Title: eBenefitsNow The Best Way to Administer Enrollment and Eligibility
1eBenefitsNowThe Best Way to Administer
Enrollment and Eligibility
2What is eBenefitsNow?
3What is eBenefitsNow?
- BCBSNCs Electronic Enrollment and Eligibility
System - Web-based all you need is internet access
- HIPAA Compliant
- Great HR Tools
- Fast, Easy and Accurate!
- Its free!
4What makes eBenefitsNow better than using paper
enrollment forms?
to Group Administrators
- Fast and accurate enrollments, terminations and
changes - Fast and easy Billing Reconciliation
- Easy-to-use reports and Benefit Summary
statements - Manage multiple locations with ease
- High level of control
to Group Administrators
- Works great for
- Enrolling and Terminations
- Year-round Maintenance / Life Events
- Looking up information
- Printing Benefit Summaries for employees or HR
records - Conducting Open Enrollment
- Reporting
- Tracking History
to Group Administrators
- What are the results?
- Less time tracking down and correcting errors
- Less time reconciling and correcting your bill
- Control over your employees benefit plan
- Information at your fingertips 24 x 7
eBenefitsNow is fast and accurate and provides
you with more access to your benefit information
and more control than paper enrollment
9How do you begin using eBenefitsNow?
Step 1 Complete and return the eBenefitsNow
Service Agreement.
The Service Agreement addresses the
confidentiality of your employees data and the
fact that eBenefitsNow is a free service.
Step 2 Kickoff Interview
A member of the eBenefitsNow Implementation Team
will contact you to confirm information about
your organization and your benefit plans.
Step 3 Setup
The eBenefitsNow Implementation Team populates
your online database with employee and dependent
data, benefit elections and group-specific
eligibility rules.
Step 4 Receive Training
HR Administrators receive training via live
online training sessions. Training is easy,
convenient and effective.
Step 5 Start Using eBenefitsNow
When your eBenefitsNow database is tested and
ready to use, your Implementation Consultant
provides your login credentials and introduces
you to your dedicated eBenefitsNow customer
service representative.
15What do users say about eBenefitsNow?
16What are users saying?
"Smoothest open enrollment ever. Period.The
transition was easy because of dedicated support
throughout the entire process."
17What are users saying?
"Just a quick note to thank you for the great
job. We have had no problems with the system and
the implementation was the easiest that I have
seen in my 15 years on the job."
18What are users saying?
"Superior customer service during our transition
from a paper-based to online enrollment
19What are users saying?
"It really works."
20The Bottom Line
21The Bottom Line
- eBenefitsNow users enjoy
- Fast and accurate transactions
- Up-to-date Billing
- More control over their benefits
- Better access to information
- Great reporting and tracking tools
- Peace of mind
- And its free!
22Get started today!
Get started today!
23For more information, visit www.eBenefitsNow.com/
start, or contact the eBenefitsNow Team at