Title: FY02 ASA Presentation Provide NIH Events Management Services
1FY02 ASA Presentation Provide NIH Events
Management Services
- Presented by
- Ken Ryland
- Marianne Bachmann
- Office of Research Services
- National Institutes of Health
- 18 November 2002
2Table of Contents
- Main Presentation
- ASA Template ..4
- Customer Perspective..5
- Customer Segmentation .6-7
- Customer Satisfaction..8-10
- Unique Customer Measures...11-
14 - Internal Business Process Perspective
.15 - Service Group Block Diagram16
- Conclusions from Discrete Services Deployment
Flowcharts..17-19 - Process Measures20-22
- Learning and Growth Perspective.23
- Conclusions from Turnover, Sick Leave, Awards,
EEO/ER/ADR Data..24 - Analysis of Readiness Conclusions
.25 - Unique Learning and Growth Measures
..26 - Financial Perspective..27
- Unit Cost 28-29
- Asset Utilization30
- Unique Financial Measures Billable Hours
..31 - Conclusions and Recommendations.32
3Table of Contents
- Appendices
- Page 2 of your ASA Template
- Customer segments graphs
- Customer satisfaction graphs
- Block diagram
- Process maps
- Process measures graphs
- Learning and Growth graphs
- Analysis of Readiness Information
- Unit cost graphs
- Asset utilization graphs
- Any unique measures graphs
4(No Transcript)
5Customer Perspective
6Customer Segmentation Top 10 Clients in
Conference Services
7Customer Segmentation Multimedia Services
Percentage of Revenue
8 FY02 ORS Customer Survey Data for the Annual
Self Assessments Service Group 30 Provide
NIH Events Management Services 22 October
2002 Summary Prepared by Janice Rouiller, SAIC
- NIH Conference Services Customer Survey
- Developed based on focus groups
- Administered twice during FY2002
- Survey revised after Q2 FY2002
- Customer Sample
- Representative sample of meetings selected each
month - Survey sent through email via Project Officer
- Results returned to Office of Quality Management
- Data analyzed by contractor for FY02 NIH Events
Management Services Annual Self-Assessment (ASA)
10Survey Distribution
- Number of Surveys Distributed 102
- Number of Surveys Returned 30
- Response Rate 29
11Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Overall Satisfaction
With Scheduling Experience
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
12Meeting Events (cont.) Overall Satisfaction With
Meeting Event Experience
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
13What One Improvement Would You Like To See?
- YES! I am so disturbed by the lack of conference
space, even scheduling well over one year in
advance, for a large and important NIMH lecture
series. We have had to put off international
speakers because the large conference rooms were
already booked. I had to beg and plead all over
campus for the others, it's really a shame. This
is very unfortunate given that we are the world's
largest research institution, but don't have
rooms for the world experts to come and speak. - More conference rooms so it is easier to find a
location! - More rooms available.
- Online booking.
- Better quality and newer technology AV equipment.
- Not to have the individual Branches/Programs
charged. - It would be great to have videoconferencing
available in Building 31, C wing conference
14What One Improvement Would You Like To See?
- The person on the phone who set up my most recent
conference was so efficient and helpful. When
one place that we were originally trying to book
was not available, she recommended others which
turned out to be even better. Thanks so much for
a great meeting. - The Natcher Conference Center staff was very
helpful and friendly and made the meeting run
smoothly. - Thank you, thank you, thank you for the
additional chairs for the NSC. They were a
blessing in disguise. - So far I have been extremely pleased with the
arrangements I make. Since I am never on site I
really don't know how the AV technician responds,
but I have had no complaints from the doctors
here. - Over the last 6 months, customer service has
improved. Continued training should be provided
to operators and staff on regular duty at
conference facilities, excellent service could be
maintained. - Everything else was great!
15Internal Business Process Perspective
16Service Group Block Diagram
Events Management
Provide Conference Services
Provide Multi-media Services
17Conference Services Block Diagram
18(No Transcript)
19Conclusions from Discrete Services Deployment
- We combined the Meeting request form and the
Security Approval form into one. - Migrating from temporary web page to Remedy
software. (Tracking data) - Paradigm shift in the responsibilities of the
Conference Coordinators from order takers to
Event planners. (Advantage increased availability
and utilization of rooms) - The SSFAS billing system is too complicated and
is driving up operating costs
20Note Though not significant, a downward trend
occurred after September 2001. The process also
became less predictable.
21FY02 Conference Room Utilization
22FY 2001- 2002 - Web Casts
23 FY02 Learning and Growth (LG) Data for the
Annual Self Assessments Service Group 30
Provide NIH Events Management Services 26
September 2002 Summary Prepared by the Office of
Quality Management
24Learning and Growth Data Table
2 ADR case out of 16 employees
About 2 awards for every 3 employees
About one week sick leave per employee
19 employee turnover
25Summary of Service Group 30 Learning and Growth
- Twenty percent employee turnover
- Three summer interns departed
- About one week sick leave per employee
- About 2 awards for every 3 employees
- 2 ADR cases out of 16 employees
26Analysis of Readiness Conclusions
Customer Perspective       Contract for
customer survey data analysis evaluation
      Deploy web based customer survey data
collection tool  Internal Business
Perspective       Develop project management
skills and abilities       Develop video
production and meeting planning skills and
abilities       Accelerate multimedia equipment
and system replacements  Learning and Growth
Perspective       Build up verbal and written
communication skills and abilities       Expand
client relation skills  Financial
Perspective       Develop quantitative and
analytical skills and abilities       Expand
budget and financial knowledge Â
27Financial Perspective
28Conference Services Room Category Rates vs.
Market Rates
29Multimedia ServicesFY 1998 - 2003 - Hourly Rates
30Conference Services Asset Utilization
31Multimedia Services FY 2001- 2002 Billable
Target Hours
32Conclusions and Recommendations
33Conclusions from FY02 ASA
- Need for more rooms which have a capacity of 100
to 150. - September 11th had a dramatic impact on the
non-mission related meetings. (Eliminated after
hours) - Fee for Service has made clients more cost
conscious, reduced multiple bookings, findings
rooms which they do not have to pay fees. - Cancellation Fee New scheduling software
implementation. - Availability of rooms will increase.
- Continue to upgrade facilities. (Multimedia
equipment and infrastructure) Conference Room
1/151, Lipsett, Natcher Conference Center
Control System, 31 6 10. - New Conference facilities (CRC, NSC, Democracy,
Parklawn) - Develop and Implement an NIH wide policy
mandating Conference rooms with a capacity of 50
or more be centrally managed. - Purchase and install non linear editing systems
- Collaborate with DSS to prepare and implement a
contract for captioning services. - Installation of wireless LAN
- Include the following
- Page 2 of your ASA Template
- Customer segments graphs
- Customer satisfaction graphs
- Block diagram
- Process maps
- Process measure graphs
- Learning and Growth graphs
- Analysis of Readiness Information
- Unit cost graphs
- Asset utilization graphs
- Any unique measures graphs
37Customer Perspective
- All data represent occurrences from Oct 2001 -
June 2002 - Data analyzed covered period between October 1st
and end of June to provide time to analyze and
present the data - ORS Human Resources (HR) provided data on
- Turnover
- Sick leave
- Awards
- HR data stored in NIH databases by Standard
Administrative Codes (SACs) - Developed cross-reference of ORS Service Groups
to SACs - Almost all SACs assigned to Service Groups
- Some Service Groups have identical SACs
- In this case, two Service Groups will receive
same set of data
39Methodology (cont.)
- Also obtained data from
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- Number of EEO complaints
- Employee Relations (ER)
- Number of ER cases
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- ADR cases
40Interpreting Your Data
- FY02 is the first time LG data were collected
and analyzed - Compare your Service Group relative to the other
ORS Service Groups - What are all the LG indicators telling you?
- In the future your group should compare itself to
its own Service Group data over time - Interpret data in terms of other ASA data
- Customer satisfaction ratings
- Process measures
- Financial measures
- Does the LG data, when compared to data in other
perspectives, show potential relationship (could
LG be contributing to customer satisfaction
results)? - From reviewing your Service Groups LG data,
what could be done to improve Quality of Work
Life (QOWL)?
41Service Group Turnover Rate
- Calculated as the number of separations for a
Service Group / Population of Service Group - Separations defined as
- Retirements (separation codes 3010, 3020, 3022)
- Resignations (separation codes 3120, 3170)
- Removals (separation codes 3300)
- Terminations (separation codes 3520, 3550, 3570)
- Promotions to new organization (separation codes
7020) - Reassignments (separation code 7210)
- Note that transfers/promotions within ORS
Divisions/Offices are not captured by the NIH
42Service Group Turnover Rate (cont.)
- Calculation of Service Group population was
needed since number of employees changes over
time - Population for Service Group was estimated based
on average of employee count at three snapshots
in time (Nov 2001, Feb 2002, June 2002)
43Service Group Turnover Rate (Oct 2001 - June
Turnover Rate
Service Group Number
44Average Hours of Sick Leave Used
- Calculated as the total number of sick leave
hours used for a Service Group / Population of
Service Group
45Average Hours of Sick Leave Used (Oct 2001 - June
Average Hours
Service Group Number
46Average Number of Awards Received
- Calculated as the total number of awards received
/ Population of Service Group - Includes both monetary and non-monetary awards
- Cash awards
- QSIs
- Time-off
- Honorary
- Customer Service
47Average Number of Awards Received (Oct 2001 -
June 2002)
Average number
Service Group Number
48Average Number of EEO Complaints
- Calculated the total number of EEO complaints for
a Service Group / Population of Service Group -
49Average Number of EEO Complaints (Oct 2001 -
June 2002)
Average Number
Service Group Number
50Average Number of ER Cases
- Calculated the total number of ER cases for a
Service Group / Population of Service Group - Case is defined as any contact with ER Office
where an action occurs (e.g., Letter is prepared)
51Average Number of ER Cases (Oct 2001 - June 2002)
Average Number
Service Group Number
52Average Number of ADR Cases
- Calculated the number of ADR cases for a Service
Group / Population of Service Group - Case is initiated when person contacts ADR
53Average Number of ADR Cases (Oct 2001 - June
Average Number
Service Group Number
54NIH Conference ServicesFY02 Customer Segmentation
55Readiness Determination Working ToolService
Group Provide Events Management Services
56Analysis of Readiness Conclusions
Customer Perspective       Contract for
customer survey data analysis evaluation
      Deploy web based customer survey data
collection tool  Internal Business
Perspective       Develop project management
skills and abilities       Develop video
production and meeting planning skills and
abilities       Accelerate multimedia equipment
and system replacements  Learning and Growth
Perspective       Build up verbal and written
communication skills and abilities       Expand
client relation skills  Financial
Perspective       Develop quantitative and
analytical skills and abilities       Expand
budget and financial knowledge Â
57NIH Conference Services (cont.) FY02 Conference
Room Use
58NIH Conference Services (cont.) FY02 Meeting Type
59Scheduling Meetings FY02 Number of Meetings
60Scheduling Meetings (cont.) FY02 Most Recent
Scheduling Experience
61Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Call Answered
62Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Phone Messages
Returned in a Prompt Manner
63Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Asked About
Pre-meeting Access to Room
64Scheduling Meetings (cont.) A/V List Reviewed
65Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Received Meeting
66Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Received 2 Week
67Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Satisfaction With
Scheduler Competence
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
68Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Satisfaction With
Scheduler Responsiveness
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
69Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Satisfaction With
Scheduler Courtesy
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
70Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Satisfaction With
Ease of Changing Scheduled Events
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
71Scheduling Meetings (cont.) Satisfaction With
Flexibility of Scheduling Process
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
72Meeting Events FY02 Number of Meetings Attended
73Meeting Events (cont.) FY02 Most Recent Meeting
74Meeting Events (cont.) Room Set-up as Requested
75Meeting Events (cont.) Know Where to Go for
76Meeting Events (cont.) Conference Coordinator
Greeted You Prior to Actual Meeting Time
77Meeting Events (cont.) Room Had the Supplies You
78Meeting Events (cont.) Have the A/V Equipment
You Requested
79Meeting Events (cont.) A/V Equipment Operated
80Meeting Events (cont.) A/V Tech Available Prior
to Meeting
81Meeting Events (cont.) A/V Tech Available During
82Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With
Reliability of Room Set-up
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
83Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With
Cleanliness of Room
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
84Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With Room
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
85Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With
Conference Coordinator Competence
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
86Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With
Conference Coordinator Responsiveness
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
87Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With
Conference Coordinator Courtesy
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
88Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With A/V
Technician Competence
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
89Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With A/V
Technician Responsiveness
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
90Meeting Events (cont.) Satisfaction With A/V
Technician Courtesy
Note The rating scale ranges from 1 - 7 where
1 represents Poor and 7 represents Excellent.
91Note A significant drop occurred after
September, 2001 along with an increase in
92Note Not much change after September, 2001. A
single signal occurred in October of 2001.
93Note Process has become less predictable since
September, 2001 with a single signal occurring in
May, 2002.
94Unit Cost Measures
- List unit cost measures for each discrete service
- Bulleted statements of conclusions from unit cost
measures - Insert graphs of unit cost data if insightful
95Asset Utilization Measures
- List asset utilization measures for each discrete
service - Bulleted statements of conclusions from asset
utilization measures - Insert graphs of asset utilization data if
96Unique Financial Measures
- If added unique measures, list them
- Bulleted statements of conclusions from data
- Insert graphs of unique measure(s) if insightful