The New Government - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The New Government


The New Government 1776-1800 Confederation to Constitution With the loss of thousands of loyalist conservatives the colonies were run by more extreme patriots The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The New Government

The New Government
  • 1776-1800

Confederation to Constitution
  • With the loss of thousands of loyalist
    conservatives the colonies were run by more
    extreme patriots
  • The Continental Congress (1774) had called for an
    end to slavery
  • In 1775 Philadelphia Quakers founded the first
    anti-slavery movement all men were not equal
  • The Continental Congress asked the states to
    write new constitutions
  • All constitutions created a weak executive and
    judicial branch

The New Nation
  • Main question was addressing the rights of the
  • Republic meant public good
  • Monarchies had lasted republics had all failed
  • John Adams Thoughts on Government (1777) power
    should be divided among 3 different branches
    executive, legislative, and judicial-
    legislative has two houses neither based on
    social standing - but the people should not have
    authority over officials and justices should be

  • Between 1776 and 1787 the states created a
    variety of documents with many different ideas
  • Most agreed on a written constitution based on
    popular sovereignty
  • In 1779 Massachusetts called a special convention
    for the purpose of making a constitution
  • Most constitutions did have a separation of
    powers and a bill of rights to protect the basic
  • Most limited the power of the governor and
    expanded the power of the legislatures

Articles of Confederation
  • The Constitutional Convention wanted to avoid a
    centralized government
  • In 1776 John Dickinson created a draft called the
    Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union
  • Adopted in 1777 as Americas first constitution
  • Each state would be like an independent country
  • Each state had one vote in a national assembly
    which would have one house and all 13 colonists
    had to approve the Articles

  • Once they had been approved states could send 3-5
    representatives to Congress and decisions would
    be settled by a simple majority
  • Important issues needed at least nine states to
  • Congress (unicameral) coulda) declare war and
    make peaceb) print moneyc) raise loans for
    public used) organize a postal systeme)
    regulate Indian tradef) establish weights and
    measuresg) settle disputes between states

  • Could nota) directly tax individuals but had to
    request money from the 13 statesb) regulate
    tradec) draft soldiers
  • There was no executive branch so no leader and
    no court system

  • In 1777 the Articles were ready for ratification
  • 1778, 8 of the 13 had ratified
  • 1779, 4 more ratified Maryland held out
  • The power to control the western lands remained
    with the states Maryland wanted Congress to
    have the power. The large states would take the
    land and increase their power
  • Eventually New York and Virginia ceded part of
    their western land to Congress for public good
  • In 1781 the Articles were ratified

Peace of Paris 1783
  • Franklin, Adams, and Jay met in Paris
  • The British were sick of fighting and wanted
    peace with America
  • Jay believed the French had ulterior motives for
    the land east of the Alleghenies so quickly
    settled with the British
  • Britain formally recognized the USABorders
    included Mississippi in the west, Great Lakes in
    the North, Spanish Florida in the South

  • Recommended that land be returned to the
  • Britain was trying to get America away from
  • The American-friendly Whigs in Parliament wanted
    a favorable peace
  • France approved the treaty but was cautious

Problems with Europe
  • Britain still refused to repeal the Navigation
    Laws and wanted to annex Vermont with help from
    the Allen brothers
  • Britain also maintained forts along the frontier
    which angered the Americans
  • In 1784 Spain closed the Mississippi River to
    American commerce
  • Spain also claimed part of the Gulf Coast
  • France demanded payment of American debts
  • Pirates attacked American ships all the time

The Land Ordinance - 1785
  • Land in the Old Northwest to be sold and the
    money used to pay off the national debt
  • The area would be surveyed and divided into units
    6 square miles in area then into 36 square
  • One area was for public schools

Northwest Ordinance - 1787
  • Created the Northwest Territory which would be
    divided into 3-5 territories
  • Establish procedure for statehood
    throughAdmission to the Union would be in two
    stagesa) territory open to settlersb) upon
    60,000 inhabitants might be admitted by Congress
  • All states would be equal and without slavery
  • Very successful system, created the states of
    Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan

Problems under the Articles
  • The lost quickly lost its value because it was
    not backed by gold or silver
  • Congress still could not raise money through
  • Congress could not pay off war debts
  • British soldiers still on American soil
  • Spain closed the Mississippi River to American
    ship is 1784
  • Exports were declining and farmers were falling
    into serious debt

Shays Rebellion 1786
  • Massachusetts' farmers could not pay their
    mortgages or taxes so the authorities started to
    seize property
  • Led by Daniel Shay a Revolutionary War officer,
    1,500 protestors surrounded the county courthouse
  • They attacked the arsenal at Springfield
  • The governor called out the militia
  • Three protestors were killed before the riot ended

  • Shay was convicted but later pardoned
  • The rebellion cause many Americans to fear
    mobocracy and a break down of law and order
  • That fear led to others calling for strong
    control by government and more importantly a
    strong document than the Articles
  • Nine states called for a meeting in Annapolis to
    discuss the need to change the article, but only
    five states sent representatives the New
    England states did not attend
  • Alexander Hamilton called for a second meeting in
    Philadelphia the following year

Constitutional Convention 1787
  • In Philadelphia to revise the Articles
  • All the states were invited but Rhode Island
    refused to meet
  • 73 men were selected but only 55 delegates all
    wealthy and white, mostly young, attended
  • 8 had signed the Declaration of Independence
  • Franklin was the oldest
  • Jefferson and John Adams were not present, they
    were abroad working. Patrick Henry refused to
    attend. Hamilton left the conference.

  • Most of the Founding Fathers shared the same
    political philosophy mainly government gained
    its power from the people
  • The people had to be protected from tyranny and
    there had to be checks and balances
  • A strong central authority was necessary
  • They elected Washington the president of the
  • The meetings were held behind locked doors to
    keep the people out and discourage outside

  • Virginia Plan (large state plan) proposed by
    Madison but presented by Edmund Randolph called
    fora) Representation based on population of the
    stateb) Executive chosen by the legislaturec)
    Judiciary system with a Supreme Court

  • New Jersey Plan (small state plan) proposed by
    William Pattersona) equal representation for
    all states regardless of sizeb) Congressional
    power to tax and regulate trade

Great Compromise Connecticut Plan
  • Proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut -
    Congress would have two houses (bicameral)
  • House of Representatives based on population
  • Senate with two senators from each state
  • All tax bills start in the House
  • There would be a strong executive branch with a
    president who had veto power and would be
  • President would be elected by the Electoral
  • Slaves would count as 3/5

  • The convention created a system of checks and
    balances with safeguards against mobocracy
  • Federal chief justices would be appointed for
  • The people had the power and government was based
    on the people
  • Also made provision to stop the slave trade in
  • Thirty-nine delegates signed the document
  • The people had expected a new Articles they
    were shocked at the Constitution the convention
    had been a secret to protect the framers

Federalists vs. Antifederalists
  • Federalists were mostly wealthy and educated who
    wanted strong central government
  • Antifederalists were mostly poor, illiterate
    farmers who supported states rightsgovernment
    is best which governs least
  • They believed the constitution was undemocratic
    since it was written by aristocrats
  • Also complained about the dropping of annual
    elections for congress and the creation of a
    standing army

  • Four small states quickly ratified
  • Pennsylvania was the first large state
  • Massachusetts did with a promise of adding a Bill
    of Rights
  • The Constitution was officially ratified when 9
    states finally agreed in June 1788
  • But Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and
    Rhode Island all resisted
  • Virginia realized that it was useless to resist
    once the nine states had agreed and ratified

The Federalists
  • New York was swayed by the Federalist Papers a
    series of articles in New York newspapers
    published under the name Publius but written by
    Hamilton, Jay, and Madison
  • The most famous article was No. 10 which said the
    size and diversity of the new nation would
    prevent any group from gaining too much power
  • North Carolina and Rhode Island ratified after
    intense pressure from the government
  • Only about ¼ of the adult males were eligible to
    vote at the conventions
  • America had achieved a peaceful transition

The New State
  • 1789 Washington is selected by unanimously by
    the Electoral College as the first president
  • Washington selected a cabinet, despite the
  • In 1790 the country was overwhelmingly rural and
    the first census took place almost one-fifth of
    the population were African-Americans
  • In 1791 the Bill of Rights, which had been the
    major objection to the Constitution by the
    antifederalists, was adopted, but it did not help
    Indians or African-Americans

Alexander Hamilton
  • He wanted the federal govt. to assume its debt
    (54 m) plus the states debt (21m)
  • Massachusetts - huge debt, Virginia didnt so
  • District of Columbia to be built in VA as
  • Hamilton believed the more people were owed money
    the more they would care about the country
  • 1791 he also passed an excise tax on whiskey

National Bank
  • Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury and he
    designed a plan to make the country an industrial
    power and create a uniform paper currency
  • Placed high protective tariffs on imports
  • Created a National Bank to assist in tax
    collection and the sale of bonds
  • The Bank would remain under control of Congress
    but private funds would make up four-fifths of
    the 10 million capital
  • Opposed by Jefferson and Madison who argued it
    was not in the Constitution

Whiskey Rebellion 1794
  • Farmers in Western Pennsylvania claimed the
    Hamiltons whiskey tax was unconstitutional and
    used force to stop the collection
  • Washington ordered the Whiskey Boys to go home
    and end their protest
  • Eventually Washington sent 15,000 troops to
    suppress the rebellion - the first time federal
    troops had been used to make states comply
  • Twenty Whiskey Boys were eventually rounded up
    and and thrown in prison. Two were found guilty
    of treason but pardoned by Washington

Political Parties
  • There were no political parties only factions
  • Hamilton alienated more and more people
  • Those against Washingtons policies were called
    Democratic-Republicans - Jefferson
  • Supporters were called Federalists - Hamilton

Neutrality Proclamation
  • When France and Britain went to war the
    Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans wanted
    America to help France since they had signed the
    treaty in 1778 which promised to be perpetual
  • Washington knew that was a stupid move and wanted
    to benefit from trade with both powers
  • In 1793 he issued his famous Neutrality
  • America would be officially neutral which
    pleased no one

Citizen Genêt
  • Jefferson advised Washington to recognize the new
    French government and accept a French ambassador
  • In 1793 Citizen Charles Genêt arrived in America
  • Once in America Genêt became an embarrassment by
    telling privateers to attack British shipping
  • When Genêt was advised to keep quiet but
    threatened to go straight to the people
  • He was recalled to France but refused to go and
    married an American

Jays Treaty
  • Treaty of Greenville 1795 forced the Indians to
    give their land in the Northwest to Congress and
    the Americans believed the British had supplied
    the Indians with weapons
  • British navy seized American ships and men
    despite the fact the US was neutral
  • The Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans called
    for war with Britain Washington refused
  • Jay was sent to Britain to avert war
  • British would repay lost shipping America would
    pay pre-war debt

Pinckney Treaty - 1795
  • Granted the states the right to freely navigate
    the Mississippi and deposit goods at New Orleans
    for three years to be re-negotiated later
  • A commission would settle the issue of
    compensation with Spain later
  • Both sides promised to stop using Indians to
    attack the other
  • The treaty was easily ratified and strongly
    supported by the western states who needed the
    Mississippi River

Farewell Address
  • The Democratic-Republicans were very upset about
    not going to war and having to repay pre-war
    debts because southern farmers would have to pay
  • After two terms Washington stepped down
  • His Farewell Address warned of the dangers of
    signing permanent alliances
  • Hamilton was the logical successor but he was
  • Adams won (71-68) with Jefferson as vice-president

John Adams
  • Adams was hated by Hamilton and Jefferson
  • France was very upset at Jays Treaty which
    violated the Franco-American Treaty (1778)
  • The French started seizing American ships

XYZ Affair
  • Adams sent 3 envoys to France
  • 3 French agents (X, Y, Z) approached the
    Americans and asked for a huge bribe - 250,000
    just to make sure the Americans talked to
  • The envoys refused and returned to America as
  • Many Americans called for war, but Adams remained
  • Congress did authorize the capture of armed
    French vessels, and the end of the 1778 alliance

Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Federalists changed national policy to prevent
    aliens entering the country
  • The president could deport people he deemed
    dangerous during peacetime and throw them in jail
    during war
  • The Sedition Act aimed at the JDR enabled the
    government to fine or imprison people for
    criticizing the government
  • It was unconstitutional but passed with a Federal
    majority in Congress and supported by a Federal
    Supreme Court

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
  • Virginia MadisonKentucky Jefferson
  • Fearful of the Federalists the Democratic-Republic
    ans wrote letters to the Virginia and Kentucky
  • They said the nation was formed by a compact
    theory the states should be the final say over
    laws passed in Congress
  • Both states nullified the Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Federalists said it was people that made the
    states and the Supreme Court had the power to
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