Title: A key factor to modern medicine
1B Sc Dietetics
2What is Dietetics?
- A key factor to modern medicine
- One of worlds fastest-growing
- professions.
- A career that can make a difference provide
knowledge and advice - Profession that assists the public to understand
the real facts and prevent misinformation
3What can one do with Dietetics?
- NMMU trains competent, ethical dietetics
professionals in - Clinical/ therapeutic dietetics
- Community dietetics
- Consultants (private practitioners)
- Dietitians managing food services
- Research and application - preventive and
- curative medicine.
4Importance of Dietetics
- South Africans have
- Growing health problems
- Sedentary, stressful lifestyles
- Unhealthy food choices
- Dietitians strive towards eliminating
- diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles.
- Results of the efforts of dietitians cannot
always be seen immediately, in the long run it
saves lives and can increase an individuals life
Ageing population, 25.5 gt 60 years. Special nutritional care.
Mortality rate of lt 5 years - 10. Good nutritional support and knowledge.
Cardiovascular disease diabetes cause 7 of deaths.
6Statistics in 2010
Only 763 dietitians employed in public sectors, not even one for each hospital.
Only 0.16 dietitians for every 10 000 people.
26.3 of registered dietitians working abroad, as South African dietitians are sought after.
Therefore many job opportunities available
7B Sc Dietetics programme at NMMU
- Dietitians work with people, more
- emphasis on Psychology.
- Dietetics part of Human
- Movement Science, sport
- nutrition an important focus point.
- Programme offers good foundation
- for research.
- Small classes, individual attention.
- Port Elizabeth has an excellent clinical dietetic
structure - practical, hands-on experience while
still studying.
8Professional Registration
- HPCSA Dietitians, register with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa. - ADSA Association for Dietetics in South Africa.
ADSA represents and develops the dietetic
profession - NSSA Nutrition Society of South Africa. NSSA
strives to advance scientific study of nutrition
Year 1
Chemistry Physics
Nutrition Food Science Food Service
Computer Skills
Year 2
Biochemistry Microbiology
Nutrition Food Service
Research Methodo logy Statistics
Nutrition (Therapy) Nutrition (Community) Food
Entrepre neurship
Year 3
Pharma cology
Year 4
Work Integrated Learning Nutrition and Food
Treatise (Research)
Ethics and Law