Title: 5.1 Definition of the partial derivative
1Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
5.1 Definition of the partial derivative
- the partial derivative of f(x,y) with respect to
x and y are
- second partial derivatives of two-variable
function f(x,y)
2Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
5.2 The total differential and total derivative
3Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
Ex Find the total derivative of
with respect to , given
5.3 Exact and inexact differentials
- If a function can be obtained by directly
integrating its total differential, the
differential of function f is called exact
differential, whereas those that do not are
inexact differential.
4Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
Ex Show that the differential xdy3ydx is
- Inexact differential can be made exact by
multiplying a suitable function called an
integrating factor
Properties of exact differentials
5Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
Ex Show that (yz)dxxdyxdz is an exact
5.4 Useful theorems of partial differentiation
6Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
5.5 The chain rule
7Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
5.6 Change of variables
Ex Polar coordinates ? and ?, Cartesian
coordinates x and y, x?cosf, y?sinf,
into one in ? and f
8Chapter 5 Partial differentiation
5.7 Taylor