Multiple Linear Regression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Multiple Linear Regression


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Regression Model
  • A regression model that contains more than one
    regressor variable.
  • Multiple Linear Regression Model
  • A multiple regression model that is a linear
    function of the unknown parameters b0, b1, b2,
    and so on.
  • Examples
  • Nonlinear

Intercept b0 Partial regression coefficients
b1, b2
Interaction b12 can be viewed and analyzed as a
new parameter b3 (Replace x12 by
a new variable x3)
Interaction b11 can be viewed and analyzed as a
new parameter b3 (Replace x2 by
a new variable x3)
  • 1. Least Squares Estimation of the Parameters
  • 2. Matrix Approach to Multiple Linear Regression
  • 3. The Covariance Matrix
  • 4. Hypothesis Tests
  • 5. Confidence Intervals
  • 6. Predictions
  • 7. Model Adequacy
  • 8. Polynomial Regression Models
  • 9. Indicator Variables
  • 10. Selection of Variables in Multiple
  • 11. Multicollinearity

A Multiple Regression Analysis
  • A multiple regression analysis involves
    estimation, testing, and diagnostic procedures
    designed to fit the multiple regression model
  • to a set of data.
  • The Method of Least Squares
  • The prediction equation
  • is the line that minimizes SSE, the sum of
    squares of the deviations of the observed values
    y from the predicted values

Least Squares Estimation
The least square function is
The estimates of b0, b1, , bk must satisfy
Matrix Approach (I)
Matrix Approach (II)
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Computer Output for the Example
Estimation of s2
Covariance matrix
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  • The Analysis of Variance for Multiple Regression
  • The analysis of variance divides the total
    variation in the response variable y,
  • into two portions
  • - SSR (sum of squares for regression) measures
    the amount of variation explained by using the
    regression equation.
  • - SSE (sum of squares for error) measures the
    residual variation in the data that is not
    explained by the independent variables.
  • The values must satisfy the equation Total SS
    SR SSE.
  • There are (n - 1) degrees of freedom.
  • There are k regression degrees of freedom.
  • There are (n p) degrees of freedom for error.
  • MS SS / d f

  • The example ANOVA table
  • The conditional or sequential sums of squares
    each account for one of the k 4 regression
    degrees of freedom.
  • Testing the Usefulness of the Regression Model
  • In multiple regression, there is more than
    one partial slopethe partial regression
  • The t and F tests are no longer equivalent.

  • The Analysis of Variance F Test
  • Is the regression equation that uses the
    information provided by the predictor variables
    x1, x2, , xk substantially better than the
    simple predictor that does not rely on any of
    the x-values?
  • - This question is answered using an overall F
    test with the hypotheses
    At least one
    of b 1, b 2, , b k is not 0.
  • - The test statistic is found in the ANOVA table
    as F MSR / MSE.
  • The Coefficient of Determination, R 2
  • - The regression printout provides a statistical
    measure of the strength of the model in the
    coefficient of determination.
  • - The coefficient of determination is sometimes
    called multiple R 2

  • - The F statistic is related to R 2 by the
  • so that when R 2 is large, F is large, and vice
  • Interpreting the Results of a Significant
  • Testing the Significance of a Partial Regression
  • - The individual t test in the first section of
    the regression printout are designed to test the
  • for each of the partial regression coefficients,
    given that the other predictor variables are
    already in the model.
  • - These tests are based on the Students t
    statistic given by
  • which has d f (n - p) degrees if freedom.

  • The Adjusted Value of R 2
  • - An alternative measure of the strength of the
    regression model is adjusted for degrees of
    freedom by using mean squares rather than sums of
  • - An alternative measure if the strength of the
    regression model is adjusted for degrees of
    freedom by using mean squares rather than sums of
  • - For the real estate data in Figure 13.3,
  • which is provided right next to R-Sq(adj).

Tests and Confidence Interval on Individual
Regression Coefficients
  • Example 11-5 and 11-6, pp. 510513
  • Marginal Test Vs. Significance Test

Confidence Interval on the Mean Response
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Measures of Model Adequacy
  • Coefficient of Multiple Determination
  • Residual Analysis
  • Standardized Residuals
  • Studentized Residuals
  • Influential Observations
  • Cook Distance Measure

Coefficient of Multiple Determination
Studentized Residuals
Influential Observations
Cooks Distance
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The Analysis Procedure
  • When you perform multiple regression analysis,
    use a step-by-step approach
  • 1. Obtain the fitted prediction model.
  • 2. Use the analysis of variance F test and R 2
    to determine how well the model fits the data.
  • 3. Check the t tests for the partial regression
    coefficients to see which ones are contributing
    significant information in the presence of the
  • 4. If you choose to compare several different
    models, use R 2(adj) to compare their
  • 5. Use-computer generated residual plots to
    check for violation of the regression

A Polynomial Regression Model
  • The quadratic model is an example of a
    second-order model because it involves a term
    whose components sum to 2 (in this case, x2 ).
  • It is also an example of a polynomial modela
    model that takes the form

Example 11-13, pp. 530-531
Using Quantitative and Qualitative Predictor
Variables in a Regression Model
  • The response variable y must be quantitative.
  • Each independent predictor variable can be either
    a quantitative or a qualitative variable, whose
    levels represent qualities or characteristics and
    can only be categorized.
  • We can allow a combination of different variables
    to be in the model, and we can allow the
    variables to interact.
  • A quantitative variable x can be entered as a
    linear term, x, or to some higher power such as
    x 2 or x3 .
  • You could use the first-order model

  • We can add an interaction term and create a
    second-order model
  • Qualitative predictor variable are entered into a
    regression model through dummy or indicator
  • If each employee included in a study belongs to
    one of three ethnic groupssay, A, B, or Cyou
    can enter the qualitative variable ethnicity
    into your model using two dummy variables

  • The model allows a different average response for
    each group.
  • b 1 measures the difference in the average
    responses between groups B and A, while b 2
    measures the difference between groups C and A.
    When a qualitative variable involves k
    categories, (k - 1) dummy variables should be
    added to the regression model.

Example 11-14, pp. 534536 ltdifferent approachgt
Testing Sets of Regression Coefficients
  • Suppose the demand y may be related to five
    independent variables, but that the cost of
    measuring three of them is very high.
  • If it could be shown that these three contribute
    little or no information, they can be eliminated.
  • You want to test the null hypothesis H0 b 3 b
    4 b 5 0that is, the independent variables
    x3, x4, and x5 contribute no infor-mation for the
    prediction of yversus the alternative
    hypothesis H1 At least one of the
    parameters b 3, b 4, or b 5 differs from 0 that
    is, at least one of the variables x3, x4, or x5
    contributes information for the prediction of y.

  • To explain how to test a hypothesis concerning a
    set of model parameters, we define two models
  • Model One (reduced model)
  • Model Two (complete model)
  • terms in additional terms model 1 in model
  • The test of the null hypothesis
  • versus the alternative hypothesis
  • H1 At least one of the parameters
  • differs from 0

  • uses the test statistic
  • where F is based on d f1 (k - r ) and d f2
    n -(k 1).
  • The rejection region for the test is identical to
    the rejection forall of the analysis of variance
    F tests, namely

Interpreting Residual Plots
  • The variance of some types of data changes as the
    mean changes
  • - Poisson data exhibit variation that increases
    with the mean.
  • - Binomial data exhibit variation that increases
    for values of p from .0 to .5, and then
    decreases for values of p from .5 to 1.0.
  • Residual plots for these types of data have a
    pattern similar to that shown in the next pages.

Plots of residuals against
  • If the range of the residuals increases as
    increases and you know that the data are
    measurements of Poisson variables, you can
    stabilize the variance of the response by running
    the regression analysis on
  • If the percentages are calculated from binomial
    data, you can use the arcsin transformation,
  • If E(y) and a single independent variable x are
    linearly related, and you fit a straight line to
    the data, then the observed y values should vary
    in a random manner about and a plot of the
    residuals against x will appear as shown in the
    next page.
  • If you had incorrectly used a linear model to fit
    the data, the residual plot would show that the
    unexplained variation exhibits a curved pattern,
    which suggests that there is a quadratic effect
    that has not been included in the model.

Figure 13.17 Residual plot when the model
provides a goodapproximation to reality
Stepwise Regression Analysis
  • Try to list all the variables that might affect a
    college freshmans GPA
  • - Grades in high school courses, high school
    GPA, SAT score, ACT score
  • - Major, number of units carried, number of
    courses taken
  • - Work schedule, marital status, commute or live
    on campus
  • A stepwise regression analysis fits a variety of
    models to the data, adding and deleting variables
    as their significance in the presence of the
    other variables is either significant or
    nonsignificant, respectively.
  • Once the program has performed a sufficient
    number of iterations and no more variables are
    significant when added to the model, and none of
    the variables are nonsignificant when removed,
    the procedure stops.
  • These programs always fit first-order models and
    are not helpful in detecting curvature or
    interaction in the data.

Selection of Variables in Multiple Regression
  • All Possible Regressions
  • R2p or adj R2p
  • MSE(p)
  • Cp
  • Stepwise Regression
  • Start with the variable with the highest
    correlation with Y.
  • Forward Selection
  • Backward Selection

pp. 539549
Misinterpreting a Regression Analysis
  • A second-order model in the variables might
    provide a very good fit to the data when a
    first-order model appears to be completely
    useless in describing the response variable y.
  • Causality
  • Be careful not to deduce a causal relationship
    between a response y and a variable x.
  • Multicollinearity
  • Neither the size of a regression coefficient nor
    its t-value indicates the importance of the
    variable as a contributor of information. This
    may be because two or more of the predictor
    variables are highly correlated with one another
    this is called multicollinearity.

  • Multicollinearity can have these effects on the
  • - The estimated regression coefficients will
    have large standard errors, causing imprecision
    in confidence and prediction intervals.
  • - Adding or deleting a predictor variable may
    cause significant changes in the values of the
    other regression coefficients.
  • How can you tell whether a regression analysis
    exhibits multicollinearity?
  • - The value of R 2 is large, indicating a good
    fit, but the individual t-tests are
  • - The signs of the regression coefficients are
    contrary to what you would intuitively expect
    the contributions of those
  • variables to be.
  • - A matrix of correlations, generated by the
    computer, shows you which predictor variables
    are highly correlated with each other and with
    the response y.

  • The last three columns of the matrix show
    significant correlations between all but one pair
    of predictor variables
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