Chapter: Integration of Manufacturing System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter: Integration of Manufacturing System


Title: Chapter 13. PROCESS PLANNING Author: T.C. Chang Last modified by: Prof Dr YA Created Date: 8/24/1995 11:13:58 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter: Integration of Manufacturing System

Chapter Integration of Manufacturing System
  • Communication
  • Material System Handling
  • Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

  • Data communication is done by transmitting logic
    0 and logic 1 signals in the form of high and low
    voltages thru wires between 2 interconnecting
  • Typical computing devices in following 2 modes
  • Parallel transmission
  • Serial transmission
  • Parallel transmission involves large numbers of ,
    high rate of data flow
  • Serial transmission involves single wire that
    sends data from one terminal to the other

Communication Method
  • Generally the length of the cable connecting the
    two devices is limited owing to the loss of data
    and the possibility of noise
  • When data needs to be transferred for long
    distance, signal will be converted to suitable
    form so that common telephone line could be used
    for transmission
  • Modem to be used (modulator demodulator)
  • At transmitting end, Modems converts digital data
    into analog oscillation of 2 distinct
  • At the receiving end, the modem demodulates and
    converts to digital signal

Direct Numerical Method (DNC)
  • DNC is the method used at shop floor to connect a
    number of CNC machine tools together and
    controlled by a PC
  • MCU for each CNC machine tool is under control of
    DNC computer
  • Individual machine tool is controlled by MCU
  • Typical function are as follows
  • Communication
  • Part program storage
  • Ancillary function

Direct Numerical Method (DNC) - Communication
  • Sending part programs to the CNC machine tool as
    and when required
  • Receiving the part programs from CNC machine tool
    after it has been edited (Part Program Uploading)
  • Provide a remote control buffer. Part program
    memory size is limited to Imeg. For big size,
    have to split part program
  • The tools offset of the tools to be used in the
    current program can be downloaded into the MCU.
    Avoid data entry.
  • The CNC machine tool can be operated directly
    from the DNC computer, again operator need not go
    to the MCU
  • To bring CNC machine tools to its datum position

Direct Numerical Method (DNC) Part Program
  • It can store all the part program meant for all
    CNC machine tools
  • It is possible to input , edit copy and delete
    programs at the DNC computer
  • Editing function can be provided based on blocks
    rather than the paragraph (line feed) as used in
    conventional method
  • Removal and renumbering of block numbers can be
    done easily
  • Syntax checking
  • Calculation facility estimate machining time

Direct Numerical Method (DNC) Ancillary
  • Integrating the CAD/CAM system or the part
    programming system for the purpose of direct
    transfer of the part programs into the disk
    storage of the DNC computer
  • Possibility of integrating with the shop floor
    control system for proper integration purpose
  • Getting data from MCU, information about status
    of machine in the form of diagnostic message, to
    be used for predictive/preventive maintenance
  • Getting data from MCU, information about parts
    that are competed in terms part number, quantity
    and etc.

Direct Numerical Method (DNC) Advantages
  • DNC helps in elimination of the local input
    device such as the tape reader. Avoid entry error
    of free part program
  • Large storage capacity of the DNC makes it
    possible to store several part programs
  • If the same job to be made on different machine
    tools, separate part program entry into
    individual controller are eliminated.
  • DNC software helps in managing the part programs
    in a better and easier way
  • Because management function of the software, shop
    floor machine, inventories of tool can be handled
    much better
  • DNC provides staring point for factory
    integration leading towards CIM

Material System Handling
  • AGV is a vehicle equipped with automatic guidance
    equipment, either electromagnetic or optical.
    Such a vehicle is capable of following
    pre-described guide paths and may be equipped for
    vehicle programming and stop selection, blocking
    and any other functions required by the system
  • Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) is programmable
    mobile vehicle without human intervention
  • Main AGV parts are
  • Structure
  • Drive system
  • Steering mechanism
  • Power source, battery
  • Onboard computer for control

AGVS Type and Guidance
  • Type
  • AGVS Towing vehicles
  • AGVS Unit load vehicles
  • AGVS Pallet truck
  • AGVS Fork truck
  • Light load vehicles
  • AGVS Assembly line vehicles
  • Adoption of light load vehicles for serial
    assembly process
  • Guidance
  • Wire Guided
  • antenna senses and follow an energized wire on
    the floor
  • Infrared
  • Infrared transmitted and reflected in the roof of
    facility. Detector relay signal to computer to
    determine position
  • Laser
  • Laser scan wall mounted and barcoded. AGV can be
    accurately maneuvered

  • Computer Aided Manufacturers International
    describes robot as a device that performs
    functions ordinarily ascribed to human function,
    operates with that appears to be almost human
  • ISO describes robot as An automatically
    controlled, reprogramable, multipurpose,
    manipulative machine with several reprogrammable
    axes, which is either fixed in a place or mobile
    for use in industrial automation application
  • Success stories of robot application
  • Robot performs 98 of the spot welding on Fords
  • Robot drills 550 holes in the vertical tail fins
    of F16 fighter in 3 hours

Robot Application
  • Hazardous or uncomfortable working conditions eg
    in heated, radiated or toxic environment
  • Difficult handling workpiece complex or heavy,
    robot perform the job better
  • Multi shift operation increasing production and
    reducing costs, robot can work simultaneously

Robot Case Study
  • A firm has a manual spray line employing 8
    skilled human spray painter. Manual system
    produces 90 units per hour with an operation of 6
    hours per shift. The two hours of lost production
    takes care of breaks, line servicing, maintenance
    and clean-up. The total costs of each human spray
    painter, including salary, benefits and overhead
    is RM80 per hour. Additional maintenance costs of
    the manual system amounts to RM5,000 per month. A
    replacement robotic spray line costs RM5M
    consisting of 10 robots with an production rate
    of 150 units per hour and works full 8 hours per
    shift. Robotic spray line costs the firm a total
    RM1.5M towards the depreciation, amortizing the
    capital investment and salvage value. The robot
    will cause RM150/hr of system operation which
    include the service repair and supervision.
    Compare the two systems costs.

Robot Case Study
  • Manual system costs of 8 painters
  • 8PplRM80/hr8hr/shift RM853.33hr
  • 6hr/shift
  • Maintenance costs (assume 50wk/yr, 5days/wk
  • RM5,000/mth12mth RM40
  • 50wk/yr5days/wk6hr/shift
  • Hourly prod. costs 853.33 40 RM893.33/hr
  • Costs/unit (90unit/hr) RM893.33/hr / 90units/hr
  • Robotic system costs 10 robots (assuming 2000
    annual hours)
  • RM1.5M/2000hrs RM750
  • Maintenance costs RM150/hr
  • Hourly prod. costs RM750 RM150 RM900/hr
  • Costs/unit (150unit/hr) RM900/hr / 150unit/hr
    RM6/unit (exp.)
  • Operates 2 shifts/day RM1.5M/4000 RM375/hr
  • Hourly prod. costs RM375 RM150 RM525/hr
  • Costs/unit RM525/hr / 150unit/hr RM3.5/unit

Robot Case Study
  • Question Boards of director allows only RM2.5M.
    (5 robots, 70units/hrs. RM0.6M depreciation).
  • Calculate costs of running machine against manual
    system and make your costs saving
    reports/recommendation to the Board of Director.
    Include your suggestion to run on additional

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
  • A series of automatic machine tools or items of
    fabrication equipment linked together with an
    automatic material handling system. A common
    hierarchical digital pre-programmed computer
    control, and provision for random fabrication of
    parts or assembly that fall within pre-
    determined families
  • A FMS is a group of NC machine tools that can
    randomly process a group of parts, having
    automated material handling and central computer
    control to balance resource utilization so that
    the system can adopt automatically to changes in
    part production, mixes and level of output
  • FMS is a randomly loaded automated system based
    on a group technology manufacturing linking
    integrated computer control and a group of
    machine to automatically produce and handle for
    continuous serial processing

FMS Automation Benefits
  • Automation Machine Utilization
  • Basic CNC (Manual) 40
  • Basic CNC (Automated) 60
  • Complete machine automation 75
  • Integration of group no. 3 above 80
  • Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) 90

FMS Automation Benefits (cont.)
  • FMS are regarded as one of the most efficient
    methods to employ in reducing or eliminating
    problem in industries
  • FMS bring flexibility and responsiveness to the
    manufacturing floor
  • FMS enable manufacturers to machine a wide
    variety of work-pieces on few machine with low
    staffing levels, productively, reliably and
  • FMS can handle a wide variety of different parts,
    producing them one at a time in random order
  • Machine tools in many manufacturing industries
    are woefully under utilized due to equipment not
    being used on second and third shifts, a
    decreasing availability of skilled personnel and
    day-to-day disturbances
  • FMS shortens the manufacturing process through
    improved operational control, round the clock
    availability of automated equipment, increase
    machine utilization and responsiveness, and
    reduction of human intervention

FMS Automation Benefits
  • Better competitive advantage
  • Lower work in process inventories
  • Reduced throughput time and its variability
  • Improved manufacturing control
  • Improved quality and reduced scrap rate
  • Reduction of floor space used
  • Better status monitor of machine, tools and
    material handling device
  • Improves the short run response time to the
    problems on shop floor such as demand variation,
    design and process change, machine unavailability
    (automatically transfer to next machine), cutting
    tool failure can be detected by sensor
  • Improve the long term cost-effectiveness by
    supporting changing product volume, allowing
    different part mixers, allowing new part to be

FMS Equipment
  • Workstation
  • CNC Machine tools
  • Assembly equipment
  • Measuring equipment
  • Washing station
  • Material Handling Equipment
  • Load unload stations
  • Robotics
  • AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle)
  • Tool systems
  • Tool setting stations
  • Tool transport systems
  • Control system
  • Monitoring equipment
  • Networks

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
  • CIM is the integrations of the total
    manufacturing enterprise through the use of
    integrated systems and data communication coupled
    with new managerial philosophies that improve
    organizational and personal efficiency

CIM- History
  • Dream period 1950 1970
  • Nightmare period 1970 1980
  • Realism period 1980 -
  • During 1050-1970, many scenarios were proposed,
    however could not materialized
  • During 1970-1980, since technologies were
    developing at a faster rate but not enough to to
    provide full capability of CIM at reasonable
  • CIM was realized in 1980 due to the development
    of following
  • Machine
  • Computers
  • Control system
  • interfaces

CIM- Implementation
  • CIM requires a very clear understanding of the
    total information flow within the system
  • The structure include all component, system cell,
    workstation and equipment level
  • Generally consists of all computer controlled and
    automatic equipment with no manual intervention
  • Use of Flexible Manufacturing System greatly
    enhances CIM
  • Analysis such as FEA, flow analysis and
    kinematics are used in order to optimize the
  • Detailed design here will be used by downstream
    application such as CAPP and CAM
  • Transferring of data is crucial to ensure no
    loss, STEP is used
  • Local Area Network (LAN) used to access design
    and analysis in database
  • Shop floor control (SFC) is used to incorporate
    scheduling, manufacturing, monitoring and

CIM- Benefits
  • CIM improves the operational control through
  • Reduction in the number of uncontrollable
  • Providing tools to recognize and react quickly to
    deviations in the manufacturing plan
  • Reducing dependence on human communication
  • CIM improves the short run responsiveness
    consisting of
  • Engineering changes
  • Processing changes
  • Machine down time
  • Operator unavailability
  • Cutting tool failure
  • Late machine delivery
  • CIM improves the long run accommodations through
    quicker and easier assimilation
  • Changing product volume
  • New product addition and introduction
  • Different part mixes

CIM- Benefits (cont.)
  • CIM reduces the inventory by
  • Reducing lot sizes
  • Improving inventory turnover
  • Providing the planning tool for Just In time
  • CIM increases machine utilization by
  • Eliminating or reducing machine set-up
  • Utilizing automated features to replace manual
    intervention to the extent possible
  • Providing quick transfer devices to keep the
    machine in the cutting cycle

CIM- Lean Manufacturing
  • Pioneered by Toyota, Japan and adopted by many
    manufacturing companies
  • Objectives are to reduce costs, satisfy customers
    and increase profitability
  • Eliminates non-value added activities
  • Process is lean when existing style of
    operations is transformed to entirely different
    which involves process re-engineering, adopting
    new technologies or adding new and different
  • Involve significant changes in human resources
    such as education, training, practices and

CIM- Lean Manufacturing
  • Three steps involves in lean manufacturing
  • Define value in term of specifics products or
    services, with specific capabilities, offered at
    specific process with a specific customer. Based
    on concept that providing wrong goods to
    customers is waste
  • Identify the value streams , which is the set of
    all actions required to bring a specific product
    or services through the critical management tasks
    of any business. The management tasks are problem
    solving, information management, and physical
    transformation (converting raw material to
    finished product
  • Make the value creating steps following the flow
    technology. Conventional thinking and
    manufacturing practices are based to a great
    extent on batch or department concept.
  • Batch means a long wait
  • Waste in the form of buffer or WIP
  • Very large volume manufacturing will benefit
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