * * * * * * Gabriel A. Almond & G. Bingham Powell, Jr. Comparative Politics: A ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weeks 5, 6,

Weeks 5, 6, 8 Development Policy Analysis
  • Peace Medie
  • Monica Jacobo Suarez
  • Brandon Boylan
  • PIA 3395 Development Theory

The Golden Oldies
  • Gabriel A. Almond G. Bingham Powell, Jr.
  • Comparative Politics A Development Approach
  • David Lerner
  • The Passing of Traditional Society

Almond PowellFunctional Approach to
Comparative Politics
  • The functional approach to comparative politics
    includes a separation of powers (legislation,
    administration, and adjudication).
  • Authors add three other functions to this
    approach interest articulation, interest
    aggregation, and communication. This new
    approach is called conversion processes.

Almond PowellPolitical Systems
  • Government, state, and nation are too
    parochial, static, and limited. Political
    systems is fluid, clear, and comprehensive and
    encompasses structure (observable actions) and
    culture (population traits).

Input Conversion Conversion Output
Environment Environment ? Political System Political System ? Environment Environment

Feedback Feedback
David LernerModernizing styles of life A theory
  • Attempt to apply modern techniques of social
    science to the study of the Middle East.
  • The challenge of modernization Rationalist
  • Key concepts
  • Mobile personality and empathy (the ability to
    see oneself in the other individuals situation).
  • Stages toward a modernizing participant society
  • Urbanization
  • Literacy
  • Media growth

David LernerModernizing styles of life A Survey
  • Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iran.
  • Methods
  • 1,600 interviews
  • Overrepresentation of movie-goers, radio
    listeners and newspaper readers.
  • Statistical analysis
  • Who is changing, in what direction, at what rate?
  • The more modern individuals score higher in one
    or all of the next characteristics opinion
    range, urbanization, literacy, media
    participation, and empathy.
  • Modern societies in the Middle East tend to be
    also more stable and dynamic.
  • Validity of the results?

David LernerRetrospect and Prospect
  • Traditional society is passing from the Middle
    East because few want to live by its rules
  • The media is engaging empathy among Middle
  • Transitionals seek modernization but rigid
    societal structures hinder their mobility and
    cause some to become violent
  • Middle East is diverse and a collective Pan-Islam
    identity is not viable, the key is modernization

David LernerRetrospect and Prospect Contd.
  • Middle East is in need of a great rational
    prophecy that will show how Islam can be made
    compatible with secular doctrines
  • Spokesmen (transitionals) are needed to define
    the new identity but Western educated Middle
    Easterners are stifled by rivalries
  • Modernization aims to create a Middle Sector
    (Transitionals). Governments should also create
    conditions that reward new lifestyle

(No Transcript)
Synthesis of Development Policy Analysis
  • 1) Government in Development The government has
    a role to play in fostering development.
  • 2) Policymaking Policy analysts need to
    consider contextual differences when assigning
  • 3) Development Analysis Development theories
    need to have theoretical coherence and clear,
    basic concepts to have power.
  • 4) Civil Society Northern NGOs need to better
    understand the issues of their Southern
    counterparts and NGOs need to keep a healthy
    distance from their governments.

Government in Development
  • Turner and Hulme
  • The existence of effective public sector
    organizations is a key facet to promote
    development in developing countries. Although,
    organizational improvement doesnt guarantee
  • Lerner
  • Government fosters development, pushing society
    through the stages of modernization.
    Urbanization, literacy, and communication media
    bring about emphatic individuals, which move out
    of traditional settings towards modernization.
  • Ferguson
  • Lesotho is a case study to exemplify how the
    World Bank can misrepresents a developing country
    and how governments can misuse NGOs and other
    development projects for their own benefit.

Government in Development
  • Martinussen
  • Government action is needed to create an
    environment that fosters economic development
  • Inequality within and between states is a source
    of conflict and development can be a
    peace-promoting process
  • Armament can become part of a states development
    strategy. E.g. Indias nuclear program

  • Turner and Hulme
  • Donors play a crucial role shaping policy-making
    in developing countries. Often, the policies
    adopted have been dysfunctional because donors
    disregard contextual differences.
  • Almond and Powell
  • A political system consists of interacting
    roles, structures, and subsystems, and of
    underlying psychological propensities which
    affect these interactions. To compare political
    systems, one must understand inputs, conversion
    processes, outputs, and feedback loops.
  • Isbister
  • Northern states should acknowledge that their
    levels of consumption are unsustainable and make
    development impossible. They should pursue
    development policies in the South that are less
    predatory and self-interested.

Development Analysis
  • Leys, chapter 2
  • UDT are not useful for development analysis today
    due to their conceptual imprecision and lack of
    theoretical coherence. UDT result from a very
    specific historical period. Because UDT
    constitute a particular form of political
    practice, they are not functional for current

Civil Society
  • Clark
  • Northern NGOs need to develop new lobbying
    techniques to help their Southern counterparts.
  • A blend of academia and NGO officials
    experiences should provide the basis for
    effective advocacy.
  • Good lobbying demands choosing the issue
    carefully, constructing the expert case, and
    generating public support.
  • Dolan
  • British NGOs often enter into competition, rather
    than collaboration.
  • NGOs, fearing that they may lose their charitable
    status, do not fully engage or challenge
    governmental institutions.
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