European Social Work Identity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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European Social Work Identity


European Social Work Identity Dr. Elizabeth Frost, University of The West of England, Bristol, UK This talk will consider How can we best understand the notion of a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: European Social Work Identity

European Social Work Identity
  • Dr. Elizabeth Frost,
  • University of The West of England, Bristol, UK

  • This talk will consider
  • How can we best understand the notion of a
    collective identity
  • Is there such a thing as a European identity
  • Is there such a thing as a European social work

  • Identity both individual and group -is a
    slippery concept with multiple meanings.
  • The idea of group identities includes
  • the external position of people geographical,
    political, cultural, structural-
  • and the subjective experience of inhabiting these
    places and ideas.

  • For example a social work identity would
  • issues such as skills, attributes and a body of
    knowledge dictated by policy, law and practice
    contexts, interpreted through training and
  • self-concept and ethical issues, to do with a
    subjective understanding of who social workers
    see themselves as being, what they believe and
    believe in, what symbolic meanings form their
    understanding and how these things mesh with
    the practices of being a social worker.

  • Another way of thinking about identity as a
    concept, then, is that it looks inward and
  • Identity is both about belonging what we have
    in common with some people - with what/whom do we
    identify, and what differentiates us from
    others (Jenkins, 1996).
  • Collective identities are collective hopes,
    dreams and affiliations as well as objective
    similarities and shared activities.

  • Understanding collective (European) identities
  • The notion of European identity is an evolving
    one like all identities, a process.
  • There is currently an unfolding process of
    European identity, formed partially by the act of
    discussion and reflection upon the ideas of
    Europe/Europeans in itself (Preston, 2005, p 498)

  • In what ways can collective identity be
    discovered and understood? Can we really talk
    about a European collective identity?
  • 1) First let us approach collective identity as
    finding commonalities
  • Commonalities of, for example, history, culture,
    shared experience and so on . What kinds of
    commonalities and shared beliefs do we have in

  • Wintle values that link to being the first
    industrialised countries, the first modern
    democratic countries and the first Christian
    cultures. European culture is modernity
    cumulative knowledge and progress, technology
    and wealth along with nation states and ideas of
    freedom and equality (Wintle, 199611)

  • Steiner (literary)
  • the coffee house the landscape on a
    traversable and human scale these streets and
    squares named after statesmen scientists artists
    and writers of the past our twofold descent from
    Athens and Jerusalem (2006, p7)

  • 2) A second way of understanding (European)
    collective identity is that seeking to be united
    in itself constitutes a useful indicator of
    collective identity.
  • Identity is a process not simply a product, and
    making attempts to collectivise is a register of
    how people(s) perceive their identities, who they
    see themselves as connected to and what they
    wish to develop with them.

  • Shared identity is demonstrable in the joint
    attempt to forge that very thing. In relation to
    European identity, it is possible to consider a
    group of countries themselves seeking to be
    united. Since the second world war (itself a
    curiously unifying factor) there have been
    persistent attempts to create a European union(
    Macionis and Plummer, 2002 p88)

  • 3) Another way of understanding collective
    identities such as European is to consider the
    formal and informal collectivisation the top
    down and bottom up
  • It is not just the success of the process of
    attempting to politically forge a collective
    identity from the top that indicates collective
  • It is equally significant to analyses the bottom
    up activities the informal, people generated
    collective acts and organisation which show a
    sense of the collective.

  • For example top-down attempts to impose a
    shared currency, laws and policies, taxes and
    immigration controls, suggest collectivisation in

  • But at the same time the informal (bottom-up)
    is evident
  • Sporting, cultural and educational networks and
    activities have proliferated in Europe over the
    last few decades. Grass roots politics including
    trade-unions, European unions of socialists and
    conservatives all reflect collective political
    identities. Bottom up organisations are both
    ubiquitous and burgeoning. (Wintle, 2000, p.

  • On the basis of using these three analytical
    frameworks for considering collective identity
    shared cultures/histories working towards
    collectivisation top down and bottom up
    activities there is some evidence of a
    collective European identity at this point in

  • European social work identities ?
  • So then I am claiming at least some kinds of
    European identities. Is it possible to also
    establish that there are European social work
  • Using Macioniss first measure of what
    collective identity means (outlined above
    tracing shared histories, languages, cultures,
    etc.) Can this be claimed for pan-European social
    work? Or is there little common ground?

  • Unlikely that social work across Europe would
    share a great many cultural features. Social
    work as a profession and institution is
    constructed through nation states in terms of
    policy, legal systems, economics and practice
    (Erath et. al. 2001) and therefore must reflect
    the diversity of European national politics.
  • From this top-down perspective, social work is
    likely to reflect its separate national
    identities. As such, it will present a nationally
    defined and circumscribed range of differing
    historical and policy specifics which are
    reflected in education, research and practice.

  • However, if we consider further the kinds of
    ethical, practice, self-identity and related
    issues within European social work the
    bottom-up aspects there may be significant
    commonalities at work too.

  • In 2003, the social work thematic network
    co-sponsoring this conference undertook an
    impressionistic project on similarity and
  • Each of the twenty-four European countries
    involved in the network were asked to describe,
    from their own viewpoint, the history,
    definition, education, roles, status and
    activities of social work in their country.
    (Campanini and Frost, 2004).
  • This produced a picture of both similarity and
    differences in the whole notion of social work

  • Overall, what the project suggested is that in
    terms of the top-down- the laws policy, history
    and the very definition of the term social
    worker- there was little evidence of collective
    identity in Europe.
  • For example, even what the term social worker
    means has enormous variation between countries.

  • However when we considered more subtle and more
    meaning-based issues the picture was more
    blurred. For example
  • in most countries social work identity was
    changing and fluid and the process of
    professional identity definition was subject to
    regular variation and over-haul
  • Does the notion of similarly experienced
    instability and change we are all equally
    unsettled about who we are - constitute a
    shared identity?
  • It may help to generate a shared sense of
    threat/excitement a shared idea that change is
    possible, and redefinition, which may also
    include working towards a common redefinition.

  • If a bottom-up analysis is applied, the common
    struggles, mutual problems and themes become
    evident. Bottom-up here would include the
    intellectual and ideological underpinnings and
    the ethical, moral and philosophical beliefs
    found in social work(ers), with which the
    profession itself identifies and through which it
    defines itself .

  • Intellectually and ideologically, the two-fold
    descent from Athens and Jerusalem refered to
    above, impacts on most pan-European social work
    identities to some extent. However, European
    social works inheritance (one might argue the
    whole European intellectual tradition including
    social analysis) is equally dominated by the
    immeasurable, continuing modernist inheitance
    the two-fold descent from Vienna and Germany
    that of Freud and Marx.

  • Ethically and morally
  • The social work profession promotes social
    change, problem solving in human relationships,
    and the empowerment and liberation of people in
    order to enhance well-being.
  • Principles of human rights and social justice
    are fundamental to social work. Of the IASSWs
    Core purposes of the Social Work Profession, at
    the top of the list is to, facilitate the
    inclusion of marginalized, socially excluded
    dispossessed, vulnerable and at-risk groups of
    people, and the successive point is to address
    and challenge barriers to inequalities and
    injustices existing in society. (IASSW, 2004,

  • It is possible then to trace cultural and
    historical themes, intellectual traditions and
    common practices, as well as a shared ethical
    and moral base to establish a collective European
    social work
  • Using the attempts to collectivise as a
    register of collectivity approach to collective
    identity, there is also evidence of a European
    social work identity being currently forged

  • Social Work Education developing European social
    work identity
  • One of the issues which became evident in the
    project mentioned above, was that all European
    countries who discussed the social work of that
    country, commented upon the role social work
    education plays in this process of
    Europeanisation. There is evidence to suggest
    that an increased International/European
    orientation in most of the European countries
    (Labonte-Roset, 2004).

  • For example The European section of the
    association, EASSW, has established a European
    accreditation agency, called the European
    Network for Quality Assurance for Social
    Professions (ENQASP),
  • Involvement in student mobility and teaching
    staff exchange. Modules that address various
    aspects of social work from a comparative

  • Programs carried out in the English language and
    summer schools European social work training at
    Masters level
  • Additonally educational projects, such as, The
    European Centre for Resources and Research in
    Social Work with the aim of developing a
    database of research in the area of social work
    or related areas.
  • Us here now!

  • Given the models of collective identity outlined
    above, which highlight the process of developing
    collective actions as being indicative of
    collective identities, as well as shared beliefs,
    values and cultures, a collective European social
    work identity can certainly be demonstrated.

  • References
  • Campanini, A. and Frost, E. Eds. (2004) European
    Social Work Diversity and Commonalities. Rome
  • Labonte-Roset, R. (2004-unpublished) The European
    Higher Education Area and Research-oriented
    Social Work training. Magdeburg Conference paper
  • International Association of Schools of Social
    Work (2004) Global Standards For The Education
    and Training of The Social Work Profession.
  • Macionis, J and Plummer, K (2002) Sociology a
    Global Introduction. Harlow Prentice Hall
  • Preston, P. (2005) Reading the Ongoing Changes
    European Identity, The Political Quarterly,
  • Steiner, G. (2006) The Ideal of Europe. The
    Liberal. Hay Festival Edition, pp4-8

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