Title: Extracting Collection Data From Websites
1Extracting Collection DataFrom Websites
- Part 1 Technology
- How do web pages work?
- Why would you want data from a web page?
- What are your options for web page data?
- Part 2 How does this relate to Collections?
- How do the two go together?
- What is the information Im looking for?
- What will I do with the info when I get it?
- What is my overall benefit?
4How Do Web Pages Work?
5Your Web Browser Sees This
6You See This
7Putting it all Together
8What if You Could Capture This Data?
9Robots Automating Data Capture
10Data Capture Options
- Print screen/copy by hand between sessions
- Low apparent cost but very costly in staff time
- High error rate, unsuitable for a growing
business - Write some programs
- These programming skills are very hard to find
- Browser add-in
- Defeated by modern websites (JavaScript, etc.)
- Limited targets, cant integrate applications
- Data feed/service provider
- Easy and convenient if cost and delivery time are
OK - Integration and automation engine
- Needs in-house tech support
11Making a Decision?
- How many sites? How much data?
- Are updates frequent? Are new sites added often?
- How complex are the sites?
- Login
- Navigation
- Multiple pages
- Where does the data need to go?
12Web Extraction ForCredit and Collections
13Web Extraction and Collections Operations
- How does this apply to me?
- What is the information Im looking for?
- What is my overall benefit?
14Web Portals aka Payables Sites
- Todays market has driven more and more A/P
Departments to pushing their payment data to the
web. - Examples
- Paying Services (ie Cass, Data2, etc)
- Large Companies
- Logistics Companies
- Many Many more.
15Multiple Sites Daily Labor Hours!
Cut and Paste or manual entry.
Employees logging on and off of sites daily.
Automation could reduce your labor associated
with this by 85 100
My Employee
16What is available on these sites?
Payment Date
Check Numbers
Acknowledgement of Receipt
Amount Paid
Dispute Information
17Why does earlier make it better?
- Payment Info Pay date, Check Number, Amount
Paid. - Reduce the number of Invoices your team calls on.
- Improve Cash Application.
- Recognize potential short pays.
- Integrate into cash flow management/forecasting.
- Acknowledgement of Receipt
- But I have EDI. Who sends you the 997? Receipt
Acknowledgement? - Improve Invoice Accuracy by improving address
correction. - Imagine if a customer told you that they hadnt
gotten a bill, and it was already past due?
18Why does earlier make it better?
- Dispute Information
- Know about Short Pays, How much, and why.
- Allow the work flow to start earlier and resolve
issues more timely. - Create a better customer perspective overall.
- Improve Cash Flow and DSO.
When is the best time to search for info? What is
the Sweet Spot?
19Manual Sweet Spot
Labor Version Sweet Spot In attempting to
manage exceptions and minimize manual labor, this
point of biggest reduction is a normal spot for
labor to look up status. Approximately 42 Days
20Payables Process Efficiency
Prime Point of Data Gathering
21How do they Match Up?
Approximately 27 Day Gain!!
22Carrier PerspectiveUsing Technology to Increase
Productivity and Avoid Costs
23The Situation
- Credit Collections
- Seven collectors handling over 1,500 accounts
using 3rd party freight payment agencies - Over 70 different websites with different logins
and navigation - Manual process to research disputes and transfer
payment information to commercial CC software
24Initial CC Solution
- Started with service provider capturing the data
- Captured data was integrated with our collections
software - Easy to test and implement - Minimal IT resources
- Most of the major freight payment companies
available to turn on - Cost effective No integration fees
- Early notification of payment disputes and PTPs
- Automated internal workflow to resolve dispute
25Customer Service Situation
- Needed to update/monitor managed account
websites - Faced similar issues to CC
- Websites with different logins
- Different sets of navigation
- Varying data and timing requirements
- Constant awareness of shipment status so that
information could be updated timely - Process manual, convoluted, and untimely
26 CS Needed a Different Solution
- No service provider solutions captured data from
the CS websites we needed to access - Purchased software solution to build robots
- Automates navigation and updating of customer
sites - Robots created by non-developers who understand
database structure - Average of four hours effort per customer site
- Can schedule robots to run as needed to meet
timing requirements
27Current Status Cost Savings
- Started in Credit Collections area due to
available resource to build robots. - 39 processes built out of 70 available
- 80 of freight payment invoices
- Approximately 75,000 labor savings per year
(both solutions) - Customer Service
- 3 processes built with several in queue
- Approximately 190,000 labor savings per year for
these 3 accounts alone.
28Overall Benefits
- Credit Collections (both solutions)
- Improved productivity by reducing website
inquiries - Shortened time for resolving rejects or disputes
due to earlier notification - Streamlined processes by routing rejects to the
appropriate resolvers - Allows for better analysis of payment patterns
and disputes - Ability to establish robots to capture data for
large customers not using freight payment
29Overall Benefits
- Customer Service
- Reduced labor by automating managed accounts
processes - Reduced complexity by streamlining processes
- Reduced errors and improved timeliness of updates
through customization - Potential to increase revenue by taking on more
managed accounts without adding staff
30Other Uses
- Completed
- Credit Collections Software Upgrade
- State Tax Forms
- Rate Web Probe
- Future
- Canadian Customs Form
- ECM (TruckLoad) Customer Service
31Carrier PerspectiveWeb Scraping
32Credit Collections
- Company has 178 customers utilizing 23 different
3rd party payers with websites - Approximately 25,000 invoices statused per week
33Process Before Web Scraping
- Each A/R Analyst visits 3rd party payer's website
and obtains invoice status information - Each A/R Analyst usually has various customers
utilizing 3rd party payers CASS, Data2
Sterling etc. - A/R Analyst downloads/manually captures invoice
status and updates Customer Aging (Excel
spreadsheet) from each individual website - If a customer begins using or changes 3rd party
payers, A/R Analyst has to train on website to
know how to capture invoice status
34Inefficiencies/Break Downs before Web Scraping
- Time consumed visiting separate websites by each
A/R Analyst - Administration of website spread across A/R
Analyst population access/passwords training - Lack of Standardization on what and how
information is obtained retained/tracked - In one word
36A/R Analyst
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37Process With Web Scraping (1)
- A single, assigned individual generates web
scraping results - We web scrape once a week on occasion will web
scrape an individual batch if more immediate
update needed - The larger 3rd Party Payers are accessible, and
more are added on an ongoing basis
38Process With Web Scraping (2)
- Steps involved
- Generate our open invoice report for all
customers per payer - Add Paying Agent Import ID
- Upload report to the Web-Scraping website
- Click the "start" link once the file is imported.
39Process With Web Scraping (3)
- Steps involved (continued)
- Wait for processing to complete
- Can take 4 hours for the largest accounts or
slowest websites - During processing visibility to UTP items
meaning there is a connection error with that
3PL. It could be expired username/password or the
site could just be down. - After processing, there is a download link for an
Excel file we use to provide A/R Analysts their
invoice status (via V-Lookup by invoice )
40Data Capture
Open Invoice Data
Note Today Analysts V-lookup from excel to
update invoice status on master agings. In
development feed of web scrape results directly
to Collection Software
A/R Analyst
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41Benefits of Web Scraping
- Significantly reduces the amount of time an A/R
Analyst spends statusing invoices/updating agings - More efficient detection of issues or disputes
(i.e. rejects, missing invoices etc.) before
invoices due - A/R Analysts more effectively utilize PTP
- Provides more ability to analyze/report on common
rejects by customer - Results retained for a historical record/analysis
of billing/collection issues and/or trends with
specific customers and/or 3rd Party Payers.
43Thanks for Your Time
Bruce Olsen Kapow Software Bruce.Olsen_at_KapowSoftwa
Jeff Jones Gallium Technologies jjones_at_ar-360.com
Cindy Douglass Swift Transportation cindy_douglass
- Diana Early
- DEarly_at_pittohio.com