Title: Systems Reliability Growth Planning and Data Analysis
1Systems Reliability GrowthPlanning and Data
- Systems Reliability, Supportability and
Availability Analysis
2Systems Reliability Growth Planning
3The Duane Model
- The instantaneous MTBF as a function of
cumulative test time is obtained mathematically
from MTBFC(t) and is given by - where MTBFi(t) is the instantaneous MTBF at time
t and is interpreted as the equipment MTBF if
reliability development testing was terminated
after a cumulative amount of testing time, t.
4Reliability Growth Factors
- Initial MTBF, K, depends on
- type of equipment
- complexity of the design and equipment operation
- Maturity
- Growth rate, a
- TAAF implementation and FRACAS Management
- type of equipment
- complexity of the design and equipment operation
- Maturity
5MTBF Growth Curves
6The Duane Model
- The Duane Model may also be formulated in terms
of equipment failure rate as a function of
cumulative test time as follows - and
- where
- ?C(t) is the cumulative failure rate after test
time t - k is the initial failure rate and k1/k,
- a is the failure rate growth (decrease rate)
- ?i(t) is the instantaneous failure rate at time t
7Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
- Specified MTBF at system maturity, ?0
- Solve Duane Model for t
8Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time -
- Determine required test time to achieve specified
MTBF, ?01000, if - a0.5 and K10
- Solution
9Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- Interpretation of ?01000 hours at t2499.88
hours - If no further reliability growth testing is
conducted, the systems failure rate at t2499.88
hours is -
Failures per hour, -
- and is constant for time beyond t2499.88 hours
10Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- Check
- since
- Cumulative MTBF at t 2499.88 hours
- Since
11Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
- Test Time
- Determine the test time required to develop
(grow) the reliability of a product to ?0 if the
required reliability is 0.9 based on a 100-hour
mission and the initial MTBF is 20 of ?0 and
?0.3. How many failures would you expect to
occur during the test? -
- Investigate the effect on the test time needed
to achieve the required MTBF of deviations in
initial MTBF and growth rate.
12Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- The test time required depends on the starting
point. The usual convention is to start the
growth curve at t100. We will determine the
test time based on this. Also, we will show the
effect on the requirement test time if the
starting point of 0.2?0 is at t1 hour.
Required MTBF
20 of Required MTBF
Required Test Time
1 100 tR1 tR100
13Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- Since
- Using the Duane Model
- since ?0.3
14Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- But
- and
- so that
- or
- so that the model is
15Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- To find the test time required to grow the MTBF
to ?0 - set
- so that
- and
16Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
17Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- If the initial MTBFI(t) is interpreted to be at
t1 hour, then - and
- so that
- or
- so that the model is
18Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
- To find the test time required to grow the MTBF
to ?0 - set
- so that
- and
19Determination of Reliability Growth Test Time
Example (continued)
20Systems Reliability Growth Data Analysis
21Reliability Growth Test Data Analysis
- Duane Model
- Parameter Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Least Squares Estimation
- Plotting the estimated MTBF Growth Curves
- Procedures from MIL-HDBK-189, Feb. 13. 1981
22Least Squares for the Duane Model
- Since MTBFc(t)Kt?,
- And for simplicity in the calculations, let
- so that
- Transforming the data (ti, MTBFc(ti)) to (xi, yi)
for i1, 2, , n use the method of least squares
to estimate the equation y?0 ?1x?
23Least Squares for the Duane Model
- Then the best fit Duane model is
- MTBFc(t)Kt?
- where ke and ab1
24Least Squares for estimating the Duane Model
- The Least squares estimates of ?0 and ?1 are
25Example - Reliability Growth Data Analysis
- A test is conducted to growth the reliability of
a system. At the end of 100 hours of testing the
results are as follows
12.5 2.0
21 2.8
35 3.5
60 4.8
100 6.0
26Example - Reliability Growth Data Analysis -
- Estimate MTBFi(t)and MTBFc(t)as a function test
time t and plot. - What is the estimated MTBF of the system if
testing is stopped at 200 hours?
First plot the calculated cumulative MTBF values
vs failure times
tc xi xi2 MTBFc yi xiyi
12.5 2.53 6.38 2 0.69 1.75
21 3.04 9.27 2.8 1.03 3.13
35 3.56 12.64 3.5 1.25 4.45
60 4.09 16.76 4.8 1.57 6.42
100 4.61 21.21 6 1.79 8.25
SUM 17.83 66.26 6.34 24.01
Using the calculations from chart 27
- At t200 hours, the system failure rate becomes a
Failures per hour